How can americans stand driving 4-6 hours at a time?

that sounds unbelievably fucking miserable, long and tedious. literal torture

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You don't need to drive that long for regular stuff, only for long trips, and then it's part of the fun.

Our roads aren't shit. Also to each his own. A manchild might think 4 hours is a long time in a car, but most people think 4 hours at a computer is an absurd waste of time.

Cozy if you are with the right people, going home somewhere fun or a nice route. I live in Australia though so the next big city is usually 8+ hours drive away so people just fly, most big car trips are only 2-4 hours.

My dad sometimes drive +14 hours without sleep

I drive about 11 hours straight every few months, and it's as hellish as you think it is, the only good thing about it is the relative peace and quiet. Putting on a neat audio book is sometimes fun to do too

>can't sit in a car for 4 hours
sorry you eurofags have such small attention spans and even smaller countries

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Both are a waste of time

It's horrible that podcasts and audiobooks don't exist.

I drive down to my parents in the South of the UK once or twice a year and I like it. It's about a 6 hour drive. Listen to audiobooks and enjoy the solitude.

I dislike driving normally, long journeys are the only ones I do like.

oh please, tell me how to spend my time "productively"

I drove from Orange county to San Francisco and that took me 15 1/2 hours somehow. It was during the summer and it was 110 degrees the entire drive with no working ac. That killed my spirit of driving more than an hour

>A manchild might think 4 hours is a long time in a car, but most people think 4 hours at a computer is an absurd waste of time.
you are a nigger brained retard
how can driving for hours possibly be better than literally anything you can do on a computer
have you ever actually driven for an extended period of time?
fuck you nigger

Depends on where you are. Music paired with the right setting can make driving a joy.

>Our roads aren't shit

Lol, the ASCE gave US roads a D on their infrastructure report card. Don't get me wrong, I understand that a lot of shittier roads are in inner city and rural areas, but I've also driven on some embarrassingly broken interstates and toll roads. Our interstate system was built so fucking well in the first place that a lot of the roads are still in great condition, but we're not investing enough in infrastructure and these roads aren't going to stay this nice forever without action.

is right though. I play Melee and I've had a lot of fun driving to tournaments with my friends. Weed definitely helps

Trump wants to invest $2 trillion in our infrastructure.

He also wants to fuck his daughter lol

he can't even build a fence in 3 years and you want him to build important shit?

this, driving, especially at night can be super comfy. i like to put some spacey albums on and pretend im in a spaceship driving across the solar system.
sounds cringy but i swear it isnt, its more just accepting my fate of being bound to this planet

I commute 1 hour to work and 1 hour home via subway every single day. A fucking car would be a luxury.

most of the time
>beautiful scenery
>new place never been to
>do it with people you actually enjoy being in the car with
combine that with music and its not hard.
My mother and I did a cross country trip seeing most of the states in a little over a month, a lot of day were 12 hours driving but it almost never felt tedious or difficult (except south dakota, good god)

also I don't think most people are in a car for 4-6 hours at a time besides trips and such, my commute is an hour each way for instance

You mean like on a trip?
Most people don't drive that long daily unless it's their job to drive.

if your like the vast majority of us, you won't ever need to drive that long to complete your functions of daily living here. I've only gone on a drive longer than an hour twice in the past 4 years, and that was for vacation.

and then the drive can be part of the fun. the us is geographically diverse. I'm used to seeing the plains and woodlands of the midwest, and when i went down south the mountains, hills, and red clay felt foreign to me. The us is not only big geographically but culturally. If your with friends, good conversation, good tunes, good podcasts, and plenty of coffee along the way it can be a great time.

I lived in st louis where any major city is at least 4 hours away. 4 hour trip is over pretty quick. After about 9 is where it starts to be too much. I've been to most of the states by car and my record is 15 and a half solo.

The wall is a highly politicized issue that only a minority of people in the country support. It used to be a majority before Trump tainted the issue with his toxic persona ironically. Everyone likes his proposed infrastructure investment. I want the bill to be sent to Trump's desk and I want him to sign it then let people who are actually competent get to work. I actually think Trump has been smart about this. He campaigned on only $1 trillion, now he's insisting it be $2 trillion so the smarmy rightist budget hawks will only talk it down to $1.5 or his original $1 trillion. Total conman slumlord move.

I actually agree with the Euros on this, letting the railroads die was a mistake.
Also we only have interstates and highways because Eisenhower saw how difficult it was to travel the country and built them during the 50's so major cities could be evacuated in the event of a nuclear war, with the dual purpose of being able to mobilize the military in the event of an invasion. But, seeing how they clog up every time a hurricane warning goes out, that would go about as well as MacArthur crossing the 38th parallel. A more comprehensive railroad system would have solved the problem better. As for the military, we simply aren't going to be invaded, at least not by any major (nuclear) power. Nuclear warfare negates the need to invade with armies now, the plan is to nuke the shit out of the other guy and then invade once his armies and most of his people are literally dust. And non-nuclear powers don't fuck with a nuclear one on their own turf, at least not militarily, instead they send civilians to soak up welfare checks and mail them home.
Overall, highways were a mistake. They're more dangerous and slower than a train system, which doesn't need to worry about several mile long traffic jams or which exit out of 10 to take, or worrying about falling asleep at the wheel and dying.
If there was a presidential candidate that promised to rebuild the railroads and make country-wide travel great again, he'd have my vote. But instead we focus on which rights we want to lose and how we want to replace our population. I hate this fucking place.

because America has some truly epic scenery

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>tard who can't drive and lives in america
>everything is miles away

NYC and boston are the only places where you can get away with not being able to drive. I'd rather live in a shitty village that has everything within a couple miles then a suburb where you have to drive everywhere

You don't even need Brights to travel cross-country. That's a myth. There are however canyons without railing and things, I've seen people run off many times.

3+3hr day trips are easy, but if I had to do it often I'd invest in a radar detector/anti-laser
the problem is the next worth while trip from where I live is 11hrs one way except for national parks

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ha you're such a fag dude
love ya buddy

St Louis is a major city