
>football shoulders

why cant i just bee cute

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you have a chad height what more do you want?

i wish to be girly!

i think you're plenty cute user

well then just hope reincarnation is real then just kill yourself and if you get lucky youll be born as a female human.

lanklets disgust me
you have so much genetic potential that I don't have, but you squander it, discard it with sloth...why?


but what if im not cute when im reborn

>but what if im not cute when im reborn
just do it again

my fear is that id be reborn and it would take another 20 years to realize i want to be cute. I dont know if i can do this for another cycle

>Shoulders so broad a soldier once told me "If you joined the military you'd get a cushy embassy adornment job in a year and never have to work a day of your life with those shoulders"

I just wanna look like cute visual kei boy

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>I dont know if i can do this for another cycle
well i mean youll have to though, theres no real way out. besides youll die someday anyways and youll just have to start again then. but if you killed yourself now youd still be closer.

>broad back

Hell yeah, time to give love to some women

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>disgusting twink body

>narrow shoulders
>wide hips
How the FUCK am I supposed to compete with Chad?

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You're supposed to compete FOR Chad.

I feel sorry for anyone 6+ imagine looking like a retard

Being 5'9 is main character height. Anything above and characters become brutish retards with a close minded view of the world. Poor heighlets, are they even human?

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Can I come claim your boipussy?

You're never ever going to be cute as a 6'4 man with broad shoulders, it's actually impossible.
With reincarnation, you have a higher than 0% chance to be cute, as opposed to your current 0% chance to be cute.

if you're not gay i feel sorry for you

Fucking same and the worst thing is I hate football. I also have big feet I am hairy as fuck with large stocky legs. Built like a fucking lumber jack but all I want is a cute girly body so I can wear cute clothes and what not. Its not even a sex thing a girly male body is just as good I JUST WANT TO BE CUTE DAMMIT! I don't even need to be cute all the time just on weekends Ill dress up JUST TWO FUCKING DAYS A WEEK MAN THATS ALL!

I guess ill just go join the 43% in Gensokyou

this is what anime does you to
remember anons
stay away
from anime

what does anime have to do with being cute

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it's no coincidence that people that want these things all watch anime user, it warps lonely robot minds. They see all the cute characters living fun exciting lives and they envy it, and they end up wanting to be cute like them
all you anons know you would not want this if you didn't watch anime, you must repent immediately

Just imagine if we were completely wrong about reincarnation and the way it actually works is that we just relive this one life over and over again always in the same body always at the same time until we find a way to ascend to something greater or reach our final destiny.
Maybe rerolls doesnt exist and you should try to be the best possible version of your current self.

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Everyone wants what they don't got, just flaunt your chad height and build, and be lucky your not me. 5 feet 11 inches, too short to be manly, too tall to be boyish.

dont even try to reason with them. they know exactly what they're doing.

moe anime trash = makes you gay.

id still pin you down and bust a nut in your bussy like the faggot you are

you could if you werent an anime loser.

Because you're a man, you retard faggot


guys can be cute too

Shut up fag.

>wide hips

I just want to be Chad, lads, it's not fair.

i'm not girly but i'm short, wanna trade homie

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i would desu


We always want what we don't have.

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