Why do people support the mental illness that is trannies instead of trying to treat them from their mental disease?

Why do people support the mental illness that is trannies instead of trying to treat them from their mental disease?
or better yet just execute every single tranny

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Other urls found in this thread:


People do support treating their mental illness. Medical consensus widely accepts transitioning as an effective treatment to alleviate gender dysphoria. Facts don't care about your fee fees.

t. person with medical degree

Really, what area of medicine do you specialize in? I'm going to guess it's not psychiatry, and definitely not transgender health.

>I don't agree with it. Therefore it's a mental illness.
I'd take another look at that if I were you.

>gender dysphoria
may be a real thing but dressing up like a girl and demanding attention is a mental illness. If someone crawled around barking at mail men, pissing on post insisting they are a dog and everyone must refer to them as a dog and treat them as such no one would argue they weren't crazy.

Come on, now. The suicide rate among people who have transitioned is sky high. It's not effective. It's twisted and harmful. Irreversible mutilation is not treatment.

Immunology, specifically the development of new antibodies for targeted cancer therapy through immunotherapy
Also gender dysphoria is still categorized as a mental illness
Under Obama the center for medicare did a study to determine its effectivness and they decided that there was no proven benefit to the surgery
Long term studies in sweden have shown that the post-surgical suicide rate is increased for patients
And most telling to me is that "gender dysphoria" heavily coincides with either psychosis
or being a literal fucking brainlet

Because there are much serious mental illnesses that have been around for centuries and if it were so easy to cure them by JUST administering antipsychotics then there wouldn't be all those people still suffering from mental illnesses while being on antipsychotics.

Antipsychotics merely stop the symptoms because they block the shit out of your body systems. They basically turn you into a plant. So you shouldn't be so optimistic about what scientists find in patients on antipsychotic treatment. It's like saying that lobotomy cures the gay. Kills maybe, cures no.

Antipsychotics is suicide and mutilation. Just slower. It's like chemotherapy for your soul.

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>Trannies are mentally ill
>This is even acknowledged by the studies
>Instead of treating the illness they talk about "Helping them transition while dealing with the psychosis"
This is a fucking clownworld, ignoring obvious relationships like this because you don't like the implications

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>Antipsychotics is suicide and mutilation
Gender reassignment surgery is literal mutilation.

>muh suicide rate
>muh dinndu nuffin
>muh feeluns hurt
Jesus Christ, so much victim blaming in less than 2 minutes. I really think you're the one who needs help.

you know, the honk has a cool message. but why does it have to be conveyed so gayly. bad meme

>Victim blaming
>All transfags are automatically victims
Healthy mindset you have there.

Because everyone hates trannies. Think about it, you give them attention and get them to transition because it is ok, so they will eventually kill themselves and fuck off from the gene pool. Pushing it and spreading tranny support is just to root out all the mentally ill people and getting them to yeet out of society and the gene pool eventually.

It is a tranny holocaust, but instead of gas chambers and doing all the work or it happening instantly, we just tell people it's ok to chop of your willy and be mentally ill so everyone unfit for life and society will just make themselves miserable and finally kill themselves. Instead of screening them out and looking for them, they come out themselves and do that for us, lining up neatly to chop of their dicks and begin their slow removal from society, by their own hands even.

Pull the trigger already tranny

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>Weeding themselves out of the gene pool

Can any one of you people think being transgender is a mental illness give me one reason why you think it is?

If the person is able to manage their gender dysphoria by living as the gender they want to be, what is the social harm of letting them do that?

I mean I know you're retarded and all, but could you at least realize that people who have killed themselves won't make any babies? Dead men don't breed.

Encouraging other impressionable people to claim dysphoria and seeking GRS for an otherwise treatable condition

Because it goes away when treated with antipsychotics
Because it always shows up with patients who are either psychotic or autistic as well
Because it leads to increased suicides and causes immense pain and suffering for the patient
That's like arguing people who are schizoid and here voices in their head should just go home because as long as they're non-violent they can just live on as normal.

Because everyone likes dealing with people like these


>People who are dead don't procreate
>Literally everyone who has ever bred has died afterwards

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Exactly. It's called being realistic

>Being to much of a brainlet to follow a simple timeline

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But you see, your answers assume that for some reason it's preferable for people to live in conformance with gender norms. Why is that inherently better? Because people around them think it is?

Trans people kill themselves whether or not they transition. If it helps some of them to feel better, which it clearly does in a lot of cases, does that not count for anything? When was the last time you talked to a trans person about these issues? Or would you just dismiss anything they had to say about the matter because they are crazy so obviously they don't know what's good for them?

Video of le crazy SJW person yeah real top level argument there buddy

>Be tranny
>chop off dick
>love getting pounded and taking in sperm
>Instead of putting your own sperm inside a woman and creating a baby
>hit the wall and look like drag grandma-pa at the age of 30
Yes look at how he passed his genes along, his magical boypucci received sperm and shits out a baby even after his death

Found the le crazy SJW person

It's a quote from the Bible that got hijacked and taken too literally by fundamentalists. Now used as a scapegoat for our social problems.

>thou shalt not lie with mankind

>Or would you just dismiss anything they had to say about the matter because they are crazy so obviously they don't know what's good for them?

Yes, because they are psychotic
I don't listen to the claims that the patients in the closed station make about some crow stealing their testicles.

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Makes me wonder how much we'd give a shit about them if pronouns and honorifics weren't a thing
Especially on the Internet, where if you take away the pronouns meme noone has any legitimate reason to ever bring up their gender

Just ignoring the old linkaroo then, I take it? Many trans people freeze their sperm or eggs, use a surrogate, whatever. It is no longer a barrier.

>Trans people kill themselves whether or not they transition.
The problem here is that thw current view is that reassignment ia not A treatment for dysphoria - it is THE treatment, and you are a fucking bigot for auggesting otherwise, killing any potential research into any other medical / therapeutic solution for feelings of dysphoria.
In other words, tranniea kill themselves wether or not they transition but they are never offered a third option, and society encourages them in not wanting one.

The tranny craze is going to go down in history as one of those dumb shit things that humanity did at some point in time

Like the witch trials for example

As a TERF, thanks. I have a question, though.

user, what do you think of the "lady brain" argument? I've read some studies that show how trannies have some similarities to women in their neurological patterns, there isn't a "male" or "female" brain like a lot of troons suggest. Furthermore, the idea that the brain is the defining organ seems a bit fishy. Of course, I'm not a medicalanon, and would love your input.

I don't know, using your own sperm to impregnate a woman sounds awfully masculine and male to someone trying their hardest to be a woman.

Why would you want to take a drug to suppress your symptoms for the rest of your life instead of just fixing the problem?

This is like telling depressed people to just stick with Zoloft because therapy is useless and they'll never be happy again.

Nah, they're experts when it comes to mental gymnastics. You'd have to be.

Cool, so why are they psychotic? Does not feeling comfortable with the social role that's been given to you since birth make you psychotic? It seems like you take it for granted that because you have always felt comfortable with the various social norms ascribed to your gender that anybody who doesn't fit this for whatever reason is insane.

Less than 100 years ago you would have used the exact same logic to say we shouldn't listen to what gay people have to say about their position in society because they are crazy.

Honestly all the hormonal mess transitioning people are going through makes them awful cunts to be around, not to mention most od the time they are more or less mentally ill, and also horrible cunts to be around. I've never seen or met a trans faggot who would not be a complete fuckwad I want to avoid

And then their kids will either grow up normal or fall for the tranny meme, and kill themselves again. At some point one of the offshoots does not think so far and forgets to freeze the jizz
Or then they keep on existing as a chain on people who procreate and suicide, either way anyone living up to ages 70 and 80 won't have to deal with them so much either way

Except it doesn't fix the problem. The problem is not with the body, but with the brain. The brain is ailing even after the procedures have taken place because it was never addressed to begin with. It's not dissimilar to encouraging anorexia and saying 'well if she just gets thinner the problem will be solved'.

You know, if we went back to beating up faggots and tranny-ism being officially scorned upon, all these weak willed people transitioning in the modern day would be too scared to even develop the tranny madness

This works under the presumption that 'living as another gender' is an effective treatment. For a grand majority of these people, nothing looks feminine about them at all. I mean, you do find some rare ones which can pull it off, but they're the outliers. Imagine that you want to be a girl, but what you see in the mirror is your distinct jaw, your receding hairline, your barrel shaped chest and the hair growing thickly on your chest. Wouldn't you be conflicted about that? Imagine waking up to it every day and trying desperately to apply enough makeup to hide it. For some people, it's attainable to look like a girl, but for the grand majority of transgenders, I don't think it is. They would be more aware of it than anyone else too. They would be eternally conflicted about it or retreat further into self-delusion, lashing out against people who accidentally call them sir.

What I'm trying to say is that it's not a healthy way to deal with these feelings if you chase a goal which cannot be obtained, and I think reassignment surgery is a horrifying, disgusting procedure which would just further compound the above. Imagine you had all of the above to deal with and then you add in having an open, gaping wound where your genitals used to be. One which you have to forcefully keep open and might end up not looking anything like a vagina if your surgeon botched up the job.

I don't hate trannies or think they're subhumans, I think they're victims and have been seriously misguided by unscrupulous people.

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>Trannywannys get backed the fuck out by facts instead of automatic pity
>They disappear faster than a speeding walrus
Like pottery

They are psychotic because as I stated multiple times these feelings of gender dysphoria pretty much always coincide with other symptoms of psychosis or autism and because these feelings go away when treated with anti-psychotic medication.
There are plenty of other illnesses whos underlying effects aren't known but which we can treat because we know that the medication works, despite not knowing why.
I don't know, Neurology is a completly different field and it's still in its infancy when it comes to topics like this.

>side effects of antipsychotics
>Weight gain (the risk is higher with some atypical antipsychotic medicines)
>Dry mouth
>Blurred vision
>Low blood pressure
>Uncontrollable movements, such as tics and tremors (the risk is higher with typical antipsychotic medicines)
>A low number of white blood cells, which fight infections
>Typical antipsychotic medications can also cause additional side effects related to physical movement, such as:
>Persistent muscle spasms
>Antipsychotics may cause other side effects that are not included in this list above. To report any serious adverse effects associated with the use of these medicines, please contact the FDA SuicideWatch program
Normie poltards itt: let's just put people on antipsychotics for wanting to be cute or because they might scream at me sometime in the undefined future

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There are studies demonstrating that brain plasticity goes on throughout your life. Something as simple as taking up a regular meditation regime will reshape your neural pathways. Thus it is theorized that trannies aren't trannies because they have female brains: their brains become more feminine as a consequence of living like women.

I think you are mixing up Medical consensus with Media consensus there.

Could be true, could be false
Like I said, I work in immunology, I am not qualified enough to answer on questions regarding neural plasticity
I am not a psychiatrist, but I did read the literature when it came to psychosis

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Someone post the picture of a transitioned guy lamenting his life where he has to drain his "pussy" everyday from puss in order to live another day

Fuck it, dumping the folder.

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Here most originally telling the robot off

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fuck the robit it can die

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>normies are so cruel to us robots
>lol kill and sedate trans people
Why are robots so violent and hateful?

Blah blah blah try and stop me

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Well, broken clocks are right twice a day.

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Too low in content my ass fuck the machine

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I got me some nine ol' tripperinos

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The robot cannot hold me back it will not

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what this guy said. the picture mentions it stops crossdressing and all that stuff but it doesn't mention the fact that the person is barely functional at this point. Obviously it's not that simple and for some people antipsychotics are the least bad outcome

Blah blah blah i just wanna post freely let me in

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I just wanna post my stuff please robotnlet me

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why do people keep making threads about trannies if you supposedly hate them so much?

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Just let me post pretty please

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Fair enough, medication is not for everyone, but that works both ways. Transition often required costly surgery and complicating hormones which are not available to all people.

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Ultimately not everyone can transition, so either everyone who wishes to be a woman is one because they feel like it (which is insane) or being a woman is a matter of wealth, race, time period, nation, and able bodiedness. Not very politically correct.

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Side effects of hrt, straight from Wikipedia:

>Upset stomach, stomach cramps or bloating
>Appetite and weight changes
>Changes in sex drive or performance
>Brown or black patches on the skin
>Swelling of hands, feet, or lower legs due to fluid retention
>Changes in menstrual flow
>Breast tenderness, enlargement, or discharge
>Sudden difficulty wearing contact lenses
>Double vision
>Severe abdominal pain
>Yellowing of skin or eyes
>Severe depression
>Unusual bleeding
>Loss of appetite
>Skin rash
>Dark-colored urine
>Light colored stool


Video time.

Don't forget cancer.

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holy shit this post is underrated as fuck and a super astute observation

>Dad, what was the tranny craze?
>Well basically son a bunch of people decided that cutting of their genitals would make them feel better about themselves
>Also the doctors they talked to decided that they were psychotic
>So they were put on meds?
>Nah, we cut their dicks off and pumped them full of hormones

It's also a good comparison because in both the witch trials and the tranny craze the primary victims of crazy men are women.

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tfw no butterfly gf

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Oh boy noy bky ottkdjjd

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Friendly reminder that maybe just maybe youre a bad person sweetie

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It's a woman penis, so shut up.

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Something something fuck off bot boy

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>Delusional trannies thinking a one year old child has any concept of gender identity


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I know it's over
Still i cling
I dont know where else i can go

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What's funny too is that she accepts he's transgendered but still says "he".

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Sheila take a
Sheila take a bow
Kick the grime of this world in the crotch, dear

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And dont go home tonight
Go out and find the one that you love
And who loves you

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I travelled north
I got confused
I killed a horse
I cant help the way i feel

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I know its over
And it never really began
But in my my heart
It was so real

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If you like you can marry me
And if you like you can buy the ring

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We need to distinguish western attention whoring, gender bending identity terrorist from the real thing. Go to the Trans capitol of the world, Thailand, and no one pays any attention to them. They want to do this no body cares so there is no incentive for them to act out or try to force you to believe up is down or black is white. Other than the trans whores they blend in. Speaking of the trans whores, on the street away from the sex tourist areas, you can spot them. They wear the short skirts with their ass hanging out and high heels and reveling blouses because no respectable Thai woman does.

Please please please
Let me
Get who i want this time

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Caligula would have blushed

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You can pin and mount me
Like a butterfly
Reel around the fountain

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You are a flatulent pain in the ass

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You've been in the house too long she said

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And I naturally fled

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You have never been in love
Till you seen the sun thrown
Over smashed
Human bone

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>HIV status

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how can you stay with a fat girl who'll say

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All the people i like are those that are dead

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>its not a fetish
>agp is just a meme

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Somwtgingsjsisnbs d i cagmnt

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I'm getting sleepy, might post more later

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ok real talk the rest of these have been really good and even enraging but I would totally fuck this person.