Men have done a terrible job at ruling historically, countless wars, mass poverty etc...

Men have done a terrible job at ruling historically, countless wars, mass poverty etc. Should we let women take charge and rule for a change and see what happens? I bet women will be more compassionate and wars, poverty etc will pretty much be a thing of the past if we let them rule

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Try working in an environment of mainly women. It is like the kardashians.
Everything would fall apart.

>It is like the kardashians
It's upsetting that you think this phrase means anything to anyone

Yeah, when was the last time you saw a female DICKtator? Well you haven't.

Women make up over 50% of the worlds population and grossly under represented and know from experience the only docile man is one with no balls. The west is well on its way but a lot of work yet to be done in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. We're coming for those balls too and then the world will be nirvana.

War happened with higher frequency under female monarchs than Male ones.

Name one thing off the top of your head that females have invented.

Women are insanely power hungry. They will only do things that massively benefit themselves. More so than men will

Source to this claim user?

The same things that lead men in positions of power to commit atrocities also grows in the hearts of women.

Ever heard of Marie Curie and Katie Bouman?

Fire and the wheel but men beat womens mouth shut and took the ideas

Men only do these things because women encourage them to. Women already effectively rule because they control the sort of person who gets into power.

Nope, women are way less power hungry than men

Source for than information, compadre?

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What makes you think that they would not do the same to us? If given the chance, they would induce the exact same amount of pain, regardless of your claims of compassion

>Marie Curie
Basically her husband's lab assistant/sammich slave
>Katie Bouman
Hack graphic designer who was paid to photoshop images of a physics meme that doesn't even actually exist irl

>What makes you think that they would not do the same to us?
Women are kinder, just look at the jail population for proof of this

Go dilate tranny.

Women can be just as petty and self-serving as men. Power corrupts, gender has nothing to do with it. All you'd really be doing is switching the roles of oppressor and oppressed around. Doesn't really seem progressive to me. Oh, but you don't care about that, do you? You just want to be on top, and you don't care who suffers. Don't lie.

My nigga Grace Hopper.

Also as a woman I don't think I want to be ruled by one. That being said any person no matter the gender that has what it takes to survive in the political world to become supreme leader is probably not morally qualified to hold that position but that's how it is.

Yeah, and women haven't done any kind of job at all. So what?

Men have always fucked off all day with their bros while the women did all the work, the cooking, carrying shit, making shit and fixing shit. Men were out on a circle jerk and a woman said fuck this raw meat and freezing my tits off at night what can I do to remedy this and did. But then would circle jerk around the fire and the women had to tote the firewood and that shit was heavy so they invented the wheel to make it easier.

Ok but you aren't a reliable source. Did you just pull this out of your ass?

>Women can be just as petty and self-serving as men
Maybe but when it comes to murder, worldwide 96% of murders are committed by........MEN

Haha women even suck at murder compared to men

Men often take credit for the things women invent

And you got men invented everything from where? Your ass after you raped and killed the woman that actually did invent something.

Necessity is the mother of invention, women were doing the work and came up with workarounds, its not daydreaming and talking about each others dick and what hole you'll stick it in or fighting because some other guy stuck his dick in a woman you wanted.

Oh, baby I was out hunting all day and tired and got nothing to eat so the next day the woman made a trap instead of chucking a spear.

A man will kill you, but a woman will ruin your life.

They always do. The man sees a woman come up with something that will benefit the whole group and a man shoves her in the dirt, kicks her in the stomach, then mouth and takes the invention, holding it up and saying look what I invented.

Are you stupid? Man kills you so you are DEAD, no life at all.

When has that ever happened? Come on, give us an example.

>My nigga Grace Hopper.
Literally whomst?
>That being said any person no matter the gender that has what it takes to survive in the political world to become supreme leader
Females do not have what it takes to become supreme anythings, besides maybe supreme cocksleeves, I guess. Estrogen is basically fucking poison, in that it makes one weak, stupid, complacent, and submissive. Thus, females, being literal estrogen factories who cease growing emotionally and intellectually between the ages of 13-17 ( and are capable only of developing a stunted, childish parody of male morality ( unironically do not deserve any extralegal political or social rights akin to those traditionally granted to men.

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If women ruled the world

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didnt a man win woman of the year?

literally no use apart from baring children

Not listening to your male fabricated tripe anymore. Your cult is busted and all that shit you wrote down and call it truth needs to be burnt.

That's because other countries attacked the place with a woman ruler and women could only rule in times of conflict lol. It has nothing to do with them being women

Killing someone isn't the worst thing you can do to someone. You're terrified of death, aren't you? You can't imagine anything worse than dying. You're like an infant, crying out because you're scared of the dark.

>Men have always fucked off all day with their bros while the women did all the work, the cooking, carrying shit, making shit and fixing shit

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It was even worse when the women were in charge,desu.

Think it's our only way to save the planet, after the borderline irreversible damage caused by the males.

What's that and how does that prove anything?

Dr Caveman how clever but clever comes from talking shit all day with your bros, not actually doing a damn thing. If women didn't tell you to bathe you wouldn't, or wear a hat on a cold day you wouldn't or eat something good for you you wouldn't or even wipe your own ass. You would not. You're just dumb and mindless but were bigger and faster so you chased us down and beat us quiet.

Something a man made the fuck up and appropriately signed it Caveman but took liberties giving himself the title of Dr.

>making the feminist angry
Reminder that females have done nothing but bear and raise children. Whatever a women can do a man already did

Source supporting this?

If you're bigger and faster how tf did you manage to get beaten down lol. Also study supports that men are more intelligent than women and are also faster, stronter and bigger.

Can't because men write the sources and history

Kek, I love these survival shows. If women didn't have the power of the pussy and if men didn't have empathy for them they would be FUCKED

>men write the sources and history
>every history book filled with "women's history" bullshit

Hmmm, little johnny struggles with reading comprehension.

I hope you're trolling if you're not I'm wasting my time talking to you.

you can try to sound smart all you want, but you still can't tell me what being dead is like

They do and shove it down our throat. I do give men credit for one invention, god and they used the rules they said god said to justify killing any dissenter

Men should stop being betas and enabling women to have power. Men build empires and women destroy them

>You're just dumb and mindless but were bigger and faster so you chased us down and beat us quiet.
Well, you're not wrong in that regard. And you're slower, softer, and weaker, so all you can do about it is take it kek. Truly the world is unfair and the weak should fear the strong, huh?

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why do people act wars aren't needed without wars terrorist groups wouldn't be scared to blow up a monument and start one. War brings peace.

You're trying to say that intelligent wise women are better but because men are physically better they beat them down and stole their ideas right?
This is partly true but also wrong. Yes men having stolen the inventions of women but there are a lot more man made inventions than women made inventons and if those were all stolen something would've popped up.
And no women aren't more intelligent compared to men but, girls are more intelligent then boys up intill they become adults then men are more intelligent.

Go back to bed Lockheed-Martin

Demand for a big dumb ox is waning so your time is short

I'm gonna need a source on that gif user

All the wars in the middle east is the reason for terrorism in the west. News flash if you've gotten bombed and your friends and family has gotten killed by the US, chances are that you're gonna hate that country

In the US "females are expected to account for the majority of college and university students in fall 2018: about 11.2 million females will attend in fall 2018, compared with 8.7 million males".

Colleges intentionally bring in more women because muh diversity

stay blue pilled King cuck

Two survival real TV shows had an all women and an all men island.
On both, the men built a camp, secured water, food and fire and had adventures.
On both, the women just waited to be saved.

My point is that if you think killing you is the worst thing someone could possibly do to you, well... let's just say I hope you never find out first-hand exactly how wrong you are.

Holy shit, can you link the TV show to me. I have to see it

It was on /out/back then.
I googled it and fond that:

You know it's the right one if the black guy can't swim and the neet start pising in bottles.

Half of the populated are women. They have had this whole fucking time to step up a take leadership but why havent they done that yet? We cant just hand it over to them. Fucking dumbass

Thanks user, I'd love more experiments like that

Yeah, men think of all kinds of evil ways to torture

Fuck you for not providing a sauce to that gif

Why not let qt fembois rule instead? :3

Stop making these shitty bait threads

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Torture is great. It is entertain

>sparta was ruled by women

They killed children. Only chads
were brought up. Women took all the money. Lots of gay shit happening.

>China had an empress rule once
Millions of people were executed for no reason. Corruption at a all time high.

No more vikings. Let Muslims enter their country. Lots of rape.

Women are shit rulers.

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Who was the empress user?

>let women take charge and rule for a change and see what happens
They can't even control their mood swings and you want them to control the direction of our fucking civilisation? What?

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ok so? still too aren't going to initiate any form of attack with any country because they can't compare to whatever power that country has.

Women were more like to wage war than men.

Yeah they will pit her on the throne after Jon Snow kills Dany.

>Implying women in power weren't just as if not even more cruel
a hearty kek

Women are too emotional and reactionary to be in positions of power. I don't know if you've noticed, but women hate one another. Ever heard of a cat fight? Now imagine that with nuclear missiles at their disposal.

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That's exactly what leadership needs though. Not walking vegetables that are men.

Oh cool! You made something up.

Leaders can't be making drama all the time dumbass, you literally can't hold grudges and be a good leader

did you even read what you posted? it literally says that it's a working paper and it's not necessarily a causal effect ("Female reigns may have had higher capacity to carry out war since queens often put their spouses in charge of official state matters. This division of labor would then have freed up time and resources for queens to pursue more aggressive war policies."); also, "27 percent increase in wars when a queen was in power" doesn't mean that they waged war, only that the country was at war - this is related: "If a queen were single - which was the case with 13 (out of 28) of those they studied - she was more likely to be attacked compared to the times when a king was in power, perhaps because her country was seen in the outside world as being more vulnerable and thus easier to attack."

thats the thing about rulers - nobody "let" them rule they just took power.

>I bet women will be more compassionate and wars, poverty etc will pretty much be a thing of the past if we let them rule
I sort of wish I could take that bet, simply to watch your utter failure. But I really do not want live in the ruins that would leave, so nope.

>men are indoctrinated into tool making and camping while growing up
>women into cleaning and cooking instead
wow! men are soooo resourceful!

>Men have done a terrible job at ruling historically
We went from stone age bullshit to sending people to space in the 10k or so years where men ruled. Matriarchy was the norm before that, and it fucking sucked.

>. Matriarchy was the norm before that, and it fucking sucked.
Source on that claim user?

Sure, but only if it's Savitri Devi and she comes back from the dead as an immortal goddess emperor to rule all of mankind.

Otherwise, just let whoever rule us, it's gonna be men and women regardless. The informed mind knows the same people are still ruling us all no matter who we elect.

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Actually female monarchs ended up in more wars than male ones. This was because traditionally the queen would handle foreign affairs while the king domestic.

>falling for the "women are unconditionally very compassionate, caring, loving, humble and divine beings even when in positions of power that carry tremendous responsibility and pressure" meme

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>mens place is filled with food, they have an anctual tabl and tools
>womynzone is just a few pots on the dirt
How it feels to be retarded?

Sure, I'd love to worship a female supreme leader