At what age do girls peak, and at what age do they hit the wall?

At what age do girls peak, and at what age do they hit the wall?

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I'd say it depends. Usually they peak at around 25, and things go downhill at around 30-35.

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Peak at 15-20. Hit the wall at 25

White women, around 30. Black women, around 70. Pic related is 60 years old and you can see the wall slowly coming for her.

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>Black women
negresses hit the wall at 0yo

I notice white women start looking like shit at 23. They aren't as sexy and youthful as they were at 18. Most likely because they're addicted to tanning and never wear sunscreen and they dont have melanin which is a natural sun protectant.

At what age to girls start to become sexually desirable?

There is no range. Some people are attractive young. some old. There isn't a number where someone arbatrailiy isn't good looking anymore. Plenty good gilfs. teens. it's possible they didn't look that attractive their whole life.

>peak 14-16
>wall late 20s/early 30s

Peak: 13-14
Wall: late 20s

Peak of white women: 20
Wall for white women 30-35
Wall for other races: 0

latina women age worse then everyone including white women. Asian women age the best.

Women hit their peak at like 15.
Men hit their's at like 50.


Tea Leoni is 29 here, and I think she looked pretty hot. She has celebrity looks though so not representative of the female population. I think the perception of the wall for both women and men is skewed by the fact that a lot of adults just stop trying to maintain to their looks and let themselves go around 30. I think if people tried their best to stay in shape, not get wasted all the time, didn't do drugs, knew basic skin care, the population would be a lot more aesthetic.

For most women, I say 30 - 35. Top tier women with angular features (models) maybe into their 40s.

For most men, I say around 45 - 50.

whoops here is the pic I left out

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depends on the person

generally 30 the is wall

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Dependent on life style and genetics.

Women in pic is 34 and has one child.

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once women has child, how is the pusy affected? is it loser?

you're a loser

I'm watching secureteam

Men peak young too, the difference is we can have value outside of our looks, so its not as devastating.

Studies show that men peak as they get older.

>Peak beauty
>Peak hotness
Early 20's due to girls entering puberty way earlier these days. Also, by this age, years of using makeup has started to ruin their skin.

we peak in our 50s tbqhonest

Older femanon here. Men peak about 19-23 for me. By the time they reach 30 they aren't cute anymore.

Makeup doesn't ruin skin, dumbass. Most makeup contains titanium and zinc oxides which are natural sunscreens. Drugs, smoking, tanning, junk food and alcohol, which 95% of white women seem to engage in these days are the real culprit. You probably think vaginas turn inside out from lots of sex too.

you can see her hairline is already shit on the left.

someone should probably report you. not that you are doing something illegal right now, but just in case

this is just cope most likely. in any case you are the exception

25 is their peak if they want to obtain the top elite men. after that the elite men will replace them with younger more attractive girls.

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Nearly all men are disgusting hebephiles femanon, there was a study that found men were significantly more attracted to female faces after they had been morphed with children's faces.

i dont know about those studies. but i think anyone who admits being attracted to 10-14 year olds should be monitored.

Roastie detected
>"Rubbing and pulling on the delicate skin around your eyes causes eyelids to lose elasticity and become more wrinkled," says New York City dermatologist Jessica Weiser, M.D. French-born epidermologist Isabelle Bellis adds: "The skin there is much finer than the rest of the face, so tugging can really damage collagen and break capillaries."
>Using makeup on the face, particularly oil based ones can clog the skin pores leading to acne and pimples. It can also aggravate fine lines below and around eyes, which is a sign of aging. Talc based make up products when used, cause dryness of skin and early and more rapid wrinkling. Mineral make up products may contain bismuth oxy chloride. This can cause dryness, irritation and peeling of skin. In addition, various kind of chemicals present in different makeup products can cause loss of tone and elasticity of skin, resulting in early wrinkling, again a sign of aging.

Ironically i'm past prime and look still hebe, probably few years we'll get past this stage. Also this is wrong. Only old men and creeps go for hebe. Can speak from experience. I'd go to any normalfag event in my youth, never of course seek out anyone, because I am retarded. Nobody really is interested. Go to some large old man bar, it's like being thrown to piranhas and my friends don't receive as many "admirers"

14 year olds give me uncontrollable erections and i would buy no girl of any other age if i had the money

Jesus Christ imagine how bad her forehead wrinkles are if she makes an expression.

>wrinkles, faces like boiled hams, receding hairlines, beer guts and mortgage debt are unattractive
>HURR DURR look at all this roastie cope

Ancient Greek pinnacles of male beauty like Adonis were always portrayed as a handsome adolescent male.

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>there was a study that found men were significantly more attracted to female faces after they had been morphed with children's faces
It's called neoteny.
>Males show a preference for neotenous or youthful looking features in women, such as; big eyes, a small nose, and full lips. These features act as a signal of fertility as they are caused by high estrogen and low testosterone. As a result of evolution these features are deemed as highly attractive as they would indicate a higher chance of successful reproduction. This male mate preference for neoteny has been shown in research in which men were asked to morph images of female faces until an ideal face was achieved.

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They peak at 14-16 after that they slowly deteriorate into sub humans

I already know this dumbass. You think an attractiveness study where children's faces are blended with adult women's doesn't mention neoteny? It also explains why all you cryptopedos are obsessed with Asian grills and 2D lolis.

Most men are lust filled would be rapists who are attracted to 14 year olds, think with their dicks and generally cannot be trusted.

>Most men are lust filled would be rapists who are attracted to 14 year olds, think with their dicks and generally cannot be trusted.
That's simply not true. Neotenous facial features elicit help.
>the qualities that make babies appear cute to adults additionally look "desirable" to adults when they see other adults. Neotenous features in adult females may help elicit more resource investment and nurturing from adult males.
This alludes to the hypergamous/hypogamous relationship between females and males. Females are resource seekers (gold diggers), while men are providers and caregivers.
>There were several gender differences observed in the study. For instance, men seemed to rate Love vs Status/Resources higher in importance in relation to women, meaning men place more of an emphasis on mutual love while women place more of an emphasis on Status/Resources.

Nope, men peak at 50 and women 18 it's proven by science

Women care about status, stability, strength and wealth which mostly only older men have

I like chubby women when they're in their twenties, but I prefer them thinner when in their fifties.

lol older femanon here too, and younger guys are good looking and less bitter.

Men are attracted to fertility and making sure that he doesnt raise someone else kid which means men are attracted to youthful and innocent women. Women want a stable man that can protect them which means they will be attracted to a older man with status, wealth and strength

As much as I want this to be true studies say that women prefer older men over younger

I think why most of you are attracted to kids is, because you are still mentally on same level. Also explains why you experience so huge problems in getting into relationship. I got reminded that whole incel community got that image of 16 year old pussy or something.

What can I say for you. But what baffles me even more is why men from 50 to 60 are absolutely crazy about teenagers. Does there happen some type of regression or middle life crisis?

Hey femanons, let me join! I think some guys get hotter with age but usually I date people my age. Younger is too much insecurity.

no they're just really fucking amazingly hot

they are so, so sexual. they are sex.

Ask your mother if she finds guys in college handsome, they are, and maybe the pinkpill is to be financially stable and date healthy, fun, kind guys instead of whatever mess 30 years of porn and debt and stress creates. Cougar uprising bro.

Wrong. Men are biologically sexually attracted to youthful fecundity. Cross culturally, this is proven to be true.
>Doug Jones, a visiting scholar in anthropology at Cornell University, said that human evolution's trend toward neoteny may have been caused by sexual selection in human evolution for neotenous facial traits in women by men with the resulting neoteny in male faces being a "by-product" of sexual selection for neotenous female faces. Jones said that this type of sexual selection "likely" had a major role in human evolution once a larger proportion of women lived past the age of menopause. This increasing proportion of women who were too old to reproduce resulted in a greater variance in fecundity in the population of women, and it resulted in a greater sexual selection for indicators of youthful fecundity in women by men.

wow you're either a male feminist or another shitter dyke from tubblr. cuz only those 2 types hold such hilarious assumptions about ALL Men.
should I hit you with the assumptions some hold about ALL females. bet your ass would get triggered and try to reply with more men bad female good faggotry.
ps. the future is not female

Yeah but why old guys? Why is it always old guys?

If 50 year old man is supposed to be prime form of man and 15 is supposed to be prime form of a woman. Does it mean that by laws of nature there is some undebatable law of attraction between them, to produce optimal children?

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>Why is it always old guys?
It's not. Old guys just don't give a shit and will admit it.

peak - 22-35
wall - 45

Old fathers carry the same if not more risks in relation to bearing children, the male orientated internet echo chambers just don't dwell in facts nor reality.


men peak at 35
they don't even get past prime till 60s sometimes not till 70s

exactly, fucks are like a sandtimer. they just run out after a while and then men give no fucks.

kek spotted the dumb roastie or super virgin
no dumb retard it's not 45 it's around 30-35. kek being so virgin you rate past the wall grannies as pre-wall

nobody cares that you like faggy twink boys you old cunt

Wall is 30.

You just replied to bait you dense nigger

Jealous white roasite detected

It's amazing how no matter your age a terrible personality is always unattractive.

femoid detected

Men's sperm declines in quality by the time they're 35. Older fathers are more likely to produce autists, schizos, and people with bipolar disorder.

No, women want to be part of young Chad's harem. Old guys are weak as fuck and even when women do marry older guys for money, they're almost always fucking the gardener, or have some other handsome young buck on the side. Women's mating approach is dualistic and while they all need betabux, they all want a virile young Chad's sperm too.

Peak : 18 to 24 max
Hit the wall : 26 and beyond

That might have been true a couple of generations ago, but the fact is that young men today have less sperm than their parents, so women will absolutely look for older men these days

The wall is at 30 max, I even know a couple of girls that are already starting to look rough and hit the wall in their early 20s

>someone is better looking and more attractive than me
>hurr durr better call him a faggy young twink maybe that will provide cope, assert my dominance and put women off them

Ironic considering half of you freaks talk about wanting to fuck your mothers on this board lel.

Idk, I hear girls talk about having a thing for older guys and having a dadddy fetish is so common these days, but Ive literally never heard of a girl that likes younger guys

Sure, nice cope you got there nigger.

Why are girls known for having daddy fetishes and spam that they have a thing for older guys, but you almost never hear them wanting young guys? Why do "femanons" always have to say it's to opposite of what reality is? Fucking women always saying one thing to guys to look good but doing the opposite

>I know all about wahmen because I watch a lot of porn

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The real question, is whether or not future gene editing tech can get rid of the wall entirely or at least reduce it's effects.

Females have a high level of cognitive dissonance

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the state of fucking women brehs

Who really has cognitive dissonance when the reality is people date their own age, and the bigger the age gap the more likely a couple will break up. You're just projecting your porn tastes onto reality, instead of accepting that females like their own age, as do well adjusted males, that males physically peak in terms of health the same age as anyone else (heart disease is never attractive), and that this daddy fetish you see online is actually a money fetish.

0h n0ez! spotted the toasty pass herself around roastie playing damage control over the reality of things.
dont worry princess im sure some beta chump will marry you once you hit 30+ and have blown your vag out on years of cock hopping and "finding yourself" and being unable to pair bond. always a good dumb beta chump waiting to think your the prize.

in fact I would bet there's at least 5-10 on the site right now that'll settle for you while lying to themselves you're the prize when if they knew your past would toss you in the trash with the other whores.

>people date their own age
lol no, women have always dated men older than them.
just the way it is.

and you got these facts where? gonna need to see those government studies you got these sources from. Just post the links in the thread so everyone can read these facts you have available for everyone.

>when the reality is people date their own age
>Age is another trait which is sexually selected by females. Studies have consistently found that females tend to select mates that are roughly 4 years older than themselves, and this even applies cross-culturally. Older men are much more likely to be financially secure and further along in their career, thus able to provide greater economic resources to the female and any future offspring.

women can only hope to stay hot by 34

depends on the person really, i've seen 30yo who look 50 and 30yos who look like early 20s.
all that can be said generally is that they peak when they are really young 15-25

Thanks for proving that women choose men that are older than them.

By two years, big whoop.

lol basically.

Really does not at all prove whatever retarded meme reality you live in where 18 year olds date 50 year old men. Doesn't exist mate it's called prostitution.

On the one hand it would be nice to be able to marry a woman and know she'll retain her looks

On the other hand it's delicious schadenfreude watching certain women hit the wall at 9000 miles per hour

Wut? Irl you see couples were the girl is younger than the guy all the time, but the other way around is super rare

>18 year olds date 50 year old men
never implied that, you dumb fuck.
I just simply stated that women go for older dudes, and you proved that.

I've never seen an old man dating a college girl. Like, never. Never met one never seen one.

Men want youth and fertility and women want stability and strength which is mostly found in older guys, no need to argue against facts roastie

Buddy I'm not the dumb fuck here. People date their own age. Two years old or younger, that's normal. These massive 10 year age gaps you think are normal don't exist.

Enjoy being a porn cuck, you're a joke.

Go to the richer area of your city lmao, I see age gap couples every day and it's always the girl thats waaaaay younger than the guy and never the other way around

>Enjoy being a porn cuck, you're a joke.
So now you're trying to shame me for brining in logic into the convo, classical woman tactics

Think whatever retarded shit you want honestly, it makes you more hilarious and drives you deeper into perma failure.

Well young girls can make up for their lack or shitty personality whereas postwall girls can't

>Think whatever retarded shit you want honestly, it makes you more hilarious and drives you deeper into perma failure.
Wut? Pointing out that it's really big age gaps relationships is common in rich areas is being retarded now?