Prove to me that Italians aren't objectively the worst white culture

Prove to me that Italians aren't objectively the worst white culture.

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inb4 they made pasta

italians are not white, they used to be but after Alexander they mixed with arabs (and this clearly show on your pic)

Italians are Turkish Europeans

Thank you for correcting me, user. Blessed with dubs.

>ur nt whit

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>Angelos exist
All the prove you need.

italians are niggers
i fucking hate those ugly loud bastards
fuck Guinness

Objectivity doesn't work like that.
what did I win for proving OP wrong?

Italians are based as fuck and this thread of full of cucks.

there are americans

The american bible belt is pretty fucking retarded

They suck at fighting wars.


>picks the most unfavorable picture to try to prove something subjective

upvote take some reddit gold!!!

Anglos and the Bible Belt.

they made pizza.

Note: not "cheese pizza". Just Pizza.

Attached: pizza1.jpg (1600x907, 261K)

I knew an Italian guy named Fred once (not even joking). Had blue eyes and blonde hair. What's up with that?

italians gave the best tasting food, you fucking nigger

An Italian "Fred" is impossible.
Either it was "Feder" (Federico), or "Ferd" (Ferdinando).

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common, italian blood has been mixed with everything from the moors to the netherlands

italians are mutts

Deep South USA is the most degenerate that white culture could possibly be

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Literally just googled Italian teenagers you dumb fuck.

You did literally nothing, you autist.

i prefer rednecks to rich reddit white kids