Lab Grown Meat

There's a big chance cultured meat will get mass produced in the near future. It could save the planet, grant us with glorious gains and put a stop to Veganism™ all at once. Is there a catch I'm not seeing?

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Look into how lab grown meat is actually made

And having ruminant animals around is not destroying the environment, that's the mass burning of fossil fuels.

Jews will eat kosher kobe beef while you shove rationed maggot burgers down your throat

This media craze is just a way of easing the proles to accept that they cannot have what previous generations have without addressing the real problem just extending the breaking point

Don't accept a reduced quality of life on your knees

I’d say the biggest issue that could come up is carcinogens. Yes, there is already plenty in the meat we now, but a process that is solely based on mass cell replication might harbor some unknown consequence some years from now.

as long as it tastes good, gives me gains and its cheap.
dude i'd eat hobbos if their meat were good protein

I'm quite ignorant in this topic. But is this whole Cowspiracy shit fake then? Greenpeace wouldn't even speak to the guy. My reasoning is, if it were essencialy the same thing (taste, texture, nutritional value) why not eat it?

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it's extremely resource inefficient, highly unethical, and questionable for health.

i will start believing the climate change apocalypse people when they all stop flying around on private jets.

Kosher or not Jews would still make zero gains. Pic related is first result for muscular jew. BTFO for eternity.

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All of agriculture accounts for 9% of emissions. The big Jews are distracting us from their corporations polluting the environment by distracting us with cow farts and burps.

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The thing is, the world isn't just the US. The problem is South America I think. They use cattle production as an excuse to deforest large parts of the Amazon. Then put the least amount of cows in the largest possible plot of land. They also export worldwide.

>is this whole Cowspiracy shit fake
Search your heart

that 9% figure includes plants, if you want to break it down even more, animals are 4% plants are 5%, and the majority of the animal emissions are from chicken.

Based and heeb-pilled

that movie uses fake data, and the "animal cruelty" is fake as well.
everything related to veganism is fake.

good point

Problem with GW is that the only people I ever hear talking about it are western folks, talking to other western folks, in only western countries. Western countries are already doing THE MOST to combat this shit, and account for a smaller portion of the overall problem than eastern / third world shit holes.

It's the SAME EXACT problem as the overpopulation meme. They peddle that shit to western countries, and try to push it in non-western states, and they either are too dumb to understand, or don't give a fuck and completely ignore it.

The net result is, westerners are asked to reduce their standard of living, while non-western countries thrive at our expense.

Every time I hear about this new swedish retard they're parading all over the globe (to only western nations thus far), I just want to know...
If by asking "adults" to do more about climate change includes going to war with China, India and other top pouting nations to put an end to it.

The only first world nation that is responsible for top poluting levels is the United States, and once again they're the only one's (of the top poluting nations) that are western and actually at least talking about doing something about it.

>t. flat earther

Swedish Meat industry is The cleanest in The world. All water is rainwater and The dung is used as natura fertilizer. We are increasing The total area of forests and are reintroducing new wetlands Every year. I refuse to beleive that some kike bullshit about third world countries should affect my way of life. Food nationalism nao.

I'm wary of BS like meat taxes, but aside from that, my food quality of life has gone up in the last few years. I've been able to buy grassfed beef/milk and pasture eggs at normiemarts. I had to seek it out, but I've even found raw milk near me.

>It could save the planet
Im sick of seeing this shit, you realize humans have no presence whatsoever in climate change? And even if had emissions from animal products only account for 3% whereas grains and etc account for 6%?

>They use cattle production as an excuse to deforest large parts of the Amazon
Cala essa boca seu merdinha
They don't you moron, cattle is only used in the beginning of the process, the end goal is soi beans, exported to china and other countries

What does this have anything to do with veganism? Are you implying flat earthers go against the NWO agenda to genocide 90% of the human population?

First, the amazon forest has no effect on the planet climate or Brazil's climste for that matter, you know that, right?

There are articles that are trying to downplay the cannibalism taboo. Thats because they plan on making meat from fetus stem cells. This would be a tinfoil tier conspiracy a couple years back, but there are evidence to back it up

Meat consumption will never save the planet, & thats facts

Eugen Sandow was a jew

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He was born to a family that converted to Christianity before he was born

algae protein is a much better suggestion and doesn't involve stem cells

>Why wouldn't you want to eat my estrogen-filled, artificial, lab-grown insect-burgers????
Because I know who's behind them, I know why they're pushing these, and I know what's gonna be in them. If they tax or ban actual meat, I'll pay a farmer good money to butcher me a grass-fed, healthy cow illegally.

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This. You WILL eat the bugs.

Its based af, cant wait for it to become affordable.

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>Its based af, cant wait for it to become affordable.

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>cockroach milk

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Dont be scared little pepe change and science isnt bad always

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>He used to be a tiger but he changed his stripes

Getting meat the old fashioned method is not discussed because?
The least complex approach preserves most ecology, techno-industry is the issue.

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based user

Cows being bad for the environment is simultaneously wrong, and right. The biosphere needs large migratory herbivores that consume overabundant and dead plant matter in the warm months so that new growth and soil replenishment can occur, but without completely clearing out a biome. The presence of some ground cover allows for soil ecology to survive; specifically worms, bacteria and fungus that produce nutrients for the next year of (carbon, and methane sinking) growth as well as sinking a HUGE amount of carbon and methane themselves in the moist, covered soil that the sun isn't able to completely dry out or the wind and rain erode the richest soil. But you also need to graze them in regions that are evolved to actually endure the movement of the cattle, like the grasslands and plains of the Americas, Africa and eurasia; instead of burning down the amazon and other huge forests and jungles for more grazing space.

So, keep in mind the keys to this absolutely vital ecologial process almost every biome on earth utilizes to ensure its health as you consider modern cattle farming
>Large, Migratory Herbivores
>Flourishing populations of fungal and bacterial life

The issue with our cattle farming is that, yeah, they produce way too much methane for what agriculture is able to fix back into the soil and sustaining them is super resource and waste intensive. The reason for this; overgrazing, overly static cattle with poor irrigation. You can't run cattle in a way that cattle's nature and the world don't want them to run. If you're not doing cattle production correctly, you'll only ever end up with pic related after a long enough time. The same goes for if you neglect a space that you've built to now be receptive to large herbivores; if the herbivores go away and stop grazing, the region will desertify, burn, and die very quickly. This is currently happening in Australia due to Chinese buying and allowing land to turn to shit, as well as the farms near them.

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if I gave you 98% of the lethal dose of a poison, and then you went and ate 6% of the lethal dose on your own, you'd die.

I will eat the animals, I will eat your fucking dogs and cats, I may even eat the fucking vegans

fucking vegans can suck my dick

Then odds are the person would fucking die from the 98%.
And bad math

>It could save the planet
Unless it's going to depopulate certain areas, no.

The point was going well over the tipping point of lethality, requiring either drastic intervention, cock.

>converting changes your genes