Chad at work straight up asked me if I was a virgin

>chad at work straight up asked me if I was a virgin
>figured he would be able to tell if I lied so I admitted yes

I think I may of fucked up

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no man, there a lot of cool work chads out there. the worst thing he might do is try to get you laid

how old are you, not memeing just need to know your age to determine if it really is bad or not



yea its fine dont sweat it prob this is gonna happen

18??! OMG Lmaaaaaoo how can be you a VIRGIN at 18 lololol saaad!!!! XD

Just kidding man, if he's not a complete asshole you'll be fine


That's all you had to say, leave it at a one word reply and he probably would have believed you.

Chad wants you to get laid so he'll be your wingman

Dude you're fucking gay and retarded for caring about what """chad""" thinks of your virginity.

Being a virgin at 18 is extremely concerning. If you haven't made it by 18 you will probably never make it

Zoomers ruin everything.

I did make it. I was 21.

Wait so if I at any time tell any coworker of mine that im a virgin at 28 years of age, am I gonna get in trouble from that? Just because I'm not 18 anymore?

You've given him the go-ahead to pop your boycherry. It's now a nebulous matter of "when"; your best bet is to stop showing up for work completely, because once he catches wind that you put in a notice, his libido will kick into such a desperate aggression that even the presence of others won't deter your defloweration.

fuck off larping negativity

You left him signs for him to think you are.
Means you are behaving like one.
What do you do that he thinks that of you?

most Chads are cool. chances are he will help you out

Some people straight up dont't believe i'm a virgin and I'm a fat autistic shy dude
People are so degenerate nowdays that even if they can tell they wont believe you've never fucked

I made it half through 18, just when I gave up on women one became interested in me

>guy in college asked if I was a virgin
>told him I was
>few days later approached by group of girls that I shared a class with
>they question me about it and ask if I want any of them to 'fix it' for me
>awkwardly skirt around the subject and pretend I'm not interested
The reality is, despite feeling like I'm a hideous monster, I probably could have fucked a decent amount of girls growing up. Why the fuck was i cursed with being a socially awkward idiot

don't act like an edgy normie retard, being virgo at 18 isn't a big deal, there's thousands of people that never make it past that age. Being gfless actually is concerning

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I lost my virginity at 23 my original man.

from observation, more guys from this generation lose their birginity in their early 20s and most girls lose it in their late teens

I did the same on college, nobody cared, I'm still a virgin.

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>Newfags and redditniggers

Three of my friends (all 19) lost their virginities this past year. You're a fucking idiot.

If anyone asks I just be honest, I stopped caring about it 5 years ago (25 now)

The average age of losing virginity for men (not women, they lose it by end of HS) in PhD programs is 25 and for more elite universities it approaches 30.

Just go on Grindr and get laid its literally that easy

>figured he would be able to tell if I lied

do you often assume people can read your mind

Where you at I'll creampie your boicunt if you want might even cum down your throat

Like the other robot said try Grindr it's what most are using now robots anyway, you could find a twink or sissyboi

My Chad friend is cool as fuck. He was willing to let me have sex with gf but I said no because I want love not sex.

fuck off
lel not origi

blow it out your ass
t. lost my virginity at 16 and wish i'd waited