What are girlfriends?

This is going to sound like a mega stupid question, but it's coming from a 23 year old virgin so stay with me.

What do you do with a girlfriend? Like, what conversations do you have with her? What do you talk about? What are the benefits of having a girlfriend other than sex?

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What painting is this pls user I love it

What do you talk about with girls?


whats the name of the painter

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>What is reverse image search?
such an original comment bro

Jason Juan.
He's a contemporary artist.

They bore you with conversations about what a facebook friend said about a different facebook friend that day, and you nod and pretend it's interesting.

With a girlfriend, you can talk about how you *really* feel. Say whatever you want and hear whatever she says without worrying about feeling judged. Maybe you just want a hug or a shoulder to cry on. You're girlfriend can do that, provided you're willing to do the same for her.
If you want to do something or go anywhere, you can always bring your girlfriend with you. Pick up a new hobby? go to the zoo? 2-players games? just want to share something you like? you've got someone available with you right there. Even if you're bored and out of ideas, you can always count on your girlfriend to find something fun to do.
Basically a girlfriend can be your most trusted and loyal friend. Someone you can take care of, and that can take care of you. Someone that is always there for you.
At least that's how I imagine it. God I'm so fucking lonely.

I've thought about this a lot too and the best I can reduce it to is an unspoken contract to have sex with one person. everything else is just giving the facade that it's about something more than that.

>gf being any of this
maybe a wife, a gf tends to be a walking spender and uses men to feel better. Anything you've might have said to her in private you can count shes told at least many of her friends about it.

I view it like this too tbqh.

In the end it's just a best friend with whom you also have sex.

The question then is why do having a gf seems so much more important and better than having a really good best friend.

A girlfriend will keep you safe, make you company, help you when you're sad, give you love, hugs, kisses, she will make you laugh, sleep with you, sometimes make food for you (if she knows how to cook) she can play with you if she likes video games, you can enjoy her company and show her your interests and both of you can find a hobbie together. It's kinda like a normal friend but with more intimacy, sex and kisses.

>Say whatever you want and hear whatever she says without worrying about feeling judged. Maybe you just want a hug or a shoulder to cry on. You're girlfriend can do that, provided you're willing to do the same for her.
I see A LOT of women online who complain about 'sensitive' men for whom women have to perform 'emotional labour'.
A lot of men I've talked to say women tend to react very negatively to men who show emotional pain or weakness.

>It's kinda like a normal friend but with more intimacy
I have never had a friend like the one that you describe.


they will use anything you tell them as conversation topics

normies do that desu
the only hope is to find a robot gf

Fuck now I want a gf too

user you're responding to here

I have some close friends. Not as close as described above but still. In the end I wonder if my inability to have such a friend is an explanation on why I also don't ever had a gf.

Maybe it's easier to get this close with a girl, idk. Logically it shouldn't really make any difference.

I imagine the vast majority of it is doing shit you don't want to do so you can have sex. Also, they'll cook for you.

>I see A LOT of women online
You've already brainwashed ur self.

Ur gf should be like a friend. Just nice to be around even if you aren't talking all the time.

If you don't know what its like to have friends, I can't help you.

okay cunt god damn

There are more than one types of women desu. Some of them are just narcissistic stacies that just want a Chad for sex and money, their real soulmates being their friends. Those aren't the types of women robots should be looking for.

The line kinda gets blurry I think. Physical and emotional intimacy are very much linked.

>23 year old virgin
same. we're not gonna make it.

>I see
>men I've talked to say

see, this is where you failed, you should experience this instead of taking what you see and hear from other people as facts - doubly so if these people are on the fucking internet

Good times:

1. Sex
2. Cuddling
3. Teasing and playing
4. Acting like kids and goofing around
5. Sharing duties like cooking, cleaning, exercising motivates
6. Always have somebody to vent to
7. Little surprises because she's sentimental and sweet
8. She occasionally introduces me to new ideas or ways of thinking

Bad times:

1. Her problems are my problems
2. She costs me money, but I got money (still - she costs money)
3. She's not on my level intellectually. Stuff flies over her head.

If all goes to plan, we'll have kids and I'll be trapped in normie mode for the rest of my days.

>If you don't know what its like to have friends, I can't help you.
When I was a kid and then a teenager I had friends who were not very nice to me. It's was just lads bantering I guess but I don't really recognise the concept friends being nice to each other and talking about problems.

This so much, I just wish everybody would view it as such. God damn it relationships are ruined.

Then I can't help you if the concept of "being in good company" is foreign. Sorry m8.

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It's not my fault I grew up with shitty British lad culture. It's just the way things are.

I'm sorry you have been hurt by a woman, but there are others that are not like this. I hope you find one some day user that makes you happy.

If all you're interested in is sex, go buy a hooker or something.
A girlfriend is a companion. Someone to share your life with, someone to be close to, to share meals and moments with.
I've been living with my girlfriend for a good 6 years. We occasionally play videogames together, we eat meals together, we watch films together, we curl up and simply share in each others' company, make jokes, laugh about shit on the internet, and talk about our thoughts with each other.

>make jokes
This is something I have trouble with. I am not funny at all. I can't make anyone laugh in a good way. I have no sense of timing.

having girlfriend is the same as having a very close male friend, you do stuff you both like(vidya, sports, etc), with the difference that you get to fuck her from time to time

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It is becoming good friends with your crush and establishing a sexual relationship with her and you promise not to have sexual relations with others.

Watch movies and talk about stuff. She has a good sense of humor.

I think most of this post is just a fantasy that most girls wouldn't live up to, but what you say about being able to just bring her along for things is probably true.

I already have a couple of good friends (and this board desu) to talk about my feelings ith and I don't have to worry about them telling their friends or losing attraction to me for having emotions like a girl would.
However, there are often things I'd like to do like going to a movie or the zoo or whatever and I don't becasue going on my own would be weird, but if I had a gf I'd be able to

I mean I'm able to now, but it'd be weird

Lmao man I was going to call you out on your bullshit until I read the last two sentences.

We talk about movies, tv shows, video games, books, food, music etc. She's also like the only person i'm comfortable talking about personal problems with all the time and she's a good listener and it's comforting to know someone is there for me. We also help each other discover new hobbies and work together to do fun things. Last night we made our own Pesto and Pasta noodles together and cooked that, then we watched a movie on netflix and just kind of chilled. Today we went on a hike and walked around the park near our house. When we're bored of doing things together we'll just do things separately next to each other (she'll read and i'll play some games or browse Jow Forums or whatever). I can sit and do anything with her and cuddle up or feel whole, that's something I can never do with my friends.

its like a dog you're allowed to fuck, you talk to them, take them out, clean up after them, buy them food, and sometimes they look at you with big loving eyes

>its like a dog you're allowed to fuck

For white people this is all dogs.

wtf don't you have like parents? It's the same thing, but without a ring.

You exist as your true self around another person that loves and accepts you for it. It's vulnerability without fear, and a sense of belonging thanks to the love of another. You also get to reciprocate that feeling for your partner.
It's comfort, and a desire to do and see with one other person, almost every experience in life feels lesser without them. It's like having a best friend, close sibling, and somebody to share moments of intimacy with even if it's just for the satisfaction/release.
I do feel a genuine sadness for those that haven't had it, because even in the midst of complete shit, it's a reason to endure. But the truth is most people, even those in relationships, don't have it. They try, but there are little things that make it clear they don't have something genuine; arguments, feeling like it takes effort, a lot of little things. It's not something you can find by looking for it, unfortunately. You either have it, or you don't. You can't force it, and when it's gone, you won't get it back; not even with the same person you had it with before.

Now imagine that taken away from you.

>You exist as your true self around another person that loves and accepts you for it.
What do you mean by your true self?
I feel like most people let their true selves out (as in their inner thoughts) they would all talk about how much they wanted to kill and torture their enemies as well as all the violent rapey shit that goes on in peoples heads.
Everyone is acting by abiding to social and moral norms all the time.

>encourages you to be vulnerable around her
>meanwhile talks shit about how her exes were vulnerable around her
>says exes were all pieces of shit and that you have nothing to worry about
how do i know she won't do the same to me? is it actually safe to be vulnerable around your partner in the long run?

wtf dude you might have some actual aggression issues. those aren't normal things that go on in peoples heads

This is the idealised view that's only possible to have if you've always been alone. Enjoy your dream. It's so comfy, I know. I still try to fantasise about it too. But it's not real.

Nah, although it's true a lot of people have fantasies, they come as fleeting thoughts in certain scenarios. It's not normal for somebody to think about raping, torturing or murdering others. It's not acting to have empathy and not want to bring harm to others.
It's only safe if you think they're a good person, and you think they are vulnerable and genuine around you. It can be hard to know. It took me around a year to feel like I was actually getting to know my girlfriend properly, and I was spending a lot of time with her.
If she's talking shit about her exes being vulnerable around her she's likely a cunt though.

We talk about dicks and boicunt, I like sissies but I only TOP

Today we went yardsaling and caught a showing of avengers. Now we are sitting on the couch and mutually reading stuff on separate screens.

The cool thing about having a girlfriend is having someone to do nothing with, sometimes you just sit in silence together and that is okay too, because you are comfortable enough together that sitting in silence doesn't make you insecure. You talk about work, or shows you're watching or books you read or news or something stupid a friend did. The idea that if you're not keeping each other engaged and entertained all the time your relationship is a failure is erroneous. Life has a lot of downtime, it's nice to have someone for that.

this so much
i repeat
maybe closest friend, like literall a guy who you know +10 years, and mother, no one else will want to hear about your actual problems or insecurities
you have to be genuinelly tough around your (mature) gf and never show weakness. i dont count couples who are under 18 right now, but these are not like real relationships, they are too pure and careless

That sounds like shit. Why even have a gf then? Why not just a fuckbuddy

because gf are here to fulfil your "positive" needs
as i mentioned earlier (but i forgot one)
there are three kind of people you should actually turn when in need of dumping emotional burden somewhere
extreme top tier:
religious figure like priest etc.
top tier:
actual friend, who you know +10 years
support tier but pointless when in actual need:
your mother
extrme shit tier:
paid psychiatrist or anyone who is going to prescribe you shit

you cant tell your problems to ANYONE ELSE
they will perceive you as weak otherwise

Redpill brainrot

There is a woman that I talk to on Facebook, we are just friends and I don't want to ruin our friendship by telling her that I have romantic feelings about her. I like her because besides being pretty she is a nice person, I never think about doing anything sexual with her, but I really want to be affectionate with her. I want to sit next to her and lovingly caress her hair while I tell her how much I love her and it would make me happy to see her enjoy it.

Not an argument. We know that women dislike emotional men because they express these sentiments online. I've had female friends say the same thing irl but I never believed them until I saw this shit on twitter. getting 200K likes and retweets

>There are more than one types of women desu.
This is the truth. The issue is that there aren't enough women out here who are mentally stable AND genuinely nice people AND loyal. You can get one of these traits, but not all. Also, women who are good people are usually in relationships already, for that exact reason. Single women are single because 1) they want to be single or 2) men see them for the bitches they are.

I am this guy, and I talk to the woman I like on Facebook about my emotional issues. She is such a nice person. She listens to my issues and tries to make me feel better. I feel a lot happier because I have her to talk to. I hope she marries a man that will always love and protect her.

makes me want to start painting again but i've lost all will to live

you lost in the reason not the will you are lost confused it's time to find yourself it's time to ACT.


It depends on the girl. Some are interesting and funny, some are vapid and vain.

Some like videogames, some like parties, some like the gym, and some like books.

If you have an interest, somewhere there is a girl with the same interest.

You can talk about anything. A good gf will talk about it with you even if she isn't interested because you are interested and she cares about you.

blashemy! a good caring girlfriend is just a myth

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paint again, and just maybe it will come back

>Those aren't the types of women robots should be looking for.
So where are the other ones?
Where can I find a girl not like that?

I imagine having a gf would be like having a guy friend + sex

What do guy friends do?

How is gf better than bf?

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Jesus fuck I hate myself.

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You talk about her day, her doubts, her desires
You then kneel down, take off her shoes, her socks and rub her feet to destress her while she tells you everything.

>tfw you will never experience this


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I actually did massage my gf's feet after a long walk. It was pleasant. Then we had sex.

You want a boyfriend dud, women cant do these things. Sometimes wish I was gay.

I don't see women like that they are very much different from me, they're girls they have different biology they want/like different things, they are in no way like me or men. unless idk maybe i'm just weird.

Like ur best friend, but y'all can fuck

What you expect/want

What you actually get.

To be honest. It's better to think about the person. Sure, you want them to be your gender preference, but you will get a different experience with one person from another regardless. Some girls have no sense of humour and are not interested in anything outside of the box. Others are wicked fun. I guess its because they're not just girls, they're people. Don't forget that. A girlfriend could be anything. It's too wide a question.

What is it like to have a best friend?

>maybe a wife

It's a social construct


>wtf don't you have like parents?

It's pretty much a friend who you have regular* sex with and share the bills with.

*at least in the beginning, then it usually becomes a once a week chore for the woman

>At least that's how I imagine it.
sad that the reality is the complete opposite and that you have to treat your gf as you would your worst enemy wrt opsec and infosec, but still make her feel like you trust her and shit. a woman will use anything you tell her to destroy you at a whim, and it might happen for no reason at all.

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Like a best friend only you also sleep with them, feel tremendous jealousy at times, are more invested in helping solve their problems because they might destroy hour relationships, and are kind of low key losing your mind over them all the time. In comparison to a best friend the negatives actually kinda outweigh the positives but monkey brain really really realy likes the positives.

weird advice incoming., but just pretend you are talking to yourself. the mroe you care what women think the less they will like you

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Long term normie, here.
I've been dating my girlfriend for about a year now. We fuck like rabbits, but it's honestly just like having another friend that understands you on a deeper level. My best friends and my girlfriend have two very different relationships with me. I can talk to her about things I cant talk to anybody else about.
Cuddling is also very nice.