>failed government-mandated penis inspection day for three years in a row
>potty license revoked
>trying to get into any public toilet in the country or having one installed in my house is now illegal
>first box of pampers arrived in the mail at the start of this month
>already starting to wake up wet and feeling myself let go without consciously doing it
I-I guess I'm okay with this... It means I don't have to get up to go to the bathroom while playing video games.
Failed government-mandated penis inspection day for three years in a row
Text required to appease the robot
Pro tip: Pampers is a brand name, not just an alternative word for diaper.
This is like calling all soda "Coca-Cola"
It's fine you dummy. People call bandages band-aids, that's fine.
People call soda coke, that's fine.
>tfw anons are using my pics to post their government mandated diaper fantasies
Not sure how I should feel about this
me after the government pamps run out for the month and my gf decides I need to be taught a lesson :3
I still have a chance to get one... r-right?
I know that anons filter the word "diaper" but I need their help and advice 3:
You post the exact same pics every time on here and cripplechan. Stop.
retards in southern states refer to all sodas as coke
It's not me, it's someone else who saved my pics
Not sure how I can prove it, so here's a pic I haven't shared yet, also I know it's a large and very loose fitting no need to tell me
"Retards" being the key word
It's not just a few here and there though
scat fetishists are the worst
Agreed. Even in the fucking diaper community they're usually ostracized
wew saved ;-)
Are you OP or someone else?
Also do you really like my pics? Here's another new one for
agreed user. the absolute worst
benjibab is a huge slut who shamelessly posts baby pics of himself when people question his true identity and you can find him on discord
not that i wouldn't cuddle the everloving shit out of you and be your bf in a heartbeat
I am not a slut! I only posted new pics because I didn't want anons to think OP was me
Also you know my discord? 0_0
Also thank you
I ironically, I hate diaper boys, but you're pretty good.
How does one fail penis inspection day?
did you piss yourself during the inspection?
4 inches and below = diapers for you baby boy
>4-6 inches = pullups
>6+ inches = normal underwear
>tfw would be in diapers
Thanks fren, what do you hate about diaper boys?
Did I make it?
I regret posting this now, why can't I delete
certified teeny weeny princess peeny
certified un-potty-trainable
you've done it now baby boi ;)
> Unironically got flushed at your reply
Why do you do this to me
Which looks better? Pink or blue?
Ever think of wearing a bit of both? Kinda like a cotton candy type thing
Diaperfags are surpassed only by footfags in terms of obnoxiousness.
Gotta disagree with you there my man, diaperfags were never as obnoxious as furfags and ponyfags. I can tolerate diaperfags because they don't usually post their shit on non-diaperfag threads, unlike the other two aforementioned
You nigger don't remember furries?
Consider the following; babyfurs
>what do you hate about diaper boys
Just gross. I don't know if it's because it's more socially acceptable for women to be childish. If maybe it's something about seeing a man submissive and humiliated. Or the fact most guys in diapers are gross hairy fat dudes.
Even diaper twinks look off to me though, they have weird skinny alien proportions.
You're okay though.
I actually know exactly what you mean, but I'm glad you think I'm ok though! I try not to make it very cringe but in the end of the day I am wearing diapers and adult baby clothes so it's to be expected :P
plus it's a big ego boost when a critic of diapers boys tells me I look ok >.>
nigga u gay
anything other than cute slim girls in diapers is fagshit and should be shot on sight
Cute slim girls like this?
show me the shoulders and and hips at the same time and i jugde
I don't have a pic of shoulders included :/
yeah no you are a fag and need to kys
Gotcha with the first pic didn't I? :3
Boys can be cute too
>tfw pamps for me
some people think this shit invites god's punishment
the truth is that this is god's punishment
>tfw mommy allows me a chance at potty training again
why is this so hard
I'm a big boy I swear
I finally got a pacifier, holy shit it's fucking amazing. So soothing and regressive.
The fuck did I just get into
Sorry user, looks like you're not meant for the potty. The government officials will be arriving shortly to take away your toilet and give you your first box of diapers. We'll also be confiscating all your underwear as well.
>tfw 2 inches
>tfw not just relegated to diapers, but to pink girly diapers
It's not fair
disgusting faggots kys niggers
It's unfortunate, but you will have to wear them fron now on. Would you like someone to help you into your new diapers, user?
I don't need help and I don't need diapers! I can use the potty!
>tfw have a secret toilet under the stairs
And Why are you taking my underwear!? :0 I'm still house broken!
I'll take you up on that offer user >~
ahahahah what the fuck are you niggers injecting?
>tfw no qt diaper gf (male)
>tfw will never cuddle her lovingly and have her absolute trust and kiss her on the forehead
[Spoiler]the will never feel the tiny bulge through her diapers and tease her for it[/spoiler]
>tfw actually met one through this board a long time ago but I was too much of a retarded beta and now she has a bf
I wasnt much of daddy material anyway but God damnit
fucking piece of shit phone whatever
This is fucking nasty, literally all of you sick fucks please kill yourselves,
>3 inches fully erect
im not gonna make it bros...
this stupid fetish is the worst curse I wish I could cure myself of it
>tfw all my mental issues and shortcomings can be traced to my shitty leftie coddling mother
>not even able to cure it no matter how hard i try
t-thanks mommy
>tfw this is literally my exact situation
still a virgin too and will probably die alone
my mom actually gave me this fetish by coddling the fuck out of me and keeping me in diapers for too long and that's just how it went
at what age did you get potty trained? i hope for your sake its single digits
it was just single digits, at 4 but i still remember being changed so it was still curst
I miss r9krinkle desu
I miss r9krinkle too user, it was real comfy
Give me a cute diaper bf now!!
Furfag ruined it then the kids started nuking it on sight cos of all the reports coming from the thread
*then the mods
Excuse me
Sorry user, the law states that you have to wear diapers from now on. If only your penis was bigger, then maybe you could keep being a big boy. Now lie down so we can put you in your new, clean diaper.
Fair play. Bit off topic though.
stfu u stupid nigger and hang yourself
Someone seems a little mad. Do you need a diaper change? Or maybe a nap?
pacifiers are purpose-made to turn fussy babies into quiet good boys
Silence certainly is golden
bumping with more degeneracy
May just summon Faun
Last ABDL faun i have saved
Alright, faun butt as a last bump. Thread is peacefully dying in its sleep
I wish that were me on the right.
im here. always drop into these threads
can we just make another r9krinkle or other cg/l threads?
Ello babbu
If we get this one to bump limit maybe.
In the market to buy more diapers soon, what should I go for? Does any brand other than Tykables have Velcro tapes? I love the idea, busy hate Tykables designs and the feel of their plastic
Diaper fetishes and scat. Truly the lowest of low humans.
Silly babies, if you don't talk the thread goes away
but all the babies are locked away in their cribs, away from the internet.
>*soft suckling noises*
Not all of them :3
I'm a climber :D
then we'll just have to put you back in the crib and strap you down.
My crib doesn't have straps!
Well it does now. Have a good sleep, you big baby.
>tfw I'd probably get pullups at best
I guess it's not that bad compared to diapers, right?
Probably worse considering they don't hold anything more than one wetting
How do we determine which girls need diapers?
You mean I'm worse off for having a bigger dick than the other babies?
breast size? if an adult woman does not have fully developed breasts she should remain in diapers
girls change diapers, not wear them
the future is female
But Faun has impressive milkers yet she is a smol baby
I have to disagree
all females belong in diapers
That seems more agreeable
A bump before bed time