Transgender women competing against biological women in sports

Has to be one of the dumbest things this clown world spewed out in quite some time.

Where does this madness end?

Attached: Roastie BTFO.png (396x396, 220K)

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isn't she FTM? why isn't she getting her shit pushed in by some 270 lbs gorilla?

the weak must fear the strong *insert sam hyde strangling girls at a bar picture*

Trans Athletes can't compete until they've completed a certain amount of hormone therapy and are approved via blood tests.

The clown world is that people think having high estrogen levels and low T doesn't make you weaker

She wants to fight against men but the law of whatever state she's from won't let her. Loot at her face, she has no joy, there's no excitement for what she's doing, she wants a real challenge.

It makes you weaker, just not as weak as a biological women. As if the physical traits that sets men apart from women can be reversed with a few years of HRT.

>hrt changes height and bone structure

They can never be reversed.

It doesn't change height but it certainly does change bone structure.

What do you think about intersex people competing against women, that are just born that way?
Pic related was born with internal testes, so she btfo out of regular women cause of her higher test.

Attached: 144325345.jpg (750x500, 70K)

You can't make this up.
>"Testosterone regulates many different functions in the body, including the maintenance of bone and muscle mass.[14]"
>"The greater height that a transgender woman may have gained before transitioning may be an advantage on the basketball court but it is likely to be disadvantageous to a gymnast.[20]"
>"An early high-profile transgender athlete was tennis player Renee Richards. Already a promising tennis player in the men's circuit, Richards underwent gender reassignment surgeryin 1975 and started playing in women's tournaments a year later.[...]She filed a lawsuit in 1977 claiming that her civil rights were violated. The judge agreed that the Barr body test as the sole determinant of sex was 'grossly unfair' and ruled Richards legally female.[4]She competed in the 1977 Open, lost in the first round and retired four years later.[2]"
Looks like bone structure is impacted by hrt. The more you know.

i have 350 mg free test and a 485 deadlift at 6ft 1 200lbs. Just because your low test doesn't mean your week. Hell those trannies take even test to reach the average 679 and i would still kick all of their fucking asses. whoever thinks ops picture is fair is out of their fucking minds

i mean ng/dl not free.

See post related

why rob her fellow athletes of a real challenge? they're competing for second place so this faggot can get his cake and eat it too. trannies are so fucking selfish and self centered.

8th Place: A High School Girl's Life After Transgender Students Joined Her Sport

>mfw roasties lives are getting destroyed by superior men coming in and destroying their gay sports

Attached: index.jpg (179x282, 8K)

mutants are one thing but trannies can get a league of their own going. fill in the teams with non trans athletes if needed, they don't belong in normal sports.

Maybe we should just not play sports. I mean really, what's the point?

t. fatty mcfatson

The ride never ends, nigger. Enjoy

this is the future (((they))) want

Iraniand and Iraqis actually did the same in 80s. That's why they legalized it in the first place. Fucking liberal degenerates.


Serves the roasties right. They campaigned for this shit, they can live with the consequences. Ca't wait until all the Olympics female records are taken by men.

>i have 350 mg free test
what the fuck? i'm at 408 ng/dl and i can't put on mass for shit, no matter how much i eat. i've been lifting on/off for 8 years

i must have too much myostatin

>female "sports"
Good. Finally, some excitement.

So the actual story is that Texas won't let him compete against men because he was born a woman so now he wins every wrestling match
Keep shitposting though :)

Unironically this. All female athletes should get access to test. Might actually make their sports interesting.

either way roasties get btfo
either we let trannies compete where they want to and mtfs outdo the women with their masculine bone structure
or we make trannies compete with their birth gender and ftms outdo women since they're taking testosterone

that girl is so entitled wtf

It's still a biological woman wrestling other biological women. So it is how it's supposed to be.

So your point is btfod

>they will never pass but will continue to be an embarrassment and annoyance to everyone

par for the course for trannies

>men make better women than women
>men now get to beat the shit out of women while a crowd cheers them on, as long as they pretend to be a woman

Why am I still a man again? I could even get neon-haired pussy AND pretend to be more "oppressed" while i do it. All I'd have to do is shave my beard and that's ASSUMING I have to do ANYTHING at all.