my squat and dead lift score dropped exactly 20 KG as i dropped 20 KG of bodyweight. this explains the hardcore powerlifters and why they are fat as fuck. notice how the amount of weight that you can lift is exactly correlated with your body weight. you are a prodigy in weight lifting only if you can lift twice or thrice your body weight. if KIRIYAKUS GRIZZLY loses weight he will not be able to lift even a 3rd of what he can lift currently. what does this say? the strength is not coming from the muscles. because a lot of his bodyweight is fat. the strength comes from the mass in total.

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congratz you are a fucking genius. first one to discover this groundbreaking fact

show me a reference where someone else discovered that the strength comes from the fat stored in the body too motherfucker.

Not him, but yeah, why don't you show the scientific proof as well instead of these low rank bro-science theories

no shit retard, its easier to move weight if you're more heavily grounded, its called leverage
also ROM goes with bench as your fat torso reduces the ROM and you get a natural lifting belt from your gut pressing against your legs for squat and deadlift

There is a reason why there has never been a lifter who could lift thrice his body weight brainlet and i explained it above. You cant become 200 kilograms of pure muscle its impossible if you are not a giant so powerlifters have to become fat to reach that weight so they can lift more because it doesnt matter if you are made of pure muscles or a mixture of muscle and fat the strength comes from the mass in total.

>its easier to move weight if you're more heavily grounded

Thats not the point of this thread stupid fuck

>man discovers leverages and mechanical advantage

post a reference here where someone else claimed that fat is the source of strength too motherfucker or shut the fuck up

well... when cutting, u lose like half of all the gains if u go low enough. Maybe even more.

Why /fit always has soo many fucking retards

then leave the Jow Forums so there would be less retards faggot

That black guy who just recently broke the bench press record weighs 450 lbs

so, what is the ideal weight if this theory is true, anons? what is the maximum weight you would be naturally picking up?

There's too much effort for this shit to be bait.

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fat is the source of strength alongside the muscles. how the fuck is that related to this thread stupid fuck? how would fat work as leverage when youre lifting? get the fuck out with your nonsense.

I went from 90kg chubster to 75kg fairly lean and now i lift more than when i weighed 90kg

You werent lifting when you were 90kg retard or wasnt a serious lifter at that weight you were 100% a noob who just started lifting.

What exactly was your 20kg of lard doing to move the weight you can no longer move? Is it possible that you just had a shitty cut where you lost a significant amount of muscle, because you are a demonstrable retard? Further, what are your absolute numbers, are they greater than your body weight?if so, why would you lose only 1kg of strength per kg of weight you lost?

No. that would mean non trained fatties could outlift average gym goer. But I get what youre saying and its not really news i feel like

you were proven to be a retard you think youre smart but you have a small brain now get the fuck out faggot

a man with 70 kg of muscles and 70 kg of fat is stronger than a man with only 70kg of muscle in a parallel condition.




Bloatcels seething

That's why I do only calistethics

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