>woke up this morning
>fuck it ill get a job
>friend tells me to apply to a pizza place he works at
>walk in without a resume with a nice shirt, nice pants, and dress shoes.
>give boss a firm handshake and introduce myself, speak for 20 min, get hired on the spot
I didn't even have to go to the second interview that the other employees told me about. Believe in yourself user, clean yourself up and give out those firm handshakes.

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Based. A firm handshake is all it takes to see the worth of a man.

>woke up this morning
>fuck it ill get a job
>friend tells me to apply to a pizza place he works at
>walk in without a resume with a nice shirt, nice pants, and dress shoes.
>give boss a firm handshake and introduce myself, get told they are not hiring right now
>repeat process 20 times this month
>same result

fuck off OP

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>get hired on the spot

this is never a good thing unless you're absolutely desperate for a job. you're in for some shit

>he actually expects to believe this

This. Getting hired on the spot is a sign that it's a shit job that's easily replaceable, or something is very, very wrong with the company.

I was talking to employees while waiting for the boss and this is how it started out
>"Do you know anything about fascist Germany"
>"that's what it's like here"
I think he was joking but idk

So these are the famous crabs in the bucket I've heard so much about.

they are just telling OP what he is in for

the job I'm working now is such a shithole. me and half my coworkers had no interview whatsoever. I'm trying to warn OP before they get sucked in. if you need a job immediately it's fine, but it's going to be bottom of the barrel tier work with shit bosses

I'm not saying don't take it, I'm saying don't get too proud about getting a job at a pizza place. Anywhere worth working at for longer than 6 months takes more effort than a good handshake and hygiene

I love how you're the only one out of 3 replies who was stupid enough to assume I'm OP.

lol nice try OP, you're not fooling anyone. We can smell your faggot juices from a mile away

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Should have told him that that's how you like it

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>i got hired via nepotism
>lol totally proved zoomers wrong
the lack of self awareness is astounding. You got hired because you are a normie with friends. You've only proved us right you idiot.

This one didn't happen, just a lazy pepe fag.
This one is believable.

Someone with no friends shouldn't get a job. They should be homeless.

I only worked one job ever and it was at McDonalds. Was easy as fuck to get though.
>walk in with the shittiest Resume ever, one reference and its just my brother in law lying about me walking his non existent dogs.
>They ask me a few question
>smile and answer their questions.
>they ask me if i want to work front or back
>say back because i'm based
>they literally say "we think you would be a good front worker because of your smile and charisma"
>Nigga what i'm ugly as fuck
>tell them that i would be okay working as a front worker as well
>they tell me they will contact me
>go home and start playing some league
>literally 7 minutes into the game get a call telling me i'm hired
>say "cooleroni my jebroni" because i'm high functioning
>work their for like 6 months then quit
Overall it was a fine experience other than one cunt manager who made every shift i worked with her hell.

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jeez.....yikes who hurt you?

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Something's wrong with your nose, then.

Just walk in and give the manager a firm blowjob bro

I don't believe you don't have friends lol. You thought.

The lie and bluepill
The truth and blackpill

desu u rite, a firm handshake does the job
a handjob too if you're down for it, truly makes you stand out and shows your worth as a man

Pretty much everyone tells me the same story. Once they put effort into job hunting, it was easy.

fuck off you stupid normalnigger fuck you

>drive 70 miles for an interview
>even go in early when i was busy because they wanted me to
>don't get the fucking security guard job

any ROBOTS tried uber etc?