Jow Forums feels pub thread

Jow Forums feels pub thread
the usual bartender seems to be taking a break off work so i tought i would fill in

anyone knows how to setup a webradio and can help me out, i want to get some music in this place.

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fuck this gay world

indeed, this world fucking sucks.
can i get you anything?

I'll take a wheat beer please

here it is, anything on your mind tonight?

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yes, sodium chloride, thats what i said

you little shit, its salt, fuck off

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why namefag the wojakbar pic tho, barfeels thread belonged to all anons to make.
water in a glass please

Thanks. Nothing in particular just general frustration

just to not be confused as the usual bartender.
here's your water

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I'll have a pint of thick Flandres or Bourgogne.

sorry, i dont have thick flandres, here's some bourgogne, whats on your mind tonight?

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Funnily enough, there is. I've been thinking of what kind of image I present of myself to the world around me. People usually tell each other to "be yourself" and such, and it never really made sense to me. Being yourself as opposed to what? I am me.

hmmm, most people present themselves differently based on the situation, then say shit like that out of hypocrisy, its good that you dont change how you act based on whats better, you are more genuine than 90% of people

Wassup bartender! How you holding up?
Also, I'll take a green Tuborg

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not much, the usual shitty life.
how about you, i listened to aske and it was good, quite different than the rest of the stuff

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See, I'm not sure at what point paying mind to how you behave becomes "not being you". Sometimes, I'll be very careful with words, and keep things that come to mind to strong moderation standards. Am I "not myself" when doing that? The motivations for doing that certainly are part of me, that's for sure. Afterall, I am moved and my behavior is changed by them.

Same gloomy day, vidya, smoking, Jow Forums and metal... same usual stuff, Aske is amazing! I told you about the versatility of it and I'm glad you liked it

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Got any coke? I'm legally not old enough to even be in a US bar anyway. But then again, this isn't the US, it's Jow Forums.

well, if its to the point of changing your personality thats not you i'd say.

I spiked my mc hot chocolate with Bailey's but now it's lukewarm
Anyone know if reheated McDonald's hot chocolate tastes good? Don't want to waste alcohol

As for feels, got gaslighted for the past 3 weeks, it's why I'm drinking, I'll tell the story when I'm drunk again if you don't mind typos

is pepsi ok?
jk, i do have coke, are you having finals?

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a good story is worth the typos, if you want to reheat it, do it in a ceramic/glass cup with a splash of milk, should prevent clumps/separation

The Bailey's had milk and Irish creme in it which is also now in the mcCocoa, thanks, it won't taste weird (other than the alcohol) will it?

shouldnt, before drinking stir it

Not really "changing my personality", but rather "taking care not to hurt others". I tend to be light-hearted and respectful of others, and at times it causes internal conflict when I want to share something heavier or deeper emotionally. There's this consideration that I might be overstepping their comfort zone, so I alter my behavior. Or maybe I'm not actually altering it, as I probably wouldn't act differently ever.
I'm kinda wondering what it is that divides the "fake" from the "real" me. Is it my internal considerations, or the outwards behavior? What if the behavior is consistent, but the internals are not? What if it's the other way around? Stuff like that.

this is one of the things you can't draw a line for, its more of a thing you go by feel for, i know this sucks but the best way to regulate it would be to feel if you are true to yourself and if you feel you are deceiving people

People suck user, you should just be yourself and do whatever the fuck you want because i'ts your life. Do not listen to other people.
Do what you feel

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Why come to the feels bar for water, user?
Bartender, I'll have a scotch, neat, please
Make that a double

i dont mind serving water, dont worry, anything wrong today?

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Well, I am doing what I want, in this regard. People do suck, but it feels right to me not to suck like they do. Be the better man, you know? It fits my non-hedonistic introverted self well, too. Honestly couldn't give a shit about partying, earning big dough or fucking everything that moves, so being selfish has no purpose for me. There isn't many people like this, though. It's pretty fuckin lonely, which is the biggest problem I have, really.

I am lonely too, my only 2 friends both died, no family, bro and sis are out of the country for work and no gf, so I get what you mean, and I really respect the fact that you don't give a shit about those things you mentioned! Rare to see it nowadays desu

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i dont give a shit about that stuff too, it seems like in the long run its the best thing to do.

already buzzed, let me get a rum and coke double and a glass of water.

>People do suck, but it feels right to me not to suck like they do.

only robots and the damaged deserve and should have sympothy and the courtesy, normies should all burn in hell.

Bingo. That's it.
That's literally the most important statement ever.

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here, what did ya get buzzed on?

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Rare is right. Everyone seems to have a story related to the partying and mindless choices made during "the phase", while I'm like... "But wasn't it obvious that this was dumb from the start? Stupid of you to have done that. I haven't made that mistake. I respect you less now".
That's all on my mind, but then i quickly mellow out since it really is pretty much everyone that has that kind of experience and some of those were great people, so it doesn't feel right to judge it negatively. But, it does seed that little seed of "that ain't me, tho", and I feel like I don't sympathize with that person and can't understand them and in comes the comfort zone uncertainty and such...
Shit's lonely, man, can't make connections with people going at it like that. Well, I base that on the lack of connections, so maybe time will fix that and I'll meet myself a nice girl and she'll like me. Or maybe I'll just live lonely and die lonely cuz I had some stupid inhibition about putting on a mask for people as it "wasn't my true self".
I wanna get drunk.

I'll just get a Jack Daniel's.

>"But wasn't it obvious that this was dumb from the start? Stupid of you to have done that. I haven't made that mistake. I respect you less now".

its an excuse for normies to act like retards, no shame or wrong in judging them.
to be honest you cant keep a mask on forever so you should meet a girl as yourself

Normies will NEVER even try to understand you, I was forced into it a few times and it all went like I expected.

My point is, try to wait, see how things change and MAYBE you'll run into a person with no boringass normalfag hobbies.

Seems weird but it happened to me a few times, I had to cut the bond tho for personal issues...

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Already got Drunk today, was waiting to sober up to get drunk again because I threw up, decided not to, Bailey's cocoa went down the sink sadly

As for the story, I'll give a little run down
>Oneitis decides to take me out for breakfast, stands close to me
>Blushes when I laugh at a meme
>Think oneitis likes me because of this breakfast
>Don't have any reference point at all to know if this is true
>For 2 weeks I'm in intense love, for sure think this is the one
>After the first Week after the breakfast, I'm trying to build up the courage to ask oneitis out
>So much anxiety because of my 100% rejection rate over 15 or so different people
>End up losing sleep because of this
>So little sleep that I am starting to go psychotic
>2 weeks pass and I finally manage to say "do you like anybody"
>"Lol no not really just someone in a different state halfway across the country"
>Sleep deprived, psychotic, hope crushed, "fuck it just say you don't like me like that"
>Clearly a no
>Try to hold it together, even more anxiety, my chest feels like it has a pit in it, cry for 4 days straight, don't sleep a single minute
>Go into mental ward after a freakout including punching a door and banging my head on the wall
>Fix my sleep schedule with meds, manage to stop crying, still don't solve the actual problem
>Come home to one message from oneitis
>Love song
>Anxiety is back, meds can't fucking solve this, hopes are back
>Check oneitis's profile to see what I missed
>Fucking posts like "you know who you are, you fucked me up" and "I love you" with a band we both listen to
>Might have a chance, start slow with shit like "I can't stop listening to your music" recommends more bands to listen to
>Yesterday, invite oneitis to drink with us
>Plans fall through, oneitis has concert, beer guy never shows up
>Come home to a video o oneitis's concert
>Try to be smooth, "wish my night was as good as yours lol"
>Oneitis's reply is "cock"
>Obviously drunk

burzum user gets more and more based as time passes

Ah, man, the hope's almost gone. Doesn't even feel right when I imagine being with a girl.

In any case, thanks for lending your ears. It's nice to have some sympathy.
Anything eating at you guys that you want to share?

>End up flirting/joking around
>"Fk u" me:"perhaps" "ru 18" me"Yee" "lemme c" me"are you joking?" "idk"
>Didn't want to take advantage of someone being drunk so I say "please don't regret this in the morning
>Next day, pretty much ignores what we said last night
>Starts talking about Fucking other people, their next partner,other shit
>Good enough reason for me to drink, being lead on repeatedly
>Not much longer later I am crying, drunk, and pouring out my feels to my oneitis
>Gets angry over my self loathing and stops talking

Ahhh yeahhhhh Fuucking still got that %100 turn down rate and 0 friends

got my shitty life as usual, not much, bartending helps me cope with it

>she gets drunk
>thinks about fucking random people
honestly user, you dodged a bullet

I've hit acceptance in death, love, despair. Its good but empty. Belgian Wheat pls.

here user, what made you give up?

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Yesterday I just hit up one of the girls I used to hang out with and told her how much I care about her and the others, she told me to take my time and when I'm fully recovered we could hang out all together.

Anons, this may be a possibility for me to rebuild my social life after years of being under meds and into deep depression.


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I'm not a random person, we've known of each other for 8ish years, maybe longer, I think 10, but we've been talking for over a year now

If you mean the random person they fucked, yeah that's pretty degenerate and was a turn off. Honestly, if they hadnt said that,I probably would've been willfully ignorant to the fact that they were leading me on
Fuck now I wish I hadn't poured out my drink

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ok anons the bartender is going home, see you tomorrow

Some cider, please.
Coming to terms with the fact the person I've thought was my best friend for years has thrown me aside like an old toy and replaced me with a better model.

Guinness my good man.
Let me tell you the story of how I've turned my life around in under a year.

Got a job, bartending, no less at a posh bar in my city, moved out and into a shared accommodation with strangers, the job and new housing requires I socialise,
Woth my wages bought a shit box car which I love and treasure, and all my own utilities and essentials like phone, Internet and food.
Because I have to socialise actually get decent enough at it to make some close friends, moving in with one this or next month.

Here's the best part guys, I got a gf. Was at a bar with the work friends and a qt redhead tells me I'm hot, my coworkers and friends egg me on to ask her on a date and after a few beers I got the courage, bought her a drink and now we're going steady for almost 3 months.
The friends also encouraged me to get back into playing music, which I did when I was younger.

I'm living proof we can make it boys.
I just hope I don't fuck it up or get fucked over.

You can do it too guys.

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Everything I do is shitty no matter what.

I some how ended up becoming a 60 hour a week wage slave to boot and my manager just keeps shitting on me cause even though I'm putting 110% its pathetic since i cant even keep up. I never fucking can. I'm trying to move out of my parents shitty house thats falling apart but I dont think can keep working like this all the time if not more. I honestly dont think I'm going to make it bros.

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Tatjana, oh how I love you, I wish I was 20 years older, then I could marry you, but, alas, quietly I shall admire and love, burning inside with unrelenting passion

can I get a root bear

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