What did I do wrong?

What did I do wrong?
>35 ACT (36 max)
>1500 SAT (1600 max)
>4.0 GPA (4 max)
>4.7 GPA Weighted (5 max)
>790 SAT II Math II (800 max)
>Started a charity, raised $32k+ to date, been in the news several times
>Been on 6 mission trips/humanitarian projects around the world
>Played piano for 10 years
>Played percussion in an adult orchestra for 4 years
>Helped found a theater and ended up getting the lead role in one of the plays
>Founded a debate club
>President of the writing club, member for 4 years
>Class Vice President, student government for 3 years
>Glowing letters of recommendation
>Essays were good enough to get me into a T30 honors program based on them

>Rejected Harvard
>Rejected Princeton
>Rejected Yale
>Rejected Columbia
>Rejected UChicago
>Waitlisted Duke
>Rejected from every scholarship I applied to, except for one scholarship to an out of state T100 that made it the same price as an instate

I'm going to that T30 with the honors program at full instate price, no merit or need based aid.

What did I do wrong? What could I possibly have done better? Why am I such a fucking failure?

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>What did I do wrong?
Surely someone as smart as you could figure it out on his own

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to be real user if you dont come from a wealthy family or a family with prestige in the school the chances of you getting in to any of those schools are slim to none. it doesnt matter hat you did or didnt if you're irrelevant or poor then you wont get anywhere

either asian, or a white male.
don't see why you getting fucked over like that.

It is probably because you are white if you're white. Whites have to work harder for less these days.


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A lot of those achievements sound irrelevant. Top unis don't even care about grades really, now, if you placed number 1 at debate for three years in a row, you might have a chance. They want competition, they want "winners", anybody can do charity or take piano lessons. You seriously were president for only one club? One, and you were expecting to be accepted into harvard? You didn't even place at a science fair or something. How many AP credits? less than, maybe 30, your chances drop as well.

went through this last year. talk to me if you give a shit. ching chong ching

Got into uchig with slightly better GPA/test scores but less extracurriculars than you. Did you got to a prestigious high school? Pedigree matters to ivies and other T10 schools.

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meant for OP obvs