Asian girl eat same things I do

>asian girl eat same things I do
>does a few low intensity planks every night
>stay slim
it's not fair bros

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how to get gf like her

Women distribute fat differently than men, they can look good at 20 percent even

what kind of meme exercises are those

>same things I do
But not in the same quantities, fatty.

Pretty much this, women are supposed to aim around that bodyfat anyway but a guy at 20% looks fucking fat as shit

>be Asian guy
>body sends 90% of fat straight to right bellow my belly button
>10% to my chin
>white roommate eats pure garbage and is anorexic skinny
>nigger and white girl friends all have it evenly distributed unless they're fat fucks

It's just not fair bros. I go to the gym three times a week and play pickup sports on weekends.

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10% to my chin
that's cause you eat a shit load of salt you dumb fuck

I really do love salt but I'm pretty conservative with seasoning.

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Wait really?


>this person can do this, it's not fair!
Life isn't fair. Stop whining, do what YOU need to do be slim.

Asians are really insectoid, tell me she doesn't look like a praying mantis or something

she's skinny fat, doesn't have any muscle, no ass, no tits, no femenine traits whatsoever

it's cute, but i hate how they can eat more than me but still stay slim and attract more guys

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abs exercises that don't wreck your back


reee gib tall Asian wife

the moving side planks are dumb but bicycles are actually one of the best ab exercises

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No she doesn't she might eat crap but unless she is 6 ft and you are 5ft she is eating a lot less than you and you just underestimate your own intake and overestimate hers.

That's not how thermodynamic laws work you fucking retard.

it's not what you eat, it's how much. girl in that webm probably eats less than 2,000 calories. just stop eating so much

Kek. Have you just now encountered this concept? Lurk in /sci/ more

You have insulin resistance, she doesn't.

Same things, but is it the same portion sizes?

asian girls get the skinny genes

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>asian girl eat same things I do
she most likely doesn't. You only think that because she may have had lunch or dinner with you that day and for some odd reason, you somehow think she eats the same diet as you. But what you don't know is that she cooks her own food at home because you can't just go out and buy asian food at any restaurant. Asian diet is a lot more vegetable based and has a large variety of vegetables. I don't think i have ever eaten an unhealthy asian meal before other than maybe some things they fry but there isn't even much that they fry

can't tell if you are dodging the issue or if you are just trolling. Probably both

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do they do this to keep their bodies warm?

I don't know but I like watching

>Retards who think all humans digest all food exactly the same way all the time

why dont you explain the differences in the physiology of different races then you dunce

>black kid goes to the same school as white kid
>does some homework sometimes
>still have an average IQ 20 points lower
it's not fair bros

>most of my fat goes to my breasts

This shit exactly. I learned to cook from a friend who happened to be Asian. Thanks to him I can cook and what I eat now is vastly different than what I ate growing up from my mom. Now I'm more lean than my entire family and most of it I can credit to how I eat.

>is it... GIRL..?? It has VAGINA??... suck suck on my WEENER? would like to...?

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how do i get qt azn gf plz

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This is most likely the real answer. I saw a video of how sumo wrestlers train, eat, and live and their meals were a lot of rice, vegetable soup, and some meat on the side or in the soup.

>using sumo wrestlers to confirm a post
I do see the fallacy in what I just wrote though...

>be white
>go to uni gym

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find an extremely white washed asian girl. Best bet is to find one that hangs out with a bunch of non asian girls.
However if you speak the language of the girl's native tongue, this will attract the girl big time

Wtf that does not answer my question
>t. male
I am developing abs yet I can't lose my manboobs.

She's really bad at dancing

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You can't spot reduce fat. Lose fat in general or get them cut off I guess.

>find an extremely white washed asian girl.
l-like th-this one?

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Recip saw works good


Guys who want asians are as degenerate as girls who want niggers, be fucking proud of your white genes, you were born master race

why would you want a white washed asian?
sure she has the looks but why would you want her mind to be infested with the trendy sjw retarded mindset that plagues our white bitches of today?

because those are the ones that want white or black dick. Its mostly about culture. Their way of living has to change big time if they aren't white washed and most people in general dont want to do that

Why are chink insects so fucking ugly? Looks like someone gave her face a beating


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