great fucking job, Jow Forums, you sure showed me. just to be clear, this is the last time i ever came to this god forsaken board and i hope you all die a painful death. what happened, you're wondering? here's what fucking happened.
>boss told us we'll be having an office potluck this friday >trying to impress asian qt that works with me so i came to Jow Forums for an advice about what i should bring >couple of you absolutely retarded motherfuckers suggested i bring one of these damn things >spent $200 bucks last week on supplies and steamboat itself >came to potluck two hours early, barely managed to install it properly >food cooking it in smelled like LITERAL SHIT >NO ONE even tried A SINGLE off it >got hundreds of weird looks and questions because of it >people openly made fun of it >at one point i ran to the toilet to cry my eyes out, when i came back everyone noticed >stayed an hour late after everyone left disassembling it >guy from accounting went home with her probably fucked her or whatever normal people do after potlucks >now i'm stuck with giant fuck heavy chinese saucer in my single bedroom apartment >will probably throw it in trash tomorrow
you really couldn't suggest me to bring deviled eggs or guacamole dip and chips, huh? fucking retards...
>asking r9k for advice on women granted, I am also guilty of this, but rarely ever take it seriously. also, unless you actually have lots of money or some skill women find interesting, trying to impress them is not going to work
Elijah Moore
>taking advice from Jow Forums unironically you have no one to blame but yourself also >trying to cook chink food without any prior knowledge
Xavier Moore
>gets mad at Jow Forums for failing to cook a simple meal using a simple piece of equipment >cries in front of his coworkers You're a dumb bitch. You deserve to be an incel.