The year is now 1899, is your life better ir worse

the year is now 1899, is your life better ir worse

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>tfw no Gregorian gf

Am I unborn or just magically transported back to 1899

id be a skipper in a merchant ship, preferably sail but i can manage a steam one. ill live in belle epoque paris in a comfy flat where i work on my piano and writing.

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>women actually just retarded and admitting it, not full retarded and in denial about it
>no fucking coalburners and clubwhore who think they can demand respect next monday

Sign up for timejump where?

worse, not I have absolutely zero chance of living to become immortal with AI

also zero chance to be cryogenically frozen so that I could eventually be restored to become immortal with AI

>Whoa haha looks like I got cholera from drinking well water again, better smoke some opium to calm my morphine withdrawals from the time I had my leg amputated because of a splinter!

>A black man and a white lady makin' love? Well, who am I to tell a fella and an upstandin' woman what they can or can't do? Hell, it's almost the twentieth century!

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>2015 + 4
>wanting immortality
fucking brainlets man

So I'm not alive?

Couldn't be worse than my current life.

>died of influenza by 20
it's better

Everyone had ligma back then.

I still have my job skills and they are applicable as fuck.
Bartending in Ireland.
Knowing me, I'd probably end up joining the ira and die though

Just growing without the influence of video games and the internet it's way better than now. I could die from polio or some other disease at the age of 32 but I still would had lived a better life. And would have been a much less pathetic.

This. There were no losers before video games.

If I retain modern day knowledge I could definitely become a major inventor.

worse. theres no way for me to work from home unless i become a farmer doing backbreaking labor for 12 hours a day

Better, I'm probably able to get a job in person instead of a shitty online filter processing system.

I grew up with no video games and I'm still a loser.

>not wanting to be immortal, have the combined knowledge of all humankind, and experience the colonization of the universe and all scientific advancements ever to come

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Being a British colonial soldier sounds like it would be fun, get to fuck a ton of foreign women even though I have 0 social skills, protect the empire and whatnot.

>experience the colonization of the universe and all scientific advancements ever to come
>dood technology lmao XDD

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Autistic middle schooler

>not realizing that the depression would only get worse with every decade

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Who gives a fuck about truth when you can get out of this coon-filled pisshole?

Socrates thought the heart was what controlled human thinking, not the brain

yeah a 2000 year old dead guy, he's a really great source about immortality

fuck you

this is something a middle schooler / high schooler would say

fuck you

You're thinking of the Egyptians

Would I still be living in America or would I be where my family is at the time?

Imagine all the civilians in South Africa, India, East Asia, etc. that you could just shoot and stab and face zero consequences.

probably a better life even if a was poor unless i get polio or some shit

Yeah he is. Everything is wrong about some things, but every turd contains one, if not several, nuggets of sweet sweet corn of truth.

For example. I irrationally despise women, but can offer constructive insight to the freshman on my college campus about how to be a man in today's world due to my own crash-course in maturity after multiple make-or-break traumatic experiences stacking up all at once in my life that I overcame through sheer power-of-will. Just don't trust a single thing about my skewed world-view regarding women.

||I got raped sophomore year by one, then senior year (high school) almost married one after a very long story that ended with her crushing my soul with what she thought was a throwaway phrase. I may be bitter, but unlike mister Greeks == Kangz over here, I'm not retarded or lacking in self-awareness.||
Have a nice whatever time of day it is wherever you are. I'm gonna go smurf in vidya on sleeping medication instead of sleeping now.

if i was immortal i wouldnt be afriad to do a bunch of retarded shit