Anyone else sensitive to sound?

Anyone else sensitive to sound?
I have to bring earplugs with me around or else overhearing conversations or repetitive sounds create a deep anger within me and I will lose it.

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That is a well-known classic symptom of autism.

i'm serious

this man is right
i have unironic aspergers and while i dont fact what you do with the same intensity there are certain sounds i find absolutely grating and impossible to listen to.

One particular oven at my old job would beep incessantly to the point where if i wasn't the one getting it to stop then I would have to keep my ears plugged constantly

What part? Sensitivity to sound or anger to overhearing conversations and/or repetitive sounds?
I've considered myself semi-aspie but never thought of it too much. I often have to hit something or make another noise over and over again to cover the sound thats repeating. Or leave the room...etc.

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sounds pretty autistic bro
you should get tested unironically

I-I don't know how to react to this. How does one go about getting tested unironically anyway?

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Hey, user....


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Tell a doctor lol.

If you're sensitive to ALL sounds throughout the day I think you might be a tad bit autistic. I absolutely HATE sounds in the morning because they wake me up, especially my doggo barking or my parents talking. That's why I use a high velocity fan to block it all out

Tell the doctor I think I'm autistic??? wtf
Not all sounds... just repetitive ones and loud ones. Especially strange speech patterns that end the same way, words being used multiple times, and uneven tapping on surfaces. It all amplifies my anger if its particularly loud or sharp to the ear.

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sensitivity to sounds is typically a sympton of autism. Not all autistic people are but it's pretty common.

Ticking clocks. My mother has a shitty fucking coo coo clock and it ticks like being inside a clock tower. I hope it breaks in the move. The only prob with ear plugs is if you wear them before bed and need an alarm to wake you at a certain time.

Although I agree with other anons about the autism thing, it might just be hyperacusis (which co-occurs with lots of other stuff but can happen on its own). There's a few treatments but they won't necessarily make it go away. Apparently, using earplugs slowly makes it worse, though, since your brain registers something blocking your hearing an ups the volume in your brain to compensate.
You might also have some other sound-related issue that isn't just sensitivity, if you're really annoyed by certain types of sound (misophonia). Is it more painful or more annoying or both?

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I have it with lights too. I moved into a house where the router was in the bedroom with a flickering light. Even after putting opawue electrical tape over the lights, I still felt like I could feel it. That is how irritable and intolerant I am. My whole family is weird and asocial. My mother is an odd bird too

Also, yes, I am very sensitive to sound how the fuck does everyone else just deal with it what the fuck

Painful sometimes. I used to bite my hand in class when the professor would tap the board one too many times too loudly. I was thinking the same thing about the earplugs but without them... it can destroy my mood. Annoyance is manageable and I won't act on it but it's painful enough for me to change my actions/life/path to avoid hearing the sound more.

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Painful as in mentally painful. Not physically painful.
I'm fine with lights except when it's my computer monitors but I think that is quite normal

Sounds more like misophonia than hyperacusis, but don't quote me on that or anything.

Loud sounds only, Satan. My neighbors dog max barking volume according to my phone is 92db with my windows closed. I don't know if this is 'loud' enough to put me in 'tism territory but sure as fuck drives me insane.

That's just called autism

Yeah. When I was young, like a baby young, a train accidentally passed basically next to my ear when my mom was holding me and the doctors say that's likely why I'm so sound sensitive.

The best part is that both my dad and my brother wouldn't know normal volume if you hit them over the side of the head with it. Everything they do is so fucking loud. Noise canceling headphones have been my good friend. I always keep a pair around.

i'm sensitive about having to listen to other's people bullshit. when i have to go out i always bring my in-ear buds.
humans never know when to shut up.

I've never been able to explain this one. I hate a lot of sounds but that's because there's no way to completely block them out. But I also can't sleep if there's a flashing light visible. I shouldn't be able to see it anyway because I'm supposed to have my eyes closed, but that doesn't matter. I have to cover it up to be able to go to sleep.

i have to wear ear plugs every night before bed. otherwise the sounds make me very angry

Only loud sounds
I'm pretty triggered by it, just gives me a mini panic attack

Am i Autism? It can be pretty bad but just internally when i die inside and nobody can tell (i'm good at hiding negative emotions)

On one hand i enjoy other peoples conversations as it makes me feel like i have friends, if i eaves drop

On the other hand, music concerts and shooting ranges are off limits. Never been to any club, concert, or rave where i wasnt massively stressed out.