This woman is a swimsuit model

>This woman is a swimsuit model

Attached: 8jYT6fy.jpg (1920x1280, 310K)

For what magazine?

The Farmer's Daily?

Yes and?

She's hot ngl

>fat people buy swimsuits
Next thread

This. Where did this idea that models are the feminine ideal come from? They're glorified clothing racks.

Porks Illustrated

>women should look like little boys

Attached: 2285FD63-7FBA-484A-96E0-5BF2F80F9F62.jpg (900x638, 369K)

I like the direction this is going

Attached: jasmina.png (1025x1181, 1.99M)

SEETHING fat fetishisers and fatties

>U Mad XDD gotem
Back to /b/, kid.