Hikikomori General Thread

This thread is for people who are completely withdrawn from society and don't leave their bedrooms or single room apartments for long periods at a time.

How are you hikis doing?


>The term hikikomori is a term that comes from Japan when translated in English it means pulling inward, being confined acute social withdrawal ) Hikikomori is a distinct psychological condition that refers to the phenomenon of reclusive adolescence or adults who withdraw from society and seek extreme degrees of isolation and confinement.

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare defines hikikomori as a condition in which the affected individuals refuse to leave their parents house, and isolate themselves away from society and in more extreme cases family in a single room for a period exceeding six months but is not directly caused by a physical condition or other psychological problem

>Most hikikomori are neets and are supported by their parents or get money from the government however if you work or take classes online at home while still not going outside and having very little or no social interaction you are still a hikikomori but not a neet

>Contrary to popular belief most hikikomori go outdoors but are just isolated socially and still spend most of the day and nearly every single day confined at home in their rooms

>The Hikikomori Criteria and Diagnosis

>1. Subject spends most of the day confined at home, nearly every single day.

>2. Subject purposefully avoids social situations and social relationships

>3. Subject shows clear significant functional impairment,

>4. Subject shows social withdrawal symptoms for .a duration of 6 months or more

>5. Subject has no physical condition nor other psychological problem that is the cause of the social withdrawal

>While hikikomori is mostly a Japanese phenomenon cases of the condition have been found in other countries

People who go to work school or have a social life are not hikikomori.

Attached: hikikomori-ne-vihodi-iz-komnati-treiler_1.jpg (492x277, 103K)

Do you honestly believe people on the streets are considered inverse hikikomori? By virtue of only engaging in business with money they have collected (as an example)? Like they may go outside but they are actually so social that they have inversely hikiki'd? Asking because of an illegal investigation on my end where I was jailed with childhood figures from a state I moved from assumingly because I frequent a 3 mile path to the grocery store each day and I only assume people think I'm mentally ill because of it. They changed a law later where vagrants can't be detained simply for being vagrants but I had a marijuana case that had me arrested in court for 80 days, so there's the workaround for that. It's open territory for people that want to demonize Monster, as that is my choice energy beverage. It gives me strength, it trains my endurance. But most importantly, (my embarrassment is my choice)

im hikki after work

what language is this in bud

It is in bud. I am waiting on my dealer RIGHT NOW.

>im hikki after work

Go fuck yourself you are not a hikikomori hikikomori is a mental health problem it is an extreme form of isolation on the social withdrawal and Neet spectrum ALL hikikomori are Neets.

even Satou had to find a job. but do yew think he stopped being a hikki after work?

where are yew from budd?

He's just trying to figure out this complex world like the rest of us.

he has that thing where he word salads, rather than serving the steak.

>Do you honestly believe people on the streets are considered inverse hikikomori? By virtue of only engaging in business with money they have collected (as an example)?

No street criminals are still giving back to society in some way see the thing is if you're working you're actually contributing to society and at the end of the day still have to pay taxes hikikomori do not contribute to society at all they live in their parents house never leave their rooms and suffer with mental health problems.