Rawr Ima dragon heehee :3

>rawr Ima dragon heehee :3

Attached: 1557632989003.jpg (1768x2501, 203K)

Neither of those lolis are dragons. Sage

Here, have some floss. Happy halloween, kiddos.

do you expect a loli to know what an imp is?

What adorable cuties you are! Here's two fully-sized Crunch bars, don't tell your parents.

Is nobody else in this thread bothered by how absolutely fucked up the quality of OP's image is? Like what the fuck did you do OP? How the fuck does it look like this? It's like it came back from 2010.

halloween has gone to shit
nothing but ugly ethnic kids and even those are rare these days. I bought a bag of snickers this year and ended up just leaving the pumpkin outside because the night was so dead.

Looks fine to me. But then 2010 was also pretty okay to me.

>little girl spent so much of her money on a costume that she cant even afford a basket now
>Just has to use a sack for sweets
What a cutie, have a couple kitkats

>Not using your pillow case for maximum storage capacity
Fucking pathetic.