Just found out suicide is illegal

Just found out suicide is illegal.

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Are you sure? Post a snip of the law. If you didn't it in word, you might be getting swindled.

it's not, try it, you won't get arrested

It's your life and your life only.
Use it as you see fit.

Where did you learn this--fact?

Is the punishment life?

What do you do when your pursuit of liberty and pursuit of happiness conflict with the pursuit of life?

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Only person holding you back is yourself.

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It kinda makes sense considering that some poor dude has to come and clean up your body and what's left of it. Imagine having to clean bits of brain and skull from between the floorboards after some NEET blows his brains out with a shotgun in his mothers basement. Even with a relatively clean kill like with hanging it's a haunting job to clean up the scene. Of course none of this would be a problem if we had futurama style suicide booths.

Then why isn't it illegal for you to create a mess anywhere else? Like leaving a shopping cart out without pushing it to the rest. Or not folding clothes back into the pile. Or not throwing away your trash after you eat at a McDs.

Because an errant shopping cart doesn't bring people to contemplate their own mortality.

But it does for me. Like why the fuck couldn't you just push that shit back? It's like five second away. What the fuck? Why did you touch the clothes and fuck them all up? Clean up your dumb mess. Who the fuck are you to think you can just eat and leave? Clean up, god damn. Manners are learned as children. Such simple things and yet people can't do it. Imagine how much worse it is for anything else.

Another difference: Retail workers are literally paid to mind the merchandise. Human remains are not in the job description. They are not paid enough.

What if you just off yourself in the middle of the wilderness then? No one will have to clean it up and nature will thank you for your contribution.

They can't arrest you if you're dead, retard.

this anons got it figured out
now i can be the mafia crime lord
l8r virgins

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You're fucking idiots, it's illegal because that means that it's a violent crime resulting in death, so it gives emergency services or anyone else the right to kick your door down or do anything else that may be necessary to stop you from committing the "crime". Otherwise police on a wellness check could see you with a shotgun in your mouth through the window but not be allowed to enter because you didn't give permission

Why wouldn't destruction of government property be illegal?

Well what will they do? Arrest me ? Throw my lifeless body Into a cell?

they adept to ressurect you and then throw you into jail lmao

Of course it's ilegal. Suicide is bad for the economy. Nobody cares whether you're happy or if you want to live, all thst matters is that you consume and produce products.

Looks like i'm going away for a long time.

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Of course suicide is illegal, can't give the goyim a way out of slaving away for Mr. Shekelbergmoneygrabberhooknosesixmillionstein.