>tfw immediately lose attraction to a robot when I find out he has friends irl >hate humankind and have fantasies of exterminating humanity with virueses while hiding out in the forests of northern finland with my e bf >cant feel empathy for animals but too much for humans
No im glad i have it because it makes me want to save my virginity until mairrage unlike 99% of this degenerate society
James Jackson
lol man bpd and you're also dumb. doubly cursed. enjoy your life of endless disappointment, it will only end when you do.
Henry Morgan
I feel the same, no one wants to be my ebf though.
Robert Reyes
sometimes when I first add someone from discord, if I like them I end up sending them 16+ messages without them replying I also mostly post on here to get abused
don't you hate being alive? someone close to me has bpd, and it's evident that she resents herself and desperately doesn't wanna live. she doesn't even know who she is anymore. how could you live like that?
>claims to want to genocide humanity >feels to much empathy for humans
Faker. You're just a big sweetie who's jealous she can't control every aspect of her man's life. Really wish I could find a girl like this desu. But I'm a good-looking loser and still have irl frens I see on occasion, so I guess I wouldn't qualify. Robots will never understand this suffering.
Brody Robinson
The world will end soon enough. Dont worry.
Parker Baker
Tfw no bpd gf to tame
Jose Hall
You can't fix an inherently broken human user, don't bother trying.
Charles Perry
>have irl frens I Normalfag fuck off and die in agony
John Brooks
Oh God how I hate bpd threads. Please anything but these. I never filter anything but I really wish I knew how to filter these. Then I get too curious. Here is a bpd feel of the day >Don't feel anything >Look at all work that's late, debt >(Brain):"Prepare to be assimilated!" >Fuck! >Reality turns like in Silent hill to hell >Everything fucking sucks everything is fucked >Why are you smiling!? FUCK!
Relatable mate, life feels like a fucked up hellscape every now and then.
Luke Anderson
I'm basically falling in love for you right now.
Sadly I live in a random countryside place in Europe.
Gavin Butler
>tfw no obsessive talkative gf to wake me up with 30 messages
Kevin Thomas
While I'm not bpd, I feel like I fall for people fast and hard. The thing is I dont later want to leave them. I just ended up getting ghosted though
Daniel Sanchez
OP, if you are able to do the virus thingy then please do!
Chase Stewart
>met a girl on here and added on discord >she was amazing and we really clicked, talked for 9-10 hours every day >pretty much skipping meals because neither of us wanted to hang up >she told me she loved me after like a week >i did too desu, she was perfect >we keep talking for 2-3 weeks >when her semester starts again and she gets distant, barely talking for weeks at a time >ends it after a few months after not wanting to meet up or do a long distance since she focuses heavily on her studies/work
was it BPD? i've dated a girl after her for like 8 months but she was a normie and the red flags were readily apparent towards the end but i still find myself thinking about those 2-3 weeks i had with her, we just had so much in common in terms of interests/personality
Just for clarification, do you mean Borderline or Bipolar?
Colton Butler
lol meme disorder
Christian Hill
Sounds like shit user, what kind of viruses?
Ian Moore
Aww I know you don't mean it sweetie. This is probably just one of your dozen online personas you use to lure in desperate orbiters. But gl finding your isolated Armageddon bf, I'm sure you two are gonna do just great
Alexander Barnes
Then move theres something called a greencard here in anglo countries
Isaac Lee
OP here Please give me your discord oh odin i really hope he sees this. I really want you