Last night

>last night
>try making chicken fried steak for the first time
>get too drunk
>forget to make the fucking gravy
Redemption time

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I found this picture. It must be what I cooked last night.
I think we can do better. Suggestions are welcome.

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The steaks have been seasoned with salt and pepper, then rubber with some oil.
I seasoned the flour with salt, pepper, chili powder, and garlic powder, then added some hot sauce to the egg mixture (I believe that is called batter).

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In the flour, then the egg, then back in the flour. Gonna pop these in the freezer so they fry better.

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I'm concerned about the rue. Never made one before, but goddamnit am I going to try.
Here's some bacon, onions, mushrooms, and a thing of garlic for the gravy.

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And we're frying.
Three minutes on each side.

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good thread mate, keep it up

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you're doing good user, i hope it turns out well this time

After the first flip.
Then, once I let it cool, I attempt the rue.

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What the fuck did you do to that chicken?