How does having your penis inside the mouth of a woman feel like??
How does having your penis inside the mouth of a woman feel like??
like regret and sorrow
dont bother, they aren't worth your effort.
just fap and get your libido over with, and play video games. dont spend so much effort on chasing after women that will not appreciate you, and dump you for someone better once they get the chance to.
>yes goy waste your life on meaningless vidya and think that real life works like tinder
>women are all dirty sluts and coalburners anyway
feels gud, better then pussy imho
Like you think it does. Teeth are more noticeable than you would think though
better than pussy if she knows what she's doing.
It's really not that great. Extremely overrated.
whatever troll, just blame it on the jews. It's just tiring to chase after women. I have an average office job, a dog, and games, and i just fap to release sexual tension. It's a pretty gud life. I just gave a suggestion to op, if you want act like you're retarded sure go ahead man
A guy sucked my cock once. I was curious to see how it felt. Feels pretty good but I'm not gay so I wasn't really into it. But the sensation itself feels great, better than jerking off.