Is it possible to gain mass while on intermittent fasting?

Is it possible to gain mass while on intermittent fasting?

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Theoretically yes but why would you do something so retarded

Because daddy joe rogan says intermittent fasting increases your lifespan

Joe Rogan is an idiot

My buddy has to transition from like 800 calories a day to 2400 calories a day just to gain. Literally any food at all makes him feel sick and bloated. Don't fall for the fasting goblin. Small stomachs make small muscles.

So I need to stuff my face like a pig?

Excersise, than eat plenty of food, fast, repeat. It's not fucking rocket science

Eat more calories on ur eating window and ofc u will gain jesus fuck

You fucking stupid cunt. YOu're a fucking stupid bitch and I wish I could wrap my hands around your fragile neck I would snap it like a fucking twig. I literally have a hard on right now jsut thinking about ending your stupid fucking pointless life.

>impotent rage of a lardwhale
Thank for reminding me to do neck curls

I will slit all your tendons and render you completely immobile. I while then sit on your face until you're suffocated by my balls. You will literally die choking on my testicles and smelling my taint. How do you feel?

I don't know why but 2 months on 20:4 IF and my appetite seems to have grown. I can eat way more than before and not feel like I ate too much, sometimes not even feel full when I eat 2200 cal in 2 hours. But I feel content.
Maybe being hungry for long periods does that.

Bulking would be easy, but IF isn't ideal for bulking. You're not gonna find any elite athlete doing it. The old bro method of many meals with high protein is superior for gaining. Just do IF when cutting or maintaining.

Yes, I've been doing it for the past 3-4 months. Gained 8 lbs but also dropped my body fat by about 6 percent. Was full skinny fat mode when I started, now slowly starting to look good. It's fine to go without food periodically.... I have my first meal in the afternoon after working out. Just make sure that you eat enough.

Sauce dude, like really.

But have you ever done DMT?

Where's the sauce, mr.nigger.

CICO you fucking retard

Have you done HRT?

god that's hot go on

Just small amounts of food all day long and be the cutie always snacking
God helps those who do cute things all day long.

Have you done HRC?

Yes, you can still build mass. I did fasting 18/6 while bulking. The technique is to find a proper bulking food that contains enough amount of calories and macros to start off. I would eat a whole 1/2 pounder burger which is about 1k+ calories and about 100+ carbs and 100+ protein and a protein shake before working out. After that, dinner is anything that has the proper macros and calories to fill your daily intake for bulking. Don’t believe most of these people because they haven't done it.

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