Why havent you consider improving yourself?
Why havent you consider improving yourself?
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You can only polish a turd so much before becoming disillusioned with the prospect.
>just clean your room and take a shower bro
when will this meme end?
I've tried and continued to do it. I want to be a neet again though
I did improve myself. It only made me more cynical.
I am trying it but it is very difficult, I have no motivation and discipline.
When will you take a shower?
I am literally the perfect form of myself atm. The reason that I'm still virgin is now clear : not my fault.
I find it difficult to convince myself that I can. Whenever I start I end up thinking of how much of loser I am then end up giving up.
I am improving myself. Not to become a good, docile member of the workforce though. If I'm gonna waste years of my life changing my comfortable state of self, it better be for something real good. Hope you guys don't regret telling bad people to find motivation, lol. When I get out there it's gonna be to change the world I live in, not change myself.