Why havent you consider improving yourself?

Why havent you consider improving yourself?

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You can only polish a turd so much before becoming disillusioned with the prospect.

>just clean your room and take a shower bro
when will this meme end?

I've tried and continued to do it. I want to be a neet again though

I did improve myself. It only made me more cynical.

I am trying it but it is very difficult, I have no motivation and discipline.

When will you take a shower?

I am literally the perfect form of myself atm. The reason that I'm still virgin is now clear : not my fault.

I find it difficult to convince myself that I can. Whenever I start I end up thinking of how much of loser I am then end up giving up.

I am improving myself. Not to become a good, docile member of the workforce though. If I'm gonna waste years of my life changing my comfortable state of self, it better be for something real good. Hope you guys don't regret telling bad people to find motivation, lol. When I get out there it's gonna be to change the world I live in, not change myself.

Improving myself isn't fun. I am happy being miserable if I don't have to put any effort in

I have, but the doctors keep kicking me out after I ask them about the morality of a castration. It's like they don't want to castrate betas like me. (it's their job to maintain a healthy society)

It's difficult to try to improve yourself when no one encourages you

I've been trying.

Lost 50 pounds, trying to lose another 50 more by august. Exercise 6 days a week and am IT fasting. Weight seems to be at a standstill and its pissing me off since I eat high protein/low carb. Eat between 1000-1200 calories a day with a deficit of 2400+, drink nothing but water.

I start college again in fall for art since I discovered I'm a drawfag last year. Probably going to throw a software engineering minor in there for safety measures. I don't have a lot of time to comfortably improve so I'm trying to devise a 3 hour draw schedule until school starts.

I started learning Korean, budgeting to visit next year.

Attending first anime con in august too. Want to cosplay as per weight loss goals.

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I did. I spent hours at the gym and counted calories. I worked 80 hour weeks towards a respectable salary. It didn't matter because I didn't enculturate myself to the retard thinking portrayed by pseudointellectuals on television.

>low carb
Well there you go. Go vegan and eat more carbs.

please don't be a retard by going vegan
listen to this guy. it will change your fucking life my dude
go on facebook and search "snake diet motivation"
it's full of testimonials
but look at the fucking results. don't you want that for yourself? weight loss is fucking simple. just suspend your disbelief and try it

>I worked 80 hour weeks

what is wrong with you

No fucking kidding, user.

Castration don't solve anything, you'll be making more tranny assholes.

only the most stoic and virtuous of men would post such an image. patrician taste op

this fucking image made me fail nofap REEE

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Anyone know the girl on the right? Seen this pic a few times, always wonder. Looks kinda like Honey Moon

>please don't be a retard by going vegan
hey, fuck you dude

not trying to be a hater, but we just weren't meant to eat that way dude. we need to eat meat, that's how we evolved and thrived for god's sake

anna_chambers on left, megan rain on right

Try again, you can do it

Is =/= ought
>we need to eat meat
Says who, besides the meat industry?
>meat is how we evolved
Anything pre-neolithic is irrelevant, you're not an ancestor to mankind

Since two months i am working out every second day and i actually got laid. My hate for the people around me gives me so much motivation. I just want to show how much i can achieve only to make all the other fuckfaces jealous.

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thank you user, i wont give up orig

just step in the bathroom, turn the tap and stand underneath the water flow.

It's that easy, bro. I do it everyday and slay maad pussy

if i put you on an island and you were given only grains/carbs, veg, and fruit, with no supplements, you would die in not too long of a time.

have a video

If you put me on this island the water would be untreated and I'd have unlimited access to the sun, fulfilling my needs for the supplements I take now because I don't live in those ideal conditions.

You're just a glutton.

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ok well, be safe then

I'm already being myself
there's literally zero room for improvement at this point