/mbti/ Meme horoscope thread

let us try that again


>mbti notes

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I love you all a lot~!
Also Im Taurus! Yay

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Mfw aries infp

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>Cancer and Pisces
>not Scorpio, the sexy and mysterious sign

Why was the precious previous thread deleted? TwT

INFJ-T Aquarius checking in~! \(^_^)/

I love you too!


Pisces sun, virgo moon, capricorn rising

from archives

ENTJ - assholes that give no fucks about social norms and will beat their opinion into you with a fedora
INTJ - also fedorafags but spend more time on intellectual interests than being assholes
ENTP - hilarious, witty and socially awkward loudmouths that love to ruse people
INTP (me) - excellent at bullshitting themselves and others which leads people to perceive them as intellectuals
ENFJ - charismatic but talks too much, still pretty cool
INFJ - they're basically more emotional INTPs who aren't as good at the bullshitting part
ENFP - weird but charming, tend to trick you into thinking they have strong interests but are pleb/entry level as fuck
INFP - weird as shit, way too emotionally sensitive, ends up in comical situations despite generally good intentions
ESFP - loudmouth asshole who gives no fucks about anyone other than themselves, but still thinks of themselves as a sensitive person
ESTP - the 'cool guy', doesn't talk much outside of joking and making fun of things, gets laid frequently, intellectually shallow
ISFP - basically the more shallow versions of INFPs, they think they're melancholic lost souls when really they're just whiny cunts
ISTP - never speaks, boring to talk to, overly practical, drives a motorcycle
ESFJ - insecure person who demands attention from others, friendly but hyperemotional, doesn't listen to logic
ESTJ - prick
ISTJ - the boring guy that enjoys working at his shitty office job
ISFJ - wife material

Zodiac signs are raw horseshit. At least MBTI pretends to make sense.

>Why was the precious previous thread deleted? TwT

I don't know, but I fucking hate jannies for shit like this

why did nigger jannies delete the last thread?

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Adding moon, rising, and midheaven signs would be sort of neat, actually! ^_^
But I'm too scared to do that! OwO

Wouldn't it be amazing if there was a connection between MBTI functions and zodiac signs? :3c

This was also meant for

This describes me fairly well, although most people here don't seem to consider me as very smart... :'3

My respect for them dropped once I learned they weren't very nice to certain (former?) regulars of /mbti/. :(

>My respect for them dropped once I learned they weren't very nice to certain (former?) regulars of /mbti/. :(


Cancer INFP looking for my Pisces INFP bro

Cancer INFP here, how ya all doing people. Hopefully better than me, still trying to find someone i care about, so far my search has been unsuccessful to say the least.

Taurus INFP. Ex was a Taurus INTJ. Fucking horrible combination.

Makes sense. When you put shit and shit together you just get a big shit sandwich.

Aquarius INFP-A / INFP-T

What do i do with this Information?



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idrlabs vs andrew yang
who's in the wrong here?

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Poor little Yang Wang wishes he was an INTJ chad

>The totem animal for INTP is a crab. An ugly, foul-smelling crab who believes itself to be a princess.
Oy vey

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Cancer INFP kill me

I wonder whose behind this post.
they gay

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>tfw ENTP Virgo
Even my zodiac is incel, am I cursed bros?

tfw leo intp

Pisces INFP. Doomed for suicide

if you want compare horoscope to MBTI at least use VEDIC horoscope that is the correct one


Not even the chads of the NTs

I believe ENFP. I am also an ENFP that tested INTJ the first time.

>good at conversation with people i'm acquainted with
>sperg-tier with strangers

How am I supposed to meet women? How do people even start conversations with people they haven't met? I feel like I'd be such a good bf, but I've never had the opportunity to become one.

Rogue janitor that wanted to flex on us.

i'm right here for you man.
i think pisces and cancers are water bros for life, cancers are mellow and meant to bring pisces back to earth
my dad is a cancer and he is probably the nice and calm when he isnt around my mom
fuck aquarius

I do think you Cancers can get a bit weirded out by our behaviour sometimes, at least in my experience. Like you said it's because we're not really in earth, we're on some other realm so we don't act like an earthling

are you a pisces? sorry, i should have made it clear i am a pisces responding to the cancer bro

Same here, fuck this life.

Oops, my bad, I didn't read properly

checked, suicide is on a when, not if basis for me. ill probably end up wasting my way through another 30 years before i really think about ending it
its alright, no hard feelings in comfy threads like these