If I prefer to play as girls in games am I a tranny?
If I prefer to play as girls in games am I a tranny?
No, you just like looking at a female for 20+ hours rather than a male
It means you want to have sex with your mother. I would know I took a psychology class in community college once.
No, but probably gay
No but you are probably very cute :3
Yes, better start to transition and then commit suicide when you hit your 30's
If you think of getting fucked in the ass while you play then, yes.
As long as it is a third person game, you're basically just following around a girl, which is totally hetero. Anyone who says otherwise has not learned this truth or is a troll.
jokes on you
I have a gay frined who likes games with men like infamous and god of war
Infamous 1 I hope?
My robot ex would always play as a girl in games. Always had anime girls as his dp too and used female emojis when we talked. Still wonder if he was a faggot sometimes.
I think he only know infamous 2
he absolutely despises playing any '''previous version''' of any game or use an old version of windows, mac os, whatever
he got overcooked for free and stopped playing because his bf bought overcooked 2 desu
fuck you man. the suicide rate will continue to drop. I guess you just feel like getting your meager shots in here on this anonymous message board while you still can. but to me, at least, it's pathetic.
No but youre gay for thinking you are faggot
I do the same. Rather than roleplay what I'd personally do in RPGs, I like to make my female protagonists cruel. I like the idea of a waifu who's capable of doing great harm but still loves me anyway - that's why monstergirls appeal to me. However, in first person games I prefer to play as men, because the female cries of pain you'll get in games like that are a bit off-putting.
t. not a faggot or tranny, but I jerk my cock to futa all the time
Still better than second son at least
You're probably a fagget and a disappointment to your parents.
2 is second son or another non numbered sequel?
sorry I don't playstation
The only thing that will continue to drop is trannies jumping off buildings
that was originally funy desu origi
who is this girl based on
character I mean
This is one of the more common responses when MtF trannies are asked what makes them "feel like a woman", invariably packaged in with equally trivial habits like shaving body hair, wearing "cute" clothes, baking, and even enjoying the feeling of soft blankets. All of which you are perfectly capable of doing as an effeminate man, gay or not, and have nothing to do with female biology. No, you're not a woman, you just have an extremely idealistic and romanticized vision of what daily life is like for women and you think the grass would be greener on the other side. Consuming less fiction (anime, cartoons/comics, video games) is a good first step to shaking this feeling before you do something irreversible like poisoning your endocrine system or getting elective surgery.
nice cope for a faggot
It's fine as long as you don't self-insert.
Yes user, if you like anything even remotely girly you are either a faggot or a tranny, because men are not allowed to like girly things.
isn't this absurd?
>All of which you are perfectly capable of doing as an effeminate man
No, user.
You are not allowed to be an effeminate man. Either people tell you to stop being that way and to be more of a manly man or they tell you to transition, because you can't be a man if you like girly things.
Why dont you break societal norms and do whatever the fuck you want without mutilating yourself? Honestly, I am sure sex change surgery will be outlawed when we start to be more accepting of people, like go be the gayest most effeminate person with a penis out there, why do you have to change everything just because you feel like a women? If you feel like a women you are one and lets be done with it, dress the way you want, shave, do whatever the fuck, you dont need to look like one aka be passable to be one, thats conforming to gender norms, break them. Dont mutilate yourself and fuck up your hormonal system.
user, where do I imply doing such a thing?
I am merely pointing out an inherent systemic issue that negatively affects people's lives, especially people who are not as confident in their masculinity as myself or others.
You really need to work on your reading comprehension.
There was 1 then 2 then second son (3)
Fuck no, dipshit. Even I play as female characters from time to time. Some of them of just cool. Plus, sometimes it's nice to look at polygonal lady ass for a while, depending on the game.
Liking "girly" things will never make you a woman. "Womanhood" is inherently tied to female biological realities, such as menstruation, pregnancy, menopause, etc. Taking hormones and changing your name because you have long hair and like to bake cookies makes you retarded, not a woman.
That may be, but it does make you a lesser man.
To the extent that you are not allowed to be that way.
Tranny shit gets shoved onto you at every corner, I despise faggots for that reason alone.
nope, but if you were a middle schooler in current america your teachers would brainwash you into thinking you are and put you on hormones
>a lesser man
For cooking? For having long hair? For wearing tights? All of which have never been inherently feminine in any society, past or present.
>not allowed to be that way
According to? Cultural standards that change from place to place and time to time?
>Tranny shit gets shoved onto you at every corner
Did you ever stop to think this is the result of calling men faggots for frying an egg or women bulldykes for changing a lightbulb? These identity crisises are caused by the very attitude you yourself have and wish to see propagated.
playing as girl is hetero stuff
only closeted and noncloseted homos play as man
thats going in my "using it" pile
You just want to be the special sex for a little while as a break from being the incorrect one. If the game allows allows it, try playing a shota. You'll be a little special, at least, and might even get mommies, while still being a guy.
True, there's no such thing as a slightly effeminate man. If you are slightly different from the stereotype of a manly man, you must be non-binary, and figure out which one of the 70+ genders you are, except probably none of them fit you so you should make up another one.
yeah, you're still gay though because liking futa is gay so therefore you are a gay
I disagree with your conclusion because everyone knows that a woman, nor can any group of women of any number can not in fact change a light bulb.
No, don't read too much into /v/ memes and Discord troons