Jow Forums movies or shows

Jow Forums movies or shows

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"Steel isn't strong boy. Flesh is stronger"

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Isn't this the gay Japanese dude?

Ok Jow Forums.

Have a real kino. Everyone in this thread should watch this cause i promise it will be one of the greatest films you ever see.

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Sounds fun, thanks.

Who else stoked for the final season?

Prime acting by Cilian Murphy and Tom Hardy

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kingdom of heaven
terminator 2
le mans 66
full metal jacket
the departed

I came here to post this.
>That is strength, boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it?

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Every time I watch this show I want to fight or work out

This show is great. Tom Hardy's character was fucking dumb though.

final and ultimate key to understand manliness, hundreds of books and hundreds of movies but this one is most important one

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Bros I am thinking about forming a motorcycle gang almost solely for the aesthetic. Is this a bad idea?

>le European antiquity (((show or movie))) filled with sub-Saharan niggers

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>Looks to the free weights

'My child, you have come to me my son. For who now is your father if it is not me?'

He was literally Jewish Bane tho

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>You don't understand my words, but you must choose. So... come boy, choose life or death.

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extremely based

Bane is a fucking dumb character as well. Sorry Jow Forums.

only correct answer

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man, i fucking love this film

For the calisthenics chads of fit

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dumbbell nan kilo moteru
brosciencelife (old clips)
rocky 2, 3 and 4

based and gzapilled