No cocaine day 91

Still dont enjoy sex sober or talking to females sober. Still craving coke to death when drunk. Why is this earth so gay lads. Im getting very very very tired.

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How long were you on coke?

2 years

Doing well Bro. Time to stop thinking about coke and # of days free all together now. Just move on and stay busy and will soon be a distant memory

you still probably drink way too much and have replaced your addiction to coke with it or something else
so you have no conquered all aspects of your addiction
but have done the most important one which is usually the hardest

it takes a long time for your brain to get used to what is the new normal
if you go sober off all things this will happen quicker
so if you like the idea of having it over and done faster you quit everything
if you feel like you cannot do that and still have to drink and get drunk for example then this path will take longer

I'm sure I'll have a bunch of people disagree with me but I'm just speaking from personal experience as someone who will get addicted to anything

I would even pass on weed if that was ever your thing
just get addicted to lifting and fitness instead
but of course not to the point that you don't take rests or get sleep or injure yourself
because now you need to be doing something constantly

I believe this now 100% after trying to bullshit myself and listening to other people say "oh it's ok you can still smoke a bowl you don't drink anymore!"

moderation in everything will make you better
look up things specific to coke though I know that has effects on the brain from long term use like all drugs, they have their own damages done

Just do the coke again OP. You have my permission. Drugs are like fast food. Shit for you, but every now and again wont affect you that much. Just dont be a feeble brained undisciplined faggot

Gotta stop drinking. I have no desire to use sober but after a few beers I become obsessed with it.

Ok. So lets say i go sober. What the fuck is there left to do in life besides lifting? I have not a single friend or family member who doesnt drink almost daily. I know no girls who open their pucci sober. Do i need to move to irak?

Just stop being a loser lol

Imagine actually needing to use cock- I mean coke

And then what

My girlfriend keeps screaming at me all morning and keeps demanding "let me see your phone" fuck this bitch I'm not cheating or doing shit funnily enough I'm out. Gonna break up with her asap

Make some friends, find a gf, get a job

>craving coke when drunk

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Why are so many anons on Jow Forums coke users?
Its like day [blank] nofap and cocain threads. Never weed or anything else.
The nofap isnt weird but my god why are you all doing coke?

Coralines mom was a babe

wouldn't it be funny to become coraline's friend so you can have sleepovers and then going into her mom's room because you can't sleep and asking if you can cuddle with her, then letting her feel your erection and seeing what she'll do haha

Dude your brain needs time to fucking heal and drinking is doing fuck all no wonder you feel dead inside.
You need to man up and go a whole year or more completely sober from anything. Also look into healing the brain from drug abuse.
Did you unironically think stopping coke but continueing to drink heavily would not keep your brain in a damaged state?

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Yes haha indeed

Work/lift and just focus on you. If itrs hard to stay sober AND meet people you can try AA/NA. I don't do that shit but I have some friends that I met there in the past. Hell even if you don't stop drinking forever, the desire to use when you do drink does kinda fade over time. Just gotta get a good solid reset on your system, but for the most part, once an addict, always an addict. You never forget how to do that shit and starting again just snowballs.

Get a girlfriend and stop drinking you faggot

fuck you for giving this advice to a coke addict

meth is better than coke

This. Being a "day counter" will make you extremely stressed, as it implies that it's inevitable that you're going to go back to your bad habits. Just move on OP