Tfw droped out of college at 24

>tfw droped out of college at 24

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I graduated but it was at 23 and with a meme degree and I was still khv

Is that Fleischmann's gin? I drink that too

You are a failure. You let us down. What drove you to do such a thing? You're an awful human being.

what did you study user?

eat a dick normalfag

real neets dont even touch foot in college

I technically dropped out at 23. still allowed to go back but trying to find any reason not to

>being in underage past age 21/22

>tfw dropped out of college this semester after switching between different colleges
>am 23

The good news is I have an Associates so I didn't make it out with nothing. The bad news is that I have debt to pay back but it shouldn't be too bad (20k). I thought that I would find what I wanted to do in life if I just went to college but that never happened and I just became tired of doing something that won't lead me to anything because I don't even know where I'm going and also taking out loans because my grades were ok but not stellar at times so I didn't get much money. My life is full of failure and this is just another tally mark.

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Are you me user. Minus the kissless cause I did kiss a girl before