Good evening Jow Forums. How have the Jews ruined your day today?

Good evening Jow Forums. How have the Jews ruined your day today?

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by existing

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they created this thread


>wake up
>Israel hasn't nuked all the mussies yet
>day ruined

i heard some people in class talking about women in video games and how everyone who has a problem with them being in there (even when its unnecessary/inaccurate for them to be there) are "toxic" then they started reading off a bunch of reddit/youtube comments about it and criticising them
it was honestly the most nu-male thing i have ever experienced and i thought people like that only existed in Jow Forums memes

wait it was men doing this?


if you consider soiboys men then yes

they also constantly talk about marvel movies and gossip/shit-talk behind each others backs like women (while reading out the comments one of them said "thot" and they were like "oh my god, thot? just because she's a women?!?!, jeeez, thats like something (slightly less nu-male friend who wasnt there at the time) would say")
they also smoke weed and eat junk food everyday and have shitty tattoos
and the 2 who go to my gym bench 25kg (the bar alone is 20kg)
it really is like a Jow Forums meme come to life

that's amazing. thank god i don't ever meet people like that. they'd make my skin crawl

they are legitimately the only people i have ever encountered in my entire lives who are like that
when I first heard them talking about reddit shit months ago i thought they were being sarcastic but then I remembered normies are into that shit so I thought i was just going to have to get used to dumb reddit shit everyday but they completely surpassed that and went in to full on sjw faggot territory, i have to put my headphones in at max volume every time they talk
I know its an over used meme word but they really are a bunch of fucking cucks

yeah, sounds like it. i don't know how men get themselves in such a state. it's so fucking pathetic. the only word i can think to describe it is that it's improper. men shouldn't behave like that. if i see someone like that irl i'd feel awkward and embarrassed for them, like they were making a scene in public by being this way.

what do you study if i may ask?

>computer science

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isn't that a good major? or is that something different from programming?

How's that working out for you?

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pretty good

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oh, it's what we call informatics

Are you getting used to school life now, kiwi?

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there is a bunch of different things rolled in to 1 course
programming in java, programming in C#, android app development, learning more advanced usage of microsoft office programs, database management, SQL programming, game development etc

its not really good because although it sounds good on paper its actually just a giant meme
95% of the shit you learn is just bullshit/jargon that doesnt actually mean anything and you will never use it
also everyone fucking chooses computer science because they either fell for the meme like I did or they want to be le edgy hackers
also I go to some shitty as fuck institute of technology which is just where poorfags go instead of University
so not only do I have to compete with everyone and their mother (including half of fucking india and china who chose NZ to flood in to for some reason) but my degree will be also fucking worthless

school life is bumhole and I spend a large portion of my day thinking about suicide

Hang in there kiwi
>I have to compete with everyone and their mother
Welcome to the cut throat world kiwi

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All my friends are either Fascist or Commies pls halp. I'd like some numales too

don't kill yourself. maybe change major or focus on whichever part of that is most interesting to you and build your professional future around that. you can take a course after you graduate. this way at least you'll see many different programming languages and decide which one is best for you. if you become a freelance programmer you don't have to ony take up jobs in new zealand. i know all those freelancer sites are overrun by pakis and indians but the serious clients with larger budgets know not to use them

>fascists and commies hanging out together

You've never been to Italy apparently

geographic location shouldnt matter, they are ideologically opposed

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Here most people will hang with you nvm your political ideology. Maybe you'll have a couple arguments, but all in all you'll just be friends and talk about tits and videogames and other stuff other than politics.

by prouting


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That's an incredibly good sign. Not everywhere is like that. Treasure the fact that you don't lose friends over having opinions.

You mean the Jews that have produced most the technology we enjoy today?