Been lifting for 6 months

>been lifting for 6 months
>still cant bench 1plate

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its ok, been lifting for like 2 years and still cant OHP above 60 lbs bc of shoulder injury and lack of thoraic mobility

>been lifting 5 years
>still no gf

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What did you start at? I started at 95lbs and am at 165pbs after 2.5 months of lifting. Form is most important.

bar only

Don't worry user it'll just tkae some more time is all, don't let those 6 months of working towards it go to waste! It's about the journey not the destination.

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eat more

train harder

I started at 15lbs can do 180lbs now. Just keep trying. Eat more and get some sleep. Be consistent.

Supplements bro. I went from not being able to bench a bar to benching 225 easy in 2 months. Just go crazy. (this was during the jack3d times though)

>eat more
>get a pair of micropl8s
>bench 3 times a week
That first one is really important. I was eating 2500-3000 calories a day for the past 3 months, assuming that was enough, but according to a simple TDEE calculator my TDEE as a 5'10" dude 150lbs doing exercise 6 days a week, I've essentially been eating at maintenance this whole time. Once I hit 190lbs my maintenance TDEE will be nearly 3500.

Retarded to suggest microplates to a guy not benching 1pl8.

He just isn't eating and linearly progressing. That's the problem.

Took me like a year to reach 1pl8
Don't feel bad, some people just progress slower or don't follow the correct routines

>be me
>never lift ever
>fat dyel
>start cutting and eating at a 500 cal deficit
>start at 1pl8 lmao
>lose 50 pounds
>im now at 2pl8 after 4 months
>plateau hard at 2pl8 (because of deficit)
Lmao how low test are you to start at the bar? Do you have trouble pushing open doors when you're that weak and malnourished?

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Do you realize the irony of using that image with that post

lol @ a fat fuck bragging about benching 1pl8. Probably 1/3 of your body weight.

>discouraging others while bragging

>fatcel with excess skin being a cunt



Do you have any severe disability?
If no, you are doing something extremely wrong or you are just a major pussy. MAN UP and increase the weight at the bar by 5kg every training until you hit 1,5pl8

>been lifting for 7 months
>can bench 2plate

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uh... isn't a symptom of low test high body fat?

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Keep at it bro. I am at 1pl8 right now, took me roughly 6 months.