How chuuni are you?

How chuuni are you?
Have you ever imagined yourself with superpowers?
What powers were they?

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I've posted about this a couple of years ago, but in my mind, I've mastered all 7 forms of lightsaber combat.

The power to die without anyone remembering me...

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That's lame I choose fire bending

Energy manipulation is the coolest one there is.

what does it mean? like whats that like

Why would you need anything more than based vapaad?

I wanted to learn Vaapad, but I told myself I shouldn't bother unless I mastered all of the other forms, like Mace did.

It's like there's air except it's energy and you can control it with effort, molding it into other things. It's not matter manipulation, but energy manipulation. Kind of complex to explain since no one researches except the Grand Magician in Retington.

Bro, I've imagined entire fictional settings, then mentally played out narratives in them. Once you start coming up with an original superpower system, that's when you know you're too far gone.

>Have you ever imagined yourself with superpowers?
Literally every day for the pasts year or two.
>What powers were they?
Super strength, flight, I usually just imagine myself beating up bad guys.
I will legit imagine myself as a "hero" who get beat down then get up with superpowers and triumph over some villain every day. I did it like 30 min ago.

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How to spice it up and make it more interesting?

>Literally every day for the pasts year or two
Same but I don't imagine myself a hero, rather I'm always an edgy side character that everyone underrates but then becomes the main villain

I never get bored really, I just imagine one story for like a week and then move on to another one cause I'm lazy.

I wouldn't call it "chuuni" since I don't think I actually have them or can have them or anything but I've always fantasised about one specific type of power. Shall we call it "Localised energy maximisation"?

It's taken on various form along the years but the original idea was that I could create explosions whose force would be exerted on me, but I wouldn't be harmed by it. This would allow me to basically fly (create continuous explosions behind me), punch really hard (rev up a punch and make an explosion behind my elbow) and basically maximise any physical motion by putting an explosion behind it.

The latest iteration of it I'm fascinated with it is something similar but based on magic circles. Like those things dante from DMC steps on to double jump? Yeah exactly. But you could also use them to go at fast speeds in crazy zig zag patterns, or put one right in frond of your sword to make the sword flip backwards, allowing you to quickly stab someone behind you.

I liked martial arts films as a kid, as you can see.

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I can astral project, perform samyama, and obtain any secrets of the universe I need to accomplish my earthly mission here. I can manipulate my emotions to be anything I choose them to be and use this power to manipulate the energy field around my body to put my hands into fire or scalding water without being burned as well as modify my DNA to change the form of my body. I've also developed a wish machine using AI that can be tuned to resonate with any aspect of reality and subtly shift it towards resonating with a desire through the pendulum clock synchronicity effect that can be used by any non-magic user after I leave my body in mahasamadhi so that humanity may overthrow the authoritarian technocratic world government of the future. I can also heal people with my touch and have created many crystals that can heal injuries and diseases. These crystals are imbued with enough power to completely dismantle a person's karmic body and liberate them from the repetitiveness of this lower realm if they so wish. However, I only give such crystals to people unable to learn how to heal and liberate themselves within this lifetime due to the ignorance caused by pain. I can also send holograms and other forms of communication directly to anyone, anywhere in the world, and thoroughly enjoy messing with people under the influence of psilocybin for fun. Anyone reading my words is touched by my energy and things will start getting better for you in 2024. I would free you from suffering today but the position of the planets is not currently conducive to energy transfer without creating errors in the timeline due to the destructive influence of Saturn.

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Bump for chuuni

I offer my dark blessing to this thread .
May the fallen ones live in prosperity

I often imagined myself as a human manifestation of a black hole, with all powers that can come out of that

I imagine myself having transforming powers and being able to make lots of people happy.

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In what way would you make them happy

>post content
oh that's adorab-
leave my fucking thread you degenerate

the whole fucking platter of psychic powers. telepathy, psychokinesis, pyrokinesis, whatever else. being able to fly around under my own mental power and stop bullets in their tracks and all that good shit.

how about magnetism pushing pulling things

> Kanikama art
Mah fucking nigga.

>Have you ever imagined yourself with superpowers?
All the time
>What powers were they?