Big 5 thread

Nothing against mbti, but let's do Big 5 as a change.
>inb4 psycho degenerate

Attached: BIG5-graphic.php.png (520x122, 2K)

way too easy to guess what the "right" answers are. people will naturally answer what they want rather than what the truth is

Attached: shittytest.png (519x119, 4K)

People who do that are gay. If anyone posts their idealized results they are gay and should be called out for it. On the other hand no system is perfect and that's just a limitation you'll have to accept or reject.

Too lazy to do it again, last time it was something like this.

Bonus: Guess my MBTI and what i'm studying.

Attached: 512.png (519x119, 3K)

ESTJ? and Law?

Feel free to r8.

Attached: 46B53149-6DA0-49A0-A1A3-8655943ED874.jpg (750x249, 43K)

Big Five correlations

Attached: Big Five correlations.png (1061x871, 70K)

I feel like I'm more disorganized than the results consider me. Factor 5 is imagination only, my intellect is shit.

Attached: ipipBigFiveFactorMarkers.png (521x118, 4K)

being interested in abstract ideas should take away 50% of the raw score of the fifth factor.

only retards would answer that with yes.

Attached: cf3108dc7a03968f2bc35c72ab59db0c.png (580x134, 4K)

what is the link you fucking idiot