Start lifting with beginner program

>start lifting with beginner program
>back rounds in every single exercise
>can't get in decent DL position
>learn that it's because of tight hamstrings and generally shitty mobility
>research on stretching
>feel like now I need to spend +1hr daily doing stretches and shit

im not gonna make it, feeling so overwhelmed, im not even sure which stretching shit i should do

Attached: squat-comparison.jpg (740x415, 38K)

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who here long femur?

Make that 10mins a day and you re already ahead of 99% of people.

After 2 weeks you should already see progress.
Also Foamroll and lacrosseball.

>tight glutes
>tight hamstrings
>tight calves

10 minutes seems doable. Got any good full body stretch program?

I've been having tight traps lately and it's bothering me

I have tight calves and hamstrings too man.

Im going to fix the tight calves for squats. and the Tight hamstrings for being able to do pistol squats

you are ahead of others by knowing it needs fixed.
It WILL be worth it

dont let that minor inconvenience get you down

Just lift light and your flexibility will improve.

you cant so full body in 10 mins. There is a mental component to stretching that requires you to get in the zone when working a joint or muscle. Thats why i cant do mobility in the gym, cant focus and become self conscious.

I stretch and do yoga for 60+ minutes a day and its still not enough to be fully mobile for lifting and daily life. It's never ending. But I do like stretching, it feels like an orgasm

You don't have to squat that low, there is zero benefit to squatting atg other than brag about it on here. Crease of hips in line with knees, that's it. I never see anyone atg who is a serious squatter. Just weirdos who never go beyond 135 because "anything more is dangerous, bro."

I felt the same when I started. You are capable of gaining adequate mobility to do beautiful squats. You just have to put in the effort.

What about the entirety of olympic weightlifters, they all go low

Is starting stretching a decent routine?

yeah you don’t really need to stretch for lifting. mobility/positional work, absolutely, do high rep light weight with a focus on form and taking the movement through the absolute fullest range of motion possible. for squat, start with goblet squats, then front, then high bar, then low bar, and for all of them aim to close your hamstrings to your calves with a neutral or slightly extended lower back. for deadlift, you can start with block pulls and slowly lower the blocks until it’s on the floor, making sure you’re in a good starting position every time. video everything, do some accessory work to strengthen your quads and glutes (often back rounding is because the prime movers aren’t strong enough and the body compensates with back rounding to get the prime movers closer to the weight). rdls with moderate weight and a focus on correct technique and range of motion are a great way to stretch/lengthen the hamstrings. oh, and you might want to consider pulling sumo, the flexibility demands are lower because of the more vertical back angle

I would always recommend yoga over just stretching routine (just google youtube yoga routine for begginers etc. for 10/20/30min) and do those instead. It incorporates more strength combined with flexibility, mobility, and core strength which is unmatched

and to answer your question, starting stretching is a good stretching routine if that is your goal yes, I used it when I started stretching

Squatting to your full depth is significantly better for quad development compared to a parallel squat. Obviously you can move more weight with low bar comp squat technique and if you want to compete or post big numbers online you need to practice that technique, but you can easily get more benefit out of doing the majority of your squatting work high bar, to full depth, and with 10-15% lighter loads than you would with a comp squat.

AIS is my favorite protocol. Pinged my back bad on a deadlift (couldn't walk and was in bed for days) and this shit, mainly the hamstring and psoas stretches, got me back to training in less than a week.
Also add some ankle stretches (For a good squat form) and your good.
Takes about 20-30min


How is it physically possible for the people in that pic to squat in that position while having feet flat on the floor and not falling backwards? Seems as though most of their body weight is centered well behind their feet.

Attached: 1497188396217.jpg (251x218, 8K)

I've had a tight hamstring. My hand could only reach a little below the knee but yesterday I touched my shoe. Felt really happy desu.
Didn't do any special stretching or such. Just did my normal pre workout stretch and follow my PPL routine. I replaced squats with leg press and RDL. So maybe that helped.

their thighs are resting on their calves
t. someone who can squat like that

Me, still can atg squat.

Attached: Screenshot_20190915-123752.jpg (1080x1920, 247K)

>there is zero benefit to squatting atg other than brag about it on here

Attached: checkem.jpg (1800x1198, 259K)

When I retract my right shoulder there's this tight muscle spasm/ pulled muscle (?) near my scapula and it reaches till the spine. The pain is very mild and I also feel it when I put my neck down and turn towards the left. It's annoying when I'm benching.
Been having a tender neck as well.

>im not gonna make it, feeling so overwhelmed, im not even sure which stretching shit i should do

Join a yoga class man.

For optimum progression go twice a week and practice the things you learn by yourself everyday.

Just remember that yoga is not like lifting, its about slowly becoming comfortable and letting your body catch up. Don't push yourself too hard because you will just injure yourself and get frustrated at the lack of progress.

How though? If I was to sit my arse down on the floor and pull my legs in from the shins, I can't make my thighs rest on my calves. I can only do it whiles squatting on my toes and not with my foot flat down

Attached: 1492351877988.jpg (599x563, 74K)

ankle mobility i guess lad

I feel it when shrugging and OHP and it's getting really annoying. It's not a problem now with light weight but it might be when I go up in weight.

If your back rounds, you need to lower the weight threshold, or do it slowly and carefully so that you can build up your muscle memory.

Slowly build up the fundamentals, and build your confidence in working out by doing it right, or else you'll be paying surgeons to fix up your fucked up back and legs in the future.

And also, don't do stretches before lifting, it literally loosens your muscles so your muscle strength will be compromised, and you might be in more danger of failure and hurting yourself while lifting with stretched/weakened muscle.

Good luck brother.

squat whenever you can bro
it's what I did
have to bend over to pick up something?
squat down instead
tired of standing around?
don't sit on the floor, squat down
repairing shit?
squat down

you'll regain the lost mobility from your childhood in no time

my hamstrings are right as fuck and my mobility is generally shit, yet I can get the head of my penis in my mouth at a push. apply yourself and you may be surprised

>have to raise my heels with mat or plates


Attached: 46F1C438-5A22-454D-BCD6-15A57A8FD556.png (688x578, 32K)

do ankle mobility stretches or get weightlifting shoes, or both

I'd link the stretches but my internet is capped at the moment because I'm australian so it takes five minutes to load google sorry

Fuck that shit, just keep lifting. Drop the weight and just go for reps, that's how you'll improve your flexibility.

Deadlifts will fix ankle mobility issues.Touch your toes with straight legs multiple times a day,mobility will come just go as down as you can without bending your knees.

Probably weak glutes, not tight.

Attached: 1562106614087.jpg (780x494, 110K)

you don't really need to stretch, just do what my friend did and pretend this is just your natural mobility range (contrary to the advise of everyone). then proceed to lift with increasingly limited range for years until you need to stop lifting completely because you are turning into a cripple who has pain everywhere. then accept that everybody can stretch and proceed to exclusively do mobility exercises for like a year

I've found I can get deeper and still stay tight with zerchers better than any other squat variation.
I can ATG unloaded but with a bar I can't get it into a position on my back or in the rack position that doesn't feel bad trying to full ATG so i dont.

Attached: zercherlife.jpg (979x847, 455K)

I go to a powerlifting/weightlifting gym and I can tell you that noone is able to squat that low. You probably need years of training plus being born with good hip mobility to make it that far past parallel. Also being skinny makes you far more mobile like the people in OP's pic. If you can break break parallel you are already ahead of the game. I read somewhere that butt wink can be reduced by strengthening your hip flexors, though I have not tried it myself yet.

Weird, from OP's pic ankle mobility doesn't seem to play an important role

I used to have this problem, after a few months of doing like a half hour stretching I can now ass to grass overhead squat without shoes
stretches mostly included front squatting as deep as I could and sitting there for a few minutes at a time and then squatting as deep as I could and putting a heavy bar on my knees to force my ancles together (honestly felt like trying to stretch bones but it worked)

>from OP's pic ankle mobility doesn't seem to play an important role
you need your back to be straight if you are going to be lifting anything, to do that your knees need to go way forward which is going to require much more ankle mobility

he needs to stop picking clothes out of the hamper

how to not disintegrated elbows on this exercise?

do full stretching, hour long sessions for the first few weeks at least.

After you've reached a level of mobility sufficient to squat safely you can just do mainteinance stretching 10 minutes a day, with maybe longer sessions once a week or so

First time I did it it didn't really hurt at all. No stress on the elbow.
Was bruised the next day but it wasn't painful unless you did more zerchers, then it was fucking horrible.
Put some knee sleeves over my arms and was fine

hop into something comfy fren. I do it on rest days

Sounds like me last year
There was all kinds of shit: hamstrings and hips were too tight, shoulders were always slouching forward, ankles and calves didn't have optimal mobility for squat, right ankle would always externally rotate and my standing posture was weird, I would tilt my hips to the side and push the right foot forward.
Focusing on all that was worth it though cause now I can squat and DL with good form and I feel a lot better in general, low back and hips used to hurt pretty often. I can even slav squat.
Don't feel bad mane, that shit's gonna pay off in the long run.

Is your posture fixed aswell? As in, does your posture fix itself and it becomes easy to sit straight or is it still a struggle