Why is bacon such the perfect food?

Why is bacon such the perfect food?

Y-you do eat bacon, user? Right?

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>Why is bacon such the perfect food?
you can troll Muslims with it
>Y-you do eat bacon, user? Right?

Everywhere there's lots of piggies
Living piggy lives
You can see them out for dinner
With their piggy wives
Clutching forks and knives to eat their bacon.

Just to flex on jews and muslims

Too salty for me

I'm a Jew, and bacon's one of my favourite foods.

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Pigs are horrid cunt animals I am glad to hear about them dying and being eaten. Fuck pigs.

>I'm a Jew
into the oven

I don't understand halal/kosher laws. They were created as sanitation laws and while pigs probably live in much worse conditions than they did before people knew what trichinosis was, the food is required to pass inspection before it's put on the shelves, the laws weren't made as if certain types of meat are more immoral to eat than others.

Tell me about your experience with pigs.

Bacon is the most plain, average meat I have ever tasted and I don't understand why everyone told me for years how amazing and great it was.

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I vomited last time I had it. You can't drink and eat shit worse than junkfood.

i dont eat meat unoriginallly

They're just cunt animals. People like to talk about how smart and cool they are but they're like if you removed all accountability and reason from a human while letting a human retain its desire of infinite pleasure and the knowledge on how to attain that pleasure. Pigs are cannibals at whim, eat humans for giggles, murder other animals. Basically all the worst aspects of humans without any redeeming qualities. Fuck pigs.

A lot of people like bacon because of the memories they have attached to it. Waking up on Christmas and smelling mushrooms and bacon cooking in the kitchen while I still lived with my parents, drinking two shots of vodka before breakfast and chowing down. The meat itself is just salty pork.

>consuming the sizzling Jew

Makes sense, but I had somewhat expected that you had a negative personal experience with a pig.

Every experience with a pig is negative by their nature, they are pigs. Day of the Frying Pan soon for all porcine punks.

Piggies are sweethearts

Shut up, pig apologist. Those cunts would eat you if they could. Fuck you.

I vote for Bacon.
Hell yeah.

Rest easy pigger

Never been a huge fan of the taste of Porc.
Would rather have beef as a hearty meat or chicken/fish as a general meat.

Bacon is massively over-rated. Salty and fatty garbage. It just tastes 'dirty' to me somehow. It's also terrible for your health.

I'm not a fan of pork bacon, too much fat, too salty
Now turkey bacon is a meat for kings.
Pork > turkey in every other type of meat though.

Turkey bacon smells like dogfood. It's okay, and I prefer turkey in chili or tacos over beef but bacon is irreplaceable.

Muslim child rapist detected.

Bacon is way overrated. It tastes way too bitter and way too salty usually. I only eat it on burgers. I don't see how people can bake bacon to just stuff in their mouths.