So do the normalfags who post here and think that everyone can just will their way out of problems just assume that no...

So do the normalfags who post here and think that everyone can just will their way out of problems just assume that no one here has any mental illnesses or physical disabilities? That no one here has serious mental problems that require the help of others in order to function? Inb4 "but having a disability of some sort really is rare", no not on a place like this. Born with schizophrenia, autism, and a body riddled with more chronic illnesses than I can remember, it's just retarded to think that acting like any normalfag would is going to make me somehow become a normalfag. You think I don't shower? You think I don't exercise, change my clothes, cut my hair, shave, eat enough/not too much? Of course you do, when normalfags see someone having a shit life they just naturally assume everyone is like them so they assume that the person has to be doing something wrong or not trying enough in order to be on the low end of life. I try to work, and it's fucking hard. I can't do this forever, my body and mind do not have the same endurance. I'm gonna die before 50 if I work the same hours as a normal american simply because the physical and mental effort required for someone like me taxes my body to the extreme. But you wouldn't know about having heart arrhythmia because you stood up too quickly in the heat, or an autistic sperg out because you couldn't control it anymore. You just don't believe people incapable of being normal can exist.

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I'm not gonna read all that shit, but yes, normalfags expect you to pull yourself up by your bootstraps.
You can try to make it or kill yourself but you can't change the way people feel.

Or maybe instead of doing either of those normalfags could just fuck off and leave me alone in the only place where I used to have solace. Not everyone HAS metaphorical bootstraps or arms to pull them with. I don't have any desire to die, especially not because I didn't satisfy some normalfag fucks who can't comprehend people being unlike them.

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I've had 2 heart surgeries in my early teens and then straight back into foster home. Stop bitching and blogposting.

Where did you have solace user?

too long; I'm not reading all that shit

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You seem to be simply unable to even start to comprehend what the implications of a chronic mental illness are. As if it's a language you don't understand.

>Or maybe instead of doing either of those normalfags could just fuck off and leave me alone
They won't, that's what makes a normalfag a normalfag. People are frustrating.

>i-it's a mental illness!
>surely i-its not because i don't shower, have a shitty personality, and don't have a job like a proper adult!

I do those things

I know better than you about mortality and how it affects the mind. What i'm hearing is a tranny that needs to lay off his pills and stop bitching.
It's not your condition that i'm laughing at, it's that you think anyone cares, that you put so much worry into how people perceive you and that you even tried to change something in your life that's hilarious you preteen.

The point is that you're the only one with complete control over your existence in the sense that your own individual consciousness resides in your body. So yeah either do something with your life or kill yourself. Either way it doesn't make a difference. I've probably been here longer than you in the first place newfag.

Nobody browsing r9k has a good personality

I used to be able to talk on this site and normalfags just didn't come very often because they got weirded out. But now every stupid fucking normalfag on facebook has been acclimated to edgy internet shit in the worst way possible, so they don't mind coming here and can comfortably root themselves in and berate the native population.

Stop pretending like you were here longer than since 2015-2016.

>I know better than you about mortality and how it affects the mind
I highly doubt that. I don't know where you got the idea I was a tranny either, you fucking retard.
seriously though, is this what normalfags actually think?

I've been on /a/ since early 2009 and I've been browsing messgaeboards for way longer. I've seen you stupid fucking faggots take over every goddamn board until you eventually even came to /a/, because of course you stupid fucking normalfags have a domineering, overpowering mob personality. But that isn't the point. None of that is. Even if normlafags didn't come here the way they think and view the non-normal is beyond inaccurate, it's practically fantastical.

Enjoy living in perpetual self-pity and self-loathing because you don't want to assume responsibility for your existence. Unironically just kill yourself plz.

But I have no desire to die, certainly not for people like you. I'd kill the human race before I killed myself.

I have to agree with OP.
This normalfag take over is very clear.

>I've been on /a/ since early 2009

Let me guess, you came here some time around the fappening for le edgy memes?

>implying Jow Forums hasn't always been a shithole
Been browsing on and off since 2007, and I can guarantee it's always been garbage. The only difference is Jow Forums being more in the public sphere due to numerous controversies over the years.

Wrong guess, but it's amusing that your examples circle around 2015.

I didn't say anything about it being not shit. I just hate the fact that it's normalfag shitty now. It's gone from pretty retarded to mega-turbo-retard-shit.

And? Whats your plan to fix it.

Then why do so many who browse r9k have gfs?

Stop trying to change the subject you stupid fucking normalfags. Why do you think everyone has control? Do you just not have any idea what a mental illness even is?

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I'm just telling how I see it.
I'm not going to claim I've been here since 2007, but I have witnessed a very apparent degradation.

No idea. I only have three gfs, make 300k a year and i'm 6'7 mentally ill loser. Take this as a hard cold FACT.

You and every other generation before you. There's no difference to how you feel and how everyone else felt when you came along, and the person before you, the person before you, the person before you. Everyone younger than me is a nigger that should be shot and everyone older than me is wrong and stuck on boomer nonsense.

If they don't fuck off, then they leave no choice but for those they persecute to make them fuck off. Eternally.

Not that user, but the fappening and the election were when traffic here spiked so it isn't a bad guess. I personally don't think normies are as bad as the people who leak out of Jow Forums and try to shove politics into everything

True, but that doesn't have anything to do with degradation existing at all. It sounds like you agree it does, so I think OP would obviously be frustrated, but you don't believe he should be frustrated about degradation?

Maybe you have real mental illness. Maybe you can't change.

In that case, you should be put in an asylum away from society.

Come and get me cocksucker.

Im normalfag as fuck and ive been on this Mongolian knitting forum since 2007. Get off MY site you newfag fuck

Those who cannot contribute to society should not be permitted to live in it. The weak deserve death.

won't be hard finding you since you stay in the same place and willingly wont leave, the stench radiating from your room will make it even easier :)

>trying to serve a society on a dying planet
Wow, jews got you good huh?

So come and get me then. I'm waiting. If you can't make good on your promises you might as well not speak at all because, as you said strength is what matters. So show you have the strength to cage me.

That's his choice. I'm just saying that things will always look bad for each new generation when the new generation replaces them. The only difference now is that this stuff happens faster and faster. In 10 years the dipshit zoomers playing forknight will have the exact same feelings when the generation younger than them infests their spaces with whatever that's hip to them, bringing their idiotic point of views and whatever with them. Being frustrated with this stuff is normal. Should just be kinda funny to think that people in age group are basically the "get off my lawn" types now. I do it too and i'm frustrated with people I don't like infesting my spaces just as OP.

Just bang that other user already jesus christ.

Now see, I didn't intend my comment to come off so sexually charged. Maybe conflict is inherently sexual.

suck2beeu lmao XD

didnt read btw

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ok well I've read that shit and it's worth reading but why do you care for keeping your board pure and if you die of heart failure is not because of some user is just like that if you go and kys that's on you then always even if you think soneones talking you into it it's still on you bruh

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It's not really about the board to be honest. It's more just how normalfags constantly berate people like me. But I can't just shut up, because I have to make the problems of people like me known. And I can't allow normalfags to control the world forever. Someday someone has to stop them.

Noone will do nothing give it up the only thing to do is to bring all the generation to become junkies and they all OD armageddon BAM we won

tldr we will keep bullying you you pathetic fuck