Have diagnosed social anxiety

>have diagnosed social anxiety
>see 'robot's on here who can talk to strangers no problem, buy things at stores, go to gym no problem, even banter and be quick witted and instantly popular
>meanwhile when someone tries to sell me something on the street i get stress tears
fuck all of you. none of you know how bad it can be. dont ever feel sorry for yourself when some of us can't even buy anything that involves human interaction. If you can even get to the stage where you have awkward conversations don't ever pity yourself. you are all halfchads pretending to take support away from the real robots

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Either work on your problems or shut the fuck up then. I had shitty debiliating anxiety all through out my teenage years into my early 20's, but I worked hard at improving my interpersonal communication skills and completely got rid of any anxiety from doing so. Yeah it fucking sucked and I had panic attacks over stupid shit all the time but I never pussied out because I knew I had the will to be better than how I felt then.

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this shit isnt fixable fag

based deterministicposter.

For me, I get the same incredibly strong reaction to any social interaction, but I seem to be able to ignore and hide it flawlessly. I come across as this charismatic, witty person, but my hands are soaked in sweat and I'm dying the entire time. I hate I can hide it. I just want someone to tell me I'm broken so I can finally give up.

If that's your mentality just resign yourself to suicide. You'll be stuck in perpetual suffering forever if you don't have the desire to say fuck you to whats holding you back.

nah you're just a faggot and you give up
>me at 15
>can't answer phone, can't talk to anybody without sweating, can't talk to girls without physically shaking, can't work any part time job, can't visit friend's houses or go out anywhere
>me at 24
>work retail, none of these issues still exist
I brute forced my way through all the fear and discomfort until it went away

I bet you haven't even watched angels egg fag

i sympathize with you, OP. i used to be the same way, and I know someone who used to be the same way as well. both of us got better.
several people in the thread used to be the same as well. they got better.
i would like to ask you a simple question. would you even *want* to get better? or would you prefer telling yourself there's nothing you can do so you shouldn't even try? honest question. if you don't want to get get better than don't worry about it.
if you do though, anxiety is a mental state that clearly isn't always there. if you were to take anti anxiety meds, or beta blockers or something, you would still feel the uncomfortable feeling of being in a situation you don't like, but you wouldn't feel the anxiety at the very least. there are ways around it. if you actually desire to be rid of it, and haven't resigned yourself to never being rid of it so you won't have to expose yourself to the pain and uncertainty of change.

it is fixable, youre just too much a bitch to fix it

>Im at the extreme end of this definition, therefore, the extreme end of the definition is the ONLY definition and anyone else who says otherwise is wrong
You're a massive fucking faggot

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>It's another "I have the worst problems in the world and nobody understands" episode.
Most of us just choose to deal with our problems in order to improve our quality of life. If you want to admit defeat and resort to excuses and accusations to cope, good for you, but don't come here trying to act all "nobody understands me" when all of us ended up here because of variations of crippling issues. I could go on and on about parental abuse and how I was abandoned at my earliest age to simply fend for myself and that you, at least, have parents that care and should stfu, but does it remove anything from how you feel about YOUR problems? Who am I to tell you you have it better and try to manipulate you into lying to yourself about how you feel? I don't know how you feel and neither do you know how I feel, but we both suffer so drop the bullshit and facade, sit down and let's just all support eachothervin our collective struggle.

you are a very based user, I like you.

You're a pussy, that's your problem.

I can talk to cute cashiers in crowded stores just fine, I just don't know what to say in an actual conversation. I have no idea how to talk to a normal person, which is why when a normie tries to be friends with me, they're disgusted by my autism and go away. This is why I'm a loner. I'm not a pussy like you, I just have literally no idea how to talk to people. Have you ever done something you thought you could do with 100% certainty, but you've never done it before, and you do it without thinking about it and you make a really expensive mistake? Like doing stunts with your bicycle when you're 11? You think you can do it but you just fuck up so badly your bike gets broken and you break your arm? That's what socializing is for an autist like me, confidence isn't the problem, it's just I don't have the ability to do it.

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>>meanwhile when someone tries to sell me something on the street i get stress tears

I'm genuinely curious, user - what do you think that people are going to do to you. You have anxiety...but about what? What is the fear that is actually in your head when someone tries to sell you something on the street?

I just want to try to understand. I promise I won't try to talk you out of it or tell you that you shouldn't be afraid of it. I just want to know what "it" is.

>I get the same incredibly strong reaction to any social interaction, but I seem to be able to ignore and hide it flawlessly. I come across as this charismatic, witty person, but my hands are soaked in sweat and I'm dying the entire time.

That's what 90% (maybe more) of people are doing when they aren't engaged with their closest friends. Unless they're drunk.

I get intense social anxiety when I'm alone, usually after I had socialised in some degree during the day. In social situations I'm basically on auto-pilot and I usually say some cringey shit which makes me panic. On the face of it I've had a social life many would probably be moderately happy with especially as I've had sex but this social anxiety is really turning me into a fucked-up nutcase desu. This is not a fun position to be in, idc how many call me a normie you don't want my life

no, user, they clearly don't. People elect to raise their hands in class, interject during meetings, shop at stores for fun, and countless other things. It should be clear to you that everyone isn't terrified of basic human interactions.

Don't worry user, there are still real robots here on Jow Forums

Refer to . Gatekeeping a shitty thing isn't going to make said shitty thing better, faggot.

OP absolutely devastated. That's the problem with these newfags, they think they're special.

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My problem is I hate people and see no point in making friends or even acquaintances with them if they're a) nothing like me, b) don't interest me or c) have an outlook on life I don't agree with (positive) or a personality I hate (normalfags or straight up evil people). Obviously this doesn't leave a lot of people left.