Reverse raped

so I was with this girl she was pretty cool and we kinda just clicked we had hung out for quite a bit and I invited her to come over we watched anime in my barracks room and then started getting intimate well we ended up having unprotected sex and then I told her I wanted to stop because I was scared and didn't want to get her pregnant but she continued to ride me putting her hands on my chest and I ended up cumming inside her
please help I don't want a kid and I feel like I'm being trapped

Attached: violated.jpg (700x392, 18K)

I suggest you cut contacts with her.
Don't force her to take responsibility.

Don't let her force you to take responsibility*

Are you a manlet? Why couldn't you push her off?

No, this didn't happen you loser

problem is I'm in the military and I don't want her to take responsibility of an illegitimate child but also the fact that if she contacts my chain of command I can get in serious trouble I forgot to mention after she said she had to leave cause her mom was visiting I ended up giving her money for a plan B pill but I'm just like really scared of her not taking it

I'm 5 foot 11 inches and weigh 140 lbs and I'm not the strongest person and she was a lil bit thick

I can upload screen shots of our conversation we're having rn as I type this


Hell yeah

so when are you gonna start with the dad jokes?

please stop I'm highkey scared rn I have work in 6 hours and can't sleep

sending them to my computer rn

you takin' too long

was editing names out

Attached: without names.png (420x861, 189K)

and I forgot one I'm a fool her name was marlene

waste of time then lol

So a women trust me she take it. This is not her for time geting dick for a man like you.

I don't understand what you mean :/

huh...well...get them piss sticks and see what happens

She like being come In, she had take plan B befor. She someone would like have sex and being come in be men. She was all ready planing too take Plan B befor you give her the moany for it

I hope so I don't know what to expect

haha ur a dad now, enjoy

she used you to get some cummies in her.

yeah I know I feel violated asf

Attached: wakeup DP into abortion.png (587x397, 425K)

Noithig she might talk too you one more. For more sex then cool were a condom like you should have. There no reason she won't take it.

try not to lose any sleep over it, have positive thoughts like "baby begone". did she take a piss afterwards?
blew a load in my ex by accident once, and the piss stick results came back negative. coulda been weak sperm, she wasn't in her fertile cycle, or other factors I dunno. pray to have weak sperm man.

she's also leaving with her mom to cali

we do like the attention

I also masturbate like twice a day so hopefully I do and did

She could just want one like dick there befor ahe leaves

call president trump.

Attached: 45.jpg (773x768, 69K)


I appreciate the support I'm finally drunk and tired enough to get sleep I'll keep ya'll updated if ya'll are still interested I'll label them something remotely similar I just don't like being a name fag I like the anonymity

her name's Marlene? Hey I work for the army and I know her. Should I send her Dad this thread?

do whatcha gotta do. hope things work out for you


>Sends before OP answers if it's ok
Enjoy the (hopefully not) unnecessary drama

god i wish i were you

How did it feel to cum inside a girl?

still can't sleep but is terrible at bait plus I said I'm in the military but not the army so yeah