He's right wing because he believes it will save his race

>he's right wing because he believes it will save his race
>USA gets less white every year despite Trump being president
Is there anything more pathetic than alt righters?

Attached: saviors of the white race.jpg (1910x1000, 312K)

lol the fact that some of them arent actually white but are larping as white is even more pathetic

I don't get the anti-race-mixing thing on the alt-right. In fact, I actually find it kind of offensive, not from a PC perspective but because it implies that if I marry a woman who's not white I'm committing some kind of error. The whole concept of having a 'duty' to date or marry someone of the same race, or of a different race (as the SJWs would have it), is a ridiculous affront to the dignity of the individual human being.

Also there's no such thing as pure races, humans have been interbreeding for millennia, there are parts of Europe that have had Asian and Arab admixture since like ancient Rome. Also if your argument is that races are like breeds of dogs then what do you make of the argument that breeds of dogs wouldn't exist if it weren't for humans artificially enforcing breed standards.

The alt-right's entire worldview is based on fetishism of literal nothingness.

>donald john trump
>alt right
pick one, baitanon

I thought your revisionist argument was that the alt-right doesn't actually exist and is a term made up by the MSM

a good chunk of his braindead cultist followers are

Cringe. Jow Forums is a right wing image board. Get the FUCK out if you don't agree.

Back to T_Dipshit, faggot.

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how is being pro-immigration and being pro-free market an alt right position?
if they support him, then they support his policies. if they support his policies, then they're not alt right.

The people on the other side of the political spectrum

Yeah left wingers. Right wingers are a close second though.

were not your personal army faggot, kys

What would Trump even do about it though? The wall doesn't even matter because there are so many people in here already its far too late. Most things like the wall would do is slow it down a bit I guess.

Ever wonder why Trump looks and acts like a fucking clown? Its because he knows this world is a fucking joke and he is just having a laugh.

Trump is just a puppet to make right wing ideas more popular you fool. His victory despite the odds shows how strong the right is. What matters is what comes AFTER Trump.

no wonder robots cant get laid. they are left leaning closeted faggots

What an ugly consortium of troglodytes

White replacement in the US is a result of the flood of illegal latinos, only they are growing rapidly

>Donald Trump
>pro immigration

Fucking disingenuous faggot, he is slicing down legal visas and legal asylum approvals as well. I hope you die

>right wing means youre racist

Okay retard tranny

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>He's only pretending to be retarded

>This is what conservatives actually believe

t. nigger


He allowed thousands of latinos to settle down here
Source your claim

haha dummy. go back to eating your bowl of cheerios and drinking from your mom's tit, you fuckin baby

The white nationalist movement hasn't supported Trump since 2016, retard

This image is pol incarnate. Look at all those "white" people. Lmao oh I'm dying.

Left wingers. The reason you're so obsessed with calling the right pathetic is distract from the fact that left voters are the pathetic, poor, and stupid of this world.

>Stupid of this world

>>Jow Forums
you cockgobbler

Leftism does more for white demographics than conservatism, honestly. The more welfare you have, the more incentive you have to close the borders.

What exactly is the problem there?

>he thinks a grammar mistake was made

Lmao brainlet

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