I never do anything because nothing interests me or motivates me

I never do anything because nothing interests me or motivates me.
I'm 30 and haven't done anything in life yet, I'm still wondering what I wanna do when I grow up.

How do normies always know what to do? Where do they get the motivation and drive to get a job and passions in life?
I wouldn't even know how to pick a field, they're all boring and uninteresting.
How could anything interest anyone? If I'm being completely objective, nothing is interesting, and being interested in something is a form of psychosis, autism or delusion.

Attached: fumily-gay.png (491x453, 273K)

Good question. report back when you feel like you're closer to an answer.

Seems like you're disconnected from yourself.

I don't think they really know what to do, I think it's more that they chose a path and didn't give up on pursuing it. It's a lot harder for people like us to make decisions like that and not completely doubt ourselves every step of the way.

>It's a lot harder for people like us to make decisions like that and not completely doubt ourselves every step of the way.

I've tried everything from driving a truck to theoretical physics and when the novelty wears off I just quit.

move to a country you dont speak the language. youre welcome

What's up fellow chronic quitter?
I can identify with that. Every now and then I manage to subdue my true nature enough so that I can start a new path, but it never lasts. Eventually I end up right back where I started from. It feels like I'm not really meant to succeed.

in during "guess quitting is the only thing you're good at sticking with!"

I'm the same with females too. Back when I was young and still had something going on I never made any moves and feared commitment. Just wanked once over the idea of her and that was it. I was satisfied.

I figure I know how it feels to quit something, so why not see how it feels to not quit something?

Pick something stimulating enough with lots of potential directions to go in. Set a goal like "I'll make 100 of this thing" and then just do it and see what happens. You already know what not doing that looks like.

I'm actually currently trying this method.
But the problem is, I'm studying theoretical physics. Watched a bunch of science movies and thought hey this could be fun, haven't tried anything smart before.
Barely got in to uni. During the first year I realized that the amount of tedious work I'd have to put in was immense.
I still haven't quit because I'm trying the "no quit" method, but something's telling me forcing myself to become a physicist isn't easy. Guess I just wanted something rewarding after quitting trade school for like 5 times.

What trade were you in user? I tried it for a bit but it was just as soul crushing as academia.

I'm around the same age and I'm an overachiever. I have done a lot of things in my life, tons of hobbies, academic success, jobs, everything.
I still want to off myself every waking second. I should have just stayed comfy at home for the same result, at least it would have been less effort.

I mean there's also a difference between powering through a boring grinding period of something you like, and forcing yourself to do stuff that just makes you miserable for the sake of not quitting. But that's one of those "only you have the answer for yourself, man" type things.

Woodworking. Thought I wanted to create shit with my hands and not read books. Got bored of it, because it didn't offer me any mental challenge.
And now I'm reading books with nothing but numbers and weird symbols complaining it's too hard.
I'm all over the place.

I feel the same. Passions are just long-term dillusions.
A truly rational individual would refuse to do anything before he found a reason to it all.
Right now you're rolling the dice in a board game where no one has told you the rules and no one knows how to win.
People are all just killing time until it's over.

>A truly rational individual would refuse to do anything before he found a reason to it all.
Hence i'm 26 neet.

I hope you got at least some enjoyment out of it. I tried to do electrical, and got sent to construction sites to dig holes in the summer. I learned jack shit and quit with no real backup plan

>Right now you're rolling the dice in a board game where no one has told you the rules and no one knows how to win.

This is funny and true.

t. 30yo virgin NEET, haven't made any moves in life

That's probably normal tho. It's okay to try things and learn about yourself and move on. Every time you're getting closer to something that suits you.

There's got to be a place for people like that, who refuse to play the game. We should create some sort of commune for people that have given up on life

Better to be running around lost than not moving at all

Same problem im sort of putting in time to learn a language and to learn drawing but I just cant put the time in i cant seem to put 100% effort into this and end up wasting time with games or internet etc. Its like im missing something here and i dont know what.

Yeah but rolling the dice is more interesting than refusing to play imo. You're here anyways, might as well.

Probably true as Im not OP but in the same boat and feelin like im going fucking insane lately

Attached: IMG_20190514_000219.jpg (400x400, 46K)

You don't gotta put 100% effort in tho, that's too much pressure to put on yourself. However much you can do is enough.

>Its like im missing something here and i dont know what

The survival instinct.
It's been so long since the last war or famine. Life that you take for granted is a boring one.

Parachuting or mountain climbing is the answer.

You either fear so much you're willing to accept your previous life or you find a new life in adrenaline.

Funny thing is, this way of thinking is what brought us all to this point.
Well that and religion, which is basically "I strongly believe the goal of this game is to do x so lets all do that".

What do you mean by "this point"? Also quick reminder that people can just pursue things that interest them because they want to and it feels good, it's not always about 'playing the game' of power/money/fame/whatever. If your interest is leaving mysterious dick cravings in public parks that's cool

*Carvings. That was a vital typo

this is originally called depression

>this is originally called depression
that seems more of a apathy than depression

>More boys than girls have autism
>boys also have higher variability in IQ

we're evolving to handle having to process ridiculously specialized jobs

autistic neets who dont reproduce are the future

>humanity is doomed

Neanderthals separated from African humans because they were autistic. We are descendants of the African humans and we killed Neanderthals off.
Currently a new autist race separation is in process.
Every now and then humanity separates into autists and normies, ending in normies killing the autists off.

Dude you're 30 and you say "when I grow up". Get your fucking shit together. Get a haircut, take a shower and go apply for jobs. If you have social anxiety or whatever and you can't do that, yeah kill yourself

Fuck off normalfag. You have a million social media sites tailored just for your faggotry.

>Dude you're 30 and you say "when I grow up".

How low is your IQ, man? I said that in obvious irony, meaning that the part of my childhood where you wonder what you're gonna become is still ongoing for me.


>where no one has told you the rules and no one knows how to win.
Lol what? You know both of these things, what the fuck are you on about?

objectively, interest stems from necessity
also hio

>interest stems from necessity

A neet who is supported by his/her family or the government has no need for a career, that's why there's no interest.
Also note how I mentioned girls can be neets too. And they are. Mostly they're in a relationship since girls are more valuable than guys in the dating scene, but this doesn't make them any less neets

i am the same way op. a lot of people are just lame and boring. take refuge in menial repetitive tasks and physical work. it works for me.

the interest in this case is amusement, fulfillment, purpose, seeking, expression, action, specialization, it's underlying functions of the brain that are trying to practice themselves. more can be said

honestly seems like even when the supply is met, and demand is even discouraged, specialization of the brain is always rewarding to us, like exercise. it is purposeful

>take refuge in menial repetitive tasks and physical work.
it brings even more depression.

30 KHV here, I actually had chances at perfect girls when I was about 21-22. The older I got the less dates I got and now I'm almost down to zero dates per year and the girls are worse and worse. On Tinder I don't even get any matches from women under 30 which sucks ass. I had commitment issues when I was younger and it fucked up my future. I never realized back then that I should grab the first good girl I can get. When you're 21 you think you're young forever. At 30 you're not getting good girls anymore, at least I'm not.

>what I want to do when I grow up
>Grow up
>grow up
> T H I R T Y Y E A R S

I just want something I can enjoy. Something I genuinely can like and do until the end of time. A game, a hobby, anything. And yet it is like the world is not only not tailored to me, but is in opposition to me, to the point that finding my niche just results in an endless frustrating hunt. I have tried being creative but lack the talent and hit too many walls. I have tried appreciating the works of others and can only get annoyed with their flaws. If there isn't anything for you to enjoy in life, what purpose does living entail? It can't get better if that interest never comes along.

Sssssh... he's mommy's little boy.

Acumulate wealth. Materialism is the only logical objective in life.

I'm the same way. I've come to accept that some people simply aren't meant for life.

Yep 28 here. posting from my bedroom in my parents house. I spent 5 years getting a polisci degree, made no friends, no connections, and then just moved back home working overnight stocking jobs. i alienated myself from all my friends over the course of the past 3 years. i just came back from 6 months in thailand and im probably gonna just go back. America doesn't make sense anymore. its also really mentally tiresome to feel like you're left out of society completely. the only thing you can do to kill time is go swing on a swingset alone, walk through neighborhoods that you're too poor to be able to live in, see everyone engaged in society while youre a perpetual outsider

im actually thanking god i came here today and read this instead of killing myself. i just needed to hear it.

You mean society. Life isn't society. Life still happens even when you are alone. What life is really about, to me, are those comfy periods of solitude when you can do whatever you feel like. Jacking off, drinking, playing video games... that's what I was born to do.

No need to thank me mate, just keep on living and spending time. Dying is pointless when you realize how short 80 years of life really is.