If you prefer dogs to cats youre a fucking normie and need to leave r9k

If you prefer dogs to cats youre a fucking normie and need to leave r9k

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STFU dogs are way better.

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I have killed one cat and i didnt feel anything, i fucking hate cats every time i see one i throw them rocks or kick them

I like cats too but dogs are the patrician pet. In fact they are better for robots because dogs love you unconditionally so for a robot, a dog might be your only possible source of love since you have no friends or a gf. Cats are more like your roommate.

Desert Tarantulas are the superior pet. They only need to eat and drink once or every two months.

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This. They don't call them man's best friend for nothing. Plenty of normies obsess over cats too. I like cats but cat people are plain weird.

Cats are the jews of the animal world.

Cats are for normies that try to be different and call other people normies.
Cat owners should honestly die desu

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both have amazing coats and cocks user. don't see why you can't love both

I wnat to kill you

If you don't get TOPPED you are a normie

I bet you are a fag that takes dog penis

I love my cat but sometimes he is a fucking nigger.

are you implying that r9k isn't a forum for normies?

>love needs to be sex based
Do you also think your family doesn't love you because you don't fuck them?

Shut the fuck up OP I have two cats and a dog and I would take the dog over the cats any day

I wonder why facebook and reddit and youtube are all about the cats

*mauls your child*

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Cats are basically a gf you can't fuck, that's lame as shit. Dogs love you even when you're mean to them. I've only ever hit a dog once and that was because I told her to stay and instead she ran like crazy inside and broke my mom's laptop.

Still, I just gave her some food and lots of pets, took her to the vet to see if she was hurt (I was in HS at the time so I told my mom it looked like she was limping) and we remained the best of friends until her untimely death when my mom was walking her and she ran into the street.

Good luck getting a cat to love you that much. It's one thing if it was a human being, but I'm not gonna take care of an animal so it can not acknowledge my existence.

Cats are empty, soulless creatures that use you for food and shelter. They only share affection when it suits their needs.

Dogs are completely loyal, has nothing but love for its master, and can actually learn useful skills unlike like dumb stupid ugly cats fuck you

We have two cats at home, my dog died last year. I would sacrifice both cats to revive my dog.

fuck this selfish bitch cats

Congrats you're a psychopath

I prefer cats but i have a female labrador dog because my sister wanted one

I actually grew to love my dog even tho i'm not a dog person, also dogs actually bite

Maybe i'll post a picture of her...

Here's a picture of her now

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Chad Thunderknot VS the Barbed Virgin.

Cats are only good for internet pictures and Shane Dawson memes, dogs are superior in every other way

>if you prefer dogs to cats
>not the superior third option
My pets give me delicious breakfast in addition to being cuddly and adorable.

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That's her now

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>Posts best pet but starts talking about gay ass spiders for some reason