
Yeah pretty much

I'd be genuinely impressed if you managed to get all 283 tripcodes banned, then again I'd just mine for more.

Oh, yes please.

Attached: 1527186436673.png (160x160, 22K)

Here's something different, two identical tripcodes with a slightly different string :-
!FIXANIME/c #L$C^do^Jvi (4C 24 43 5E 64 6F 5E 4A 76 69)
!FIXANIME/c #L$C^do^JB) (4C 24 43 5E 64 6F 5E 4A 42 29)
IIRC, I have some other similar cases but I don't remember what they were and I can't be bothered.

Make me a big gae trip. I'll never use it but I may want it 5-6 years from now.

Attached: Yuno-Gasai-yukikohaibara-37028604-1280-720.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

"biggae"? or something like "Big.Gay"?

Thanks! You sent me 2 Flan ones with the same hash before.


I've just mined a terrific 10 character tripcode but I really don't want some individuals to find out about it, are there any nineball staff currently up?
!Big.GaevU6 #]_)H2)K(-L (5D 5F 29 48 32 29 4B 28 2D 4C)

tripfags are gay lul
fuck i love being a Hippocratic and not having any convictions to commit to