What's the least painful most effective method to commit not alive? Done with life, I'm 28, bunch of debt, nothing to show for said debt, gf dumped me and left the country, and a drug addict.
Exit bag?
I can't get a gun, nofun country.
What's the least painful most effective method to commit not alive? Done with life, I'm 28, bunch of debt, nothing to show for said debt, gf dumped me and left the country, and a drug addict.
Exit bag?
I can't get a gun, nofun country.
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If your two main criteria is that it is painless and effective (no chance of failure), then jumping from a really high place with a hard landing is what you are looking for. If you live in North America, I suggest going here: en.wikipedia.org
If you live in Europe, I suggest going here: en.wikipedia.org
At either location, it is a 250+ meter drop with a rocky landing. You will die immediately, painlessly, and with a 100% certainty of death.
The only downsides are that you have to travel there, which will cost you a plane ticket, and you have to wait roughly 24h to get there (getting to the airport, flying, getting to that location after arriving).
Will a 13 story flat suffice if I dive?
The probability will be really high of success even if you do not dive, and if you land head first it will be extremely high.
But survival instinct might kick in mid-fall, and you might land in a way conducive to survival. The chance will be low, but it will be there.
With a 250+ meter fall and a rocky landing, the chance of failure will not be there no matter how you land.
So the choice is yours. I would not risk the possibility of failure if I could avoid it, but to each their own. A plane ticket is only ~$100-$200 dollars at most, and 24 hours at most is not that much of a wait.
I wish you all the best, no matter what you choose.
Thanks, I'll bookmark the wiki entry to Preikestolen.
Exit bags , and their variants, are popular in my area.
Supposedly, it's a quick & painless way to off yourself.
Quit drugs user. You can do it. I did, I promise you can
Uhhhhhh this right here OP
If you kill yourself, they win.
are you really goin to do it?
Shotgun to head was rated #1 on best methods. But DON'T. Do you need to talk?
Does this work with any general inert gas like nitrogen or argon too?
I heard they over dosing in heroin is like drowning but it doesn't hurt.
Bitch dont act like you care. If you really cared yould kill him yourself.
Build a guillotine, make sure its sharp, high and heavy. You will both go out quick and easy and be considered a mad lad.
>inb4 someone posts "you'll never understand my pain" greentext
>You will both go out quick and easy
Od on heroin is not like drowning.
its like suddenly falling asleep with no way to fight it. youll pass out then die in your sleep.
ive od before.
You should use nitrogen. Da jooz have started to dilute helium with oxygen.
no, do not ever try to an hero by jumping from a high place, search for the interview with the guy who jumped from the golden bridge and survived, you don't wanna go through that, better chose a method with almost 100% probabilty even if you have to suffer some aditional pain
What if I'm too autistic to find a dealer? Would drinking myself to death be similar?
you can't 'drink yourself to death' silly user, you will probably blackout before you go into a coma, and the only way you can die from a blackout is choking to death with your own vomit and that will be pretty hard to do