During my overlay in frankfurt saw this sticker on the hand dryers.
Why the fuck would somebody stick their dick into a dryer?
Could anybody with more knowledge in other cultures explain this shit to me? Which shitskin is to blame for this type of behavior?
Why do foreigners put their dicks in hand dryers
pic related dick looks circumcised so I think its muslims
Never have seen this, maybe its just a prank bro
Guess they wanted shit blown all over their dicks and didn't want to do it the fun way.
>be mudshit nigger
>most technologically advanced device you've seen in your life is the time you've used to make a bomb
>bullshit your way in yurup
.oh shit these westerners are living like kings, they have mechanicals goats hanging off the wall
To dry their dicks.
Sexbots are the future! No matter how much they print it on them, robots can’t say no. They have no rights to declare rape! I will stick my dick in this machine
occam's razor.
Those hand dryers are to dry the water from your hands after you washed them. Nobody wants to enter the bathroom smelling someones vaporised urin or seeing people waving their dicks in the wind. Some "people" have no concept of self awareness so they need instructions on how to behave in public or in general, signs are a simply but effective method.
Don't even start on how the foreigners try to use the three seashells.
1985.... a teen from America steps off an airplane into the Frankfort airport... I’m sporting Op T-shirt, Miami vice crockett jacket, vans, and some vuarnet glasses... first thing, at the end of the arrival hall is a G I G A N T I C display case full of dildos... Wtf... so much for first impressions of the homeland
Feels good man.
Frankfurt and Berlin are lost cities... and Cologne, Munich, Hamburg.... *tears up*
Ik bin ein Berliner
Halt durch Junge, AfD has more support here than the FDP
Do you want hand dryers getting pregnant and making lots of little baby hand dryers that are a further burden on society?
The muslims bombed the airport a week before I got there... that was interesting to see... bomb was so strong it stretched the steel pipes the seats were attached too... it looked like modern art
Dildos and angry Muslims...
Can you imagine someone putting stickers like that on ladies room doors?
Wtf is the three seashells?
..god I’m old...
Do not insert femis in this appliance!
He doesn't know about the three seashells.
Yeah, I'm old too.
The hand driers aren't even hygienic, paper towels contain the bacteria and fecal matter while the driers blow them all over the fucking room.
I still have never seen no three seashells before.
Fun fact. Wesley Snipes in that movie will look like prince Harry's kid.
put a "no baby" sign too
I've been to each of them city's and was kind of sad to see them overrun with Africans, middle eastern people and junkies. Germany was very different to what I expected.
not even boomers
I fought in WW1, what of it??
Wtf is this thread... I’m leaving. Who the fuck would ever invent something like that? Let alone use it.. I doubt you’re even boomers, GI generation at least you old fucks. This is disgusting. I don’t even believe this
This is a fun fact.
I wonder how much of a post apocalyptic dystopipia the UK will be when he's born.
He could be the King who saves us all.
Did you ride a motorbike and shoot two Germans?
I don’t believe that is a real thing
>American education
No I spent the war trying to use these three seashells
You must have had the cleanest bowels in all of WW1
Hahaha yeah, sorry I skipped class in high school too much. Must have missed the lesson on the three seashells
Demolition Man a movie with stallone and that other chick. Stallone gets frozen to the future and they make fun of him for wiping his ass.
Lmao. Fukken noob.
can you go back you cancerous nignog
>Why the fuck would somebody stick their dick into a dryer?
I'll have to admit this is the first thing I thought when I first used it. Obviously though, I didn't go through with the deed.
Fun ruiner
Bet he works for the fun police.
kek, imagine not knowing the 3 seashells, do us all a favor and kys.
is that a demolition man reference?
This is needed at German pools. Also signs saying not to shit in the jacuzzi
Yeah, but the driers allow them to virtue signal how "green" they are, and are cheaper
It's a joke from a movie.
I had to mangle the URL because of the spam detector.
Give potassium.
>big metal box above dick level
>hey i know it must be for my dick
Fucking noob
Same. I wouldn't do it in a public restroom, but I still thought about it nonetheless. If I owned one myself I'd probably stick my dick in it regularly. Why the hell not?
Still the most fun adaption of Brave New World.
>box above dick level
kek, it's a manlet, I also have a big dick, so I guess you're also a dicklet.
I found out it was because I was mentioning leddit on here. You sure showed me :^)
>he doesn't wash his dick after taking a piss
I bet you don't wash your hands either.
Because islam m8
Yeah, every true red blooded man wants to put his dick in everything, it' just natural.
Hand dryers are, in my experience, about four and a half feet up, so as to be slightly above your hands when they're bent at the elbow
If I'm a manlet for having a dick-level of about 3 feet as opposed to 4.5, almost everyone is also a manlet
This is how we Swear.
FDP stands for Filho da Puta (Son of a whore)
Those hand dryers in OP's pic are always low, you have to put your hands down into them, it is impossible to have them high, as your wrists cannot bend that much.
you are a muzzie too, borat
You idiots. It looks like a urinal to somebody that hasn't used a hand dryer before.
The elitism in some of you is insane.
Ah, I see
Disregard everything I said, I'm retarded
Please... those people shit and piss on the floor
>muh dyk
Kys cunt
Why has no one invented “air blade” sex toys. This onvs feels like a tight ass.
And amerimutts.