Does "fren" actually mean: far-right ethno nationalist?

Does "fren" actually mean: far-right ethno nationalist?

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No. It's encryption for niggers to signal to each other when they're coordinating psyops against white people

You shouldn't be saying words like that, even if we are on the internet.

This isn't very respectful.

>respecting niggers who are actively trying to steal my future from me

Maybe... who gives a fuck?

Yes, yes it does fren.
We're all frens in r9k.
Except the trannies and the fags, they aren't frens.

where did you learn that from, Buzzfeed?

i hate it when this happens
i'm just trying to be cute and now everyone thinks i'm a nazi

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>This isn't very respectful.
Respect is earned. It's not an entitlement.

Ooph shit I'm a Nazi?
Not again dammit,!!!!

i still refuse to see pic related as a nazi symbol. it's just a cute apu. polacks ruin everything for no reason.

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I still can't believe some media outlets unironically refer to the "ok" sign as a "white supremacist hand symbol".

And people get in trouble for it.
I fucking love it, it's the cherry on top of the clownworld cake.

Pol just purposely takes popular things and tries to hijack them with racist stuff. It's actually cultural appropriation

>like adding cherry flavor to children medicine

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I got banned for using the word fren in a subreddit. Its scary they think memes are only alt right propaganda.

How u doing today frens

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Your fault for not only using Reddit, but for using 4Ch lingo outside 4Ch. People like you are the reason we can't call each other frens, not-fren.

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Yes it does, fren.

Okay if you are actually confused I feel one of us owes you this, it means friend

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>it means friend
stopy lying retard.

It's an alt-right incel slang that stands for Fuck Rabis, Emirs and Niggers

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>alt-right incel slang
based and frenpilled