Rejected by Shadman
People hate him because his art can be very bad ,low effort and disturbing at times (also the shadman meme) but some of his drawings are descent fap material
Literally who and literally where? At first glance this seems like FunnyJunk.
It's kind of complicated, it's a joke that's entangled with reality. His art style is quite """unique""" and his depictions are somewhat "less than savoury".
The man can draw though, he just isn't putting his skills to good use. He's also fucking ripped.
he shows a faulty perception of depth especially when he draws asses
This is now a Rare Flags thread.
t. shadman
It is Funnyjunk
Here's the thread, the fetishist is (supposedly) participating in the thread and giving their own commentary.
very new
> shadman